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Text Chapter 66 Assassination on a Rainy Night (2)

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    Luck takes part, and strength also takes part.

    And now

    The man in black showed a silent smile, except for his exposed eyes, which revealed faint excitement.

    Soon, all the good things the other party got were his!

    Like a ghost, the man in black ran almost silently, and approached Tang Jiumin, who was still testing his surroundings like a blind man crossing a river.

    It's near.

    Originally at a distance of about two meters, the man in black circled directly behind Tang Jiumin from the side of Tang Jiumin.

    He used the best skill he had ever had when he was a thief. Because he would be caught stealing things on the road, he had practiced a skill hard.

    The technique of running almost silently.

    Another backstab!

    Tang Jiumin failed to escape the meticulous sneak attack of the man in black and was hit in the back, but fortunately the dagger did not penetrate deep, so Tang Jiumin moved forward in time to dodge.

    Otherwise, the blow was aimed at Tang Jiumin's chest. If the dagger penetrated completely, it would pierce Tang Jiumin's heart from behind.

    Tang Jiumin fled forward, and then simply ran straight into the alley. He entered the alley from there, and he could also go out from behind.

    It is a last resort.

    In the fog-shrouded area, Tang Jiumin was completely suppressed by the man in black. Even if he held the debt collector's tomahawk, which he had previously fought against the orcs, it was completely useless in such an environment.

    For a while, in the misty space, Tang Jiumin only heard the sound of himself running fast.

    The rain gradually increased.

    The drizzle just now turned into pea-sized raindrops, falling on Tang Jiumin.

    Moreover, there was a wind blowing all around, and a strong wind blew from directly in front of Tang Jiumin.


    Thunder bursts.

    The prelude to the storm.

    The alley next to the hotel is not long, about twenty meters long.

    After Tang Jiumin changed direction and made a U-turn, not long after, he was attacked by the man in black again.

    There is no suspense.

    Tang Jiumin still couldn't escape the attack of the man in black, and another scar was added to his right arm.

    Several attacks were successful, but now the man in black has begun to feel restless.

    This guy is like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. In the foggy home field he owns, he is still going strong after half a day. The man in black is getting more and more impatient.

    It seems that he can take advantage of every shot, but there is no real fatal injury.

    He wanted to get rid of Tang Jiumin as soon as possible, and then take advantage of this dark and windy time to find the second unlucky ghost.

    Can't waste any more time.

    The man in black acted again. He rushed to Tang Jiumin and swung the dagger in his hand.

    For this blow, I used a lot of strength!  The man in black wants to kill with one hit!


    The sharp sound piercing the eardrum.

    The man in black muttered something in a low voice in shock, vaguely.

    It was a rare occasion for his dagger to be intercepted in the mist, and it was intercepted very accurately.

    When the man in black was shocked, he saw Tang Jiumin suddenly smile.

    Tang Jiumin slammed hard, and vigorously threw the man in black in front of him with his dagger!

    Although Tang Jiumin saw the man in black being "thrown" out by himself, but because the small alley was filled with fog, he soon lost sight of where the man in black was.


    It's really too much trouble.

    Tang Jiumin immediately continued to run out of the alley, but this time, only a few steps away, Tang Jiumin "slammed on the brakes" again.

    He raised the debt collector's tomahawk in his hand, turned around and swung it back.

    The man in black narrowly avoided the oncoming tomahawk, but Tang Jiumin seemed to know the location of the man in black, swinging the debt collector's tomahawk, and the attack speed became faster and faster.

    The man in black had no other choice but to retreat again and again.

    what happened?

    Why is it that the guy who couldn't even catch his shadow just now can see his location through layers of fog?

    For a while, the man in black couldn't figure out the key point.

    It was rare for Tang Jiumin to push back the man in black hiding in the mist, and he continued to leave in the intended direction.

    The goal is to run out of the alley and avoid the maze.??.

    Tang Jiumin was grateful for the torrential rain. If the torrential rain hadn't made the road accumulate water, he wouldn't have heard the enemy's splashing footsteps.

    It has nothing to do with field of view.

    In the fog, the invisible, still can't see anything.

    rush over!

    Tang Jiumin seized the best opportunity and finally rushed out of the alley after forcing the man in black back.

    Also rushed out of the foggy area.

    The sky is thundering and lightning.

    Under the thunder and lightning, at this moment, Tang Jiumin saw two identical men in black, holding daggers and stabbing him in the head.

    Tang Jiumin's pupils constricted, and he wanted to back subconsciously, but he realized that behind him was the foggy area created by the man in black.

    He gritted his teeth fiercely and rolled on the spot, narrowly dodging the attacks of the two men in black, and rolled out of the alley in a dirty body, onto the wider street outside.


    Tang Jiumin had many wounds all over his body. After being tossed so hard by him, the dirty water stained the wounds, which made him gasp.

    This is the body's instinctive stress response.

    Tang Jiumin staggered to his feet, grinning in pain.

    It was like the pain of a wound soaked in sewage, and there were many wounds on his body, and many wounds stimulated his nerves.

    He finally broke through the blockade of the fog, but the crisis is still not resolved at this moment.

    Two identical men in black.


    Tang Jiumin looked ahead, there were three men in black, three identical men in black.

    Always in the dark, Tang Jiumin escaped the guards and the rebel organization, but he couldn't escape the calculations of fellow players.

    However, facing such a situation, Tang Jiumin's mind turned rapidly.

    Tang Jiumin has always been proud of his excellent observation skills. Now he found that the three men in black who were facing him looked exactly the same, if not too much alike.

    Even the raindrops that fall from the eyebrows are the same.

    Obviously, the three men in black are actually just one man in black.  As for why there are three identical guys, I am afraid it has something to do with each other's power skills.

    Relevant speculations flashed through Tang Jiumin's mind, and at this moment, three men in black suddenly rushed towards Tang Jiumin, and stabbed at Tang Jiumin with three daggers shining with cold light.

    Three men in black.

    Three different directions.

    One ran to Tang Jiumin's back, one ran to Tang Jiumin's side, and the other rushed up directly from Tang Jiumin's front.

    At this time, where Tang Jiumin was, there was a wall on the side where there was no man in black.

    There is no way to avoid it.

    Tang Jiumin could only choose to deal with it, but he had to dodge the dagger to ensure his safety.

    Here comes the problem.

    Tang Jiumin guessed that two of the men in black are fake and one is real. He can choose two directions to avoid the attack of the men in black, but if he chooses wrong ?
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