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Chapter 387 Art Teacher

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    Yuan Ting, one of the first batch of externally hired teachers in the Experimental Middle School invested and constructed by the Pingxiang County Government in the 19th District.

    Acting as an art teacher in the school is similar to Li Quanyi's music teacher, and is responsible for the students' weekly art courses.  However, for the students who entered the school early, Teacher Yuan Ting is a nightmare existence, and her torture methods will leave indelible trauma in the hearts of the students.

    In the art class, Yuan Ting likes to use herself as a mannequin and let the students paint themselves from various angles.

    Unless there are a small number of students who have had painting skills since childhood, it is difficult to pass the review of the art teacher.

    Once the painting fails to meet the target, the students will be called to the office by Yuan Ting during the break time, and she will personally guide the students to paint However, this process is very painful.

    Painting is not homework. If you want to complete a high-quality painting, you can't just copy the correct answers. Even copying requires long-term practice.

    ? Teacher Yuan Ting attributed the lack of drawing ability of the students to the fact that their fingers were not flexible enough to express perfectly on the picture scroll by cooperating with their fingers according to what the eyes saw.

    Therefore, Teacher Yuan Ting created a special kind of 'torture'.

    A student who fails to meet the standard in painting once will have a finger cut off.  Then, Teacher Yuan Ting spit out a twisted finger from her mouth to connect it to the students.  The twisted fingers are self-aware and help students quickly improve their drawing skills.

    In daily life, the fingers will do some heinous things without listening to the students.

    This kind of torture was later named "abnormal finger" by the school.

    For example, during sleep, the fingers will not move to scratch the student's skin and tear the student's flesh.  The most serious ones even poked the students' eyeballs inadvertently.

    Of course, one finger is not bad, students only need to use iron nails to fix the finger every time they sleep to solve the problem.

    However, with just one finger change, some students still cannot meet the standard in painting, and the result will lead to more fingers being replaced.

    During teacher Yuan Ting's professional teaching, all ten fingers of a small number of students were replaced, so that they could not control themselves at all.

    Even if the fingers are bitten off with teeth, new fingers will grow out in a few seconds and become more aggressive.

    Uncontrollable fingers disrupt classroom discipline and are tortured by other teachers.  At night, I couldn't sleep even more, and my whole body was made out of shape by fingers.

    Most of the students whose fingers were replaced tended to have a nervous breakdown and commit suicide within a few months.

    As a result, the suicide rate in schools at that time reached an unprecedented peak.  Looking at such a suicide rate, the Office of Academic Affairs had to issue a policy requiring that the torture of "abnormal fingers" should not allow more than five fingers, in order to reduce the suicide rate.

    This incident aroused the dissatisfaction of "Finger Girl" Yuan Ting.

    However, Yuan Ting was dismissed from the teaching position not all because of the "abnormal finger" problem, but because the school did not pay much attention to art classes, and only held art classes once a week.

    Yuan Ting reported this matter to the Academic Affairs Office several times, but the final result was not satisfactory.

    At the same time, because of the "abnormal fingers", many students disturbed the classroom order in other teachers' classes because of their uncontrollable fingers, and even failed to complete their homework. Many teachers approached Yuan Ting to express their dissatisfaction, and even complained to the Academic Affairs Office.

    In the end, the conflict broke out one day. Teacher Yuan Ting had a physical conflict with two teachers who had intensified the conflict in the "teaching area", killing the former Chinese teacher and seriously injuring the political teacher.

    Killing among teachers is absolutely prohibited, so Yuan Ting was announced by the Office of Academic Affairs to remove her teacher qualifications.

    Unexpectedly, Yuan Ting, who got the news, was even more angry, thinking that the Academic Affairs Office was targeting her specially. After lurking in the school for a year, Yuan Ting went to the Academic Affairs Office alone and had a direct conflict with the school's senior management.

    The end of doing this is naturally a dead end Teacher Yuan Ting has never appeared in the school since then.


    In the huge castle of the head teacher.

    When Tu Tianchong talked about the topic of the removal of Yuan Ting's teacher qualifications by the Academic Affairs Office, it seemed to touch the "finger girl" Yuan Ting's backlash.

    Suddenly, a finger shot out from teacher Yuan Ting's mouth, and Tu Tianchong used his palm as a knife to chop off the flying finger.

    Unexpectedly, the broken finger did not land on the ground, but continued to fly, touched Tu Tianchong's arm and immediately invaded the skin.

    For a while, Tu Tianchong's skinA large number of foreign objects squirmed, and a large number of fingers scratched the skin with their nails and grew out, constantly scratching and tearing Tu Tianchong's flesh, making his right arm bloody.

    "It's really amazing."

    The strong death aura was aroused, and the death aura wrapped around the right arm, and the abnormal fingers growing on the arm immediately decayed and annihilated.

    "Ahem this time I'm not here to start a war with you, I hope you don't mention anything about the Academic Affairs Office to me again. When I come this time, I will send you a letter from Teacher Guan. For your arrival, Teacher Guan spent  Several months of painstaking efforts have produced this large-scale castle game venue."

    Teacher Yuan Ting handed out a black letter to her chest with both hands.

    Yu Jing immediately split a large number of plant vines to get them, but Teacher Yuan Ting held on to the letter tightly and did not intend to let go.

    "Students nowadays really don't know how to respect teachers more and more. Come and get it yourself."

    Yuan Ting's words provoked Yu Jing's bottom line, and the black hair on Yu Jing's head was growing slowly, and was about to enter a fusion state.

    "Help me hold it!"

    Suddenly, Zhang Qing threw the huge coffin containing Yu Qiao to Yu Jing, interrupting Yu Jing's integration.

    Zhang Qing personally stepped forward and took the letter which was held in Teacher Yuan Ting's hand.

    Zhang Qing, with a green face and fangs, entered the school at a later stage, and the two teachers had never met each other.

    "You are a new teacher, I have never seen you before. Teacher Guan Li asked me to give this letter to Yu Jing, and asked him to come in person"

    Unexpectedly, Yuan Ting's words were not over yet, Zhang Qing pulled his right arm back, and his momentum sank.


    A punch hit Yuan Ting head-on.

    Although Yuan Ting had already reacted in the first time, with a large number of fingers growing on her face to prepare for defense, the power of the punch suppressed everything.

    Thousands of fingers flew out along with the broken blood, and Yuan Ting's head and body were directly blasted apart, only the two arms holding the envelope were left in Zhang Qing's hands.

    Holding the arm of the envelope, Zhang Qing threw it directly to Yu Jing.

    A large number of fingers shattered in the passage continued to gather together, forming Yuan Ting's head, and looked at Zhang Qing viciously and fearfully.

    "You're all going to die here, nasty zombies."

    Teacher Yuan Ting crawled quickly and disappeared into the shadow of the passage.  (Remember the site URL:
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