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Chapter 683 Mr. Lingmu

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    "There is someone here! Fang He, can you catch the opponent's position?"

    When Fang He sensed the plants along the maze just now, Fang He must have successfully locked on to another person who controlled the plants at the source, "Well! Can I come out? I don't have a good sense of direction in my body."

    "Come out."

    Unlike Shen Yixuan's appearance, a special green seed fell from Yu Jing's palm to the ground.  Immediately after the seeds germinated and blossomed, a simple and elegant young woman wrapped in green leaves slowly stood up.

    As before, Fang He still wears round glasses and holds a book he likes to read in his hand.

    "The 'secretist' mentioned by the steward just now is very likely to be a plant-type supernatural being or a ghost. Fang He, you are still in the "nascent stage". Maybe you can use this to make you grow But this film  There are also dangers hidden in the maze, you guide me carefully.  "


    Holding hands, Fang He and Yu Jing moved forward in the maze through Fang He's absolute sense of plants, completely avoiding all dead ends. Whenever the road ahead changes, Fang He can feel it immediately and change the route.

    "Is it getting dark?"

    As the two continued to move towards the depths of the maze of secret words, the sky in the daytime gradually became dark and gloomy, and the whispers in the woods became more and more intense, until the two passed through a long passage and came together  Arriving at the center of the maze, the whispers all died away.

    "Master, the source of induction is below what kind of tree is this?"

    In the center, there is a spiral stone staircase extending downwards. At a depth of about ten meters, there is an old locust tree that is about to die.

    Put on the plant retina to see thousands of soul groups around the locust tree.

    "There are so many souls, it seems that the old housekeeper is not lying. They are all infected people who got lost in the maze and died. Their souls are drawn by this locust tree, and they cannot leave forever Come on, let's go down and have a look."

    Yu Jing took Fang He's small hand and walked along the wet stone steps to the lowest point. Although the old pagoda tree in front of him looked like it was dying on the surface, in fact, the roots running through the ground were extra strong, maintaining the entire secret language labyrinth.  .

    "You are the first outsiders who can come here without a guide light Is there another one of your kind?"

    A man's face was reflected from the old locust tree, followed by a tall, thin man with dark green hair and one head taller than Yu Jing, who separated from the tree trunk and walked out.  Holding an ebony cane, I don't know how to judge the appearance of this person.

    The thin and tall man looked to be in his thirties and belonged to the more handsome category.

    As soon as he showed up, he moved his face closer to Fang He, who belonged to the same kind, and sniffed the unique fragrance of Fang He.

    "Although it is still in its infancy, its quality is higher than mine I wonder if using you as nourishment will improve my comprehensive potential?"

    When the tall and thin man stretched out his root-like fingers to touch Fang He's delicate face, he said, 'Snap!  ¡¯ This person¡¯s arm was directly grabbed by Yu Jing.

    "Don't touch your hands."

    Yu Jing grabbed the tall and thin man's arm, first to prevent him from contacting Fang He, and second to see how impatient this man is.

    "Grade B a perfect ghost? And there is a strong soul energy in the body."

    "I have never seen the plant in your body, and it is mixed with a strong heresy energy."

    At the moment of contact, the two parties have insight into each other's situation.

    The tall and thin man looked even more surprised.  After all, the plant in Yu Jing's right arm does not belong to the earth, but some unknown alien implant, let alone the chaotic energy of the old world.  In terms of plant attributes, even a thin and tall man with a shade-like locust tree physique mixed with a soul can hardly compete with the plants in Yu Jing's body.

    "Fang He, come back for now."

    Considering the huge difference in realm, in order to prevent Fang He from being influenced by this person, Yu Jing immediately recalled him to his body with a wave of his hand.

    "Students of Dihua University"

    The ability to make "ghost beads" and possess the ability to control ghosts is unique to Dihua University, and Yu Jing's age seems to be quite suitable.

    "Are you the 'mystic' who designed this maze?"

    "'Mystic' who gave me such an ugly name, the maze was indeed designed by me, you can call me 'Mr.  The infection of the plague can absorb so many souls at the same time."

    "Mr. Lance!?" Yu Jing heard a crucial message."You came to Mr. Lance's mansion, but you don't know Mr. Lance's name? That's right, Mr. He has been killed by evil people, and the information about Mr. in the mansion should be completely erased."

    "Mr. Lance is the owner of this mansion." In this way, Yu Jing's deduction can be directly confirmed. The Mr. Lingmu in front of him said, "What does it mean to be murdered? Can you please explain it to me in detail?"

    "Mr. Lance was killed and dismembered by four guys in the center of the restricted zone. The incident happened in the front yard of the mansion. I saw it with my own eyes. Because the other party was too strong and carried deadly germs in his body, I was always  Didn't show up After killing Mr. Lance, one of them was extremely perceptive, and I continued to hide without watching the dismemberment process.

    Although there is still the smell of Mr. Lance's blood in the mansion, I have not been able to find Mr. Lance in the past few decades.  "

    When talking about this matter, the man in front of him seemed a little guilty.

    Yu Jing thought with some doubts in his heart: "The 'Blood Demon' was killed and dismembered? What happened? Could it be that the [Blood Demon's Finger] I got was also dismembered by these people and randomly thrown on the middle floor  ?"

    "Mr. Lance has been kind to me, but I was still a c-level back then, but I didn't dare to come forward to help him Can you help me?"

    "What help?"

    "I can feel that Mr. Lance is still in the mansion area, can you help me find him?"

    "What's the price?"

    "As long as you can help me find Mr. Lance, I am willing to give this thing to you. It should be of great help to the newborn ghost in your body."

    Mr. Lingmu beckoned, a main branch of the locust tree above his head hung down, and a fruit mixed with strong soul power grew at the end of the branch.  Such fruits can strengthen Fang He's soul, lay a solid foundation, and make the later growth more stable.

    "Well, but when I need your help at that time, you must also manipulate this maze to assist me If my guess is correct, the four people who killed Mr. Lance back then may have returned to the world because of my arrival.  here."

    "Really? I will definitely help." (Remember the website URL:
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