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Text Chapter 105: General Election of the Colonel Camp

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    Originally, Pei Yuanying really planned to go to the Huayue Building to pick up the two generals, and also planned to go to the Eight Immortals' Residence to eat the special roast suckling pig at noon, but nothing happened yet, and the school captain hurried to report.  There was a dispute in the camp over the election of a centurion, and now the camp is in chaos, and it is up to him to uphold justice.

    Hearing the news, Pei Yuanying felt agitated. Originally, all these matters had been arranged properly, and all matters in the camp were left to the captain surnamed Ma to decide.  It sounded like a word, but Pei Yuanying rushed to the Xiaowei camp without saying a word, and forgot the two people in Huayuelou for a while. By the time Guanshi Wang came to Tong Bing and he set off to meet the two generals, Pei Yuanying was already out of the mansion.

    As soon as he entered the camp, he saw two camps facing each other, pointing at each other and scolding each other. Ma Qian stood in the middle and had a headache. Several disobedient soldiers had already been hung on the flagpole of the command platform, but the chaos continued  In desperation, he had no choice but to ask Pei Yuanying to come to the town in person. After seeing Pei Yuanying coming, Mr. Ma Qian rushed forward to greet him in three steps at a time.

    "Lieutenant Pei, you've come, if you don't come to the captain's camp, you will be fried." Mr. Ma Qian said anxiously.

    "Don't worry, let me hear what happened. Aren't you going to run for the centurion today? Why did you suddenly have a dispute after everything was going well?"

    Only then did Mr. Ma Qian slowly explain the reason. The beginning of all this turned out to be Jing Boyang, a young soldier who was favored by Pei Yuanying. The selection of officers was assessed on various elements, such as formation, martial arts, and combat.  You can be promoted to an officer only after passing multiple tests according to the standards. Finally, after going through layers of screening, the last item is to use soldiers.  Jing Boyang is about to compete with the other seven in how to use soldiers.

    Jing Boyang won six players in a row, and immediately attracted applause from many people in the camp. In the last match, the young man named Wei Yuan was facing him, and the person on the sand table was exactly Cangzhou  The terrain, the object of comparison between the two sides is the place where the school captain's camp is stationed. This place is a gourd mouth, and behind it is a small road leading to Yongping City.  A line of sky is not much wide, Jing Boyang as the defensive side, Wei Yuan as the offensive side, each leading 3,000 troops to start a game on the sand table.

    Wei Yuan likes to use troops to make strange moves, and the art of war says: "Use justice to win by surprise." His method of using troops also made the surrounding generals shine. However, Jing Boyang who faced him was an insidious guy.  Everyone present knew the environment, and when they were about to see how Jing Boyang would respond, they discovered that his soldiers and horses were actually retreating. They climbed up the mountain, climbed to the top of the mountain, and immediately rolled down the huge log and boulder, making Wei Yuan  The 3,000 men and horses were wronged and lost hundreds of people. However, Wei Yuan was not waiting for nothing. He immediately turned his horse's head and went back down the mountain to form a confrontation with them.  into his own mouth, and send a small number of people to harass him from time to time.

    The confrontation for several days made Wei Yuan's heart frustrated. Just when he was impatient, the problem appeared here. Jing Boyang was short of supplies on the top of the mountain.  At this time, he was preparing to counterattack, using his body and body to go through those traps, not taking human life as human life, and when he rushed down the mountain, there were only a thousand soldiers and horses left. Wei Yuan also hurriedly reorganized the remnants in the arrow rain just now, and the two groups fought  When they got together, the two sides were tied for a while.

    At this time, some people jumped out to accuse Jing Boyang of being cruel and inhuman, knowing that there are traps ahead but still letting his followers go up to their deaths. Following such a general, one may become a wronged soul at some point, and there are still people who object  Although Wei Yuan is good at using troops, he is not stable enough. After only a few days of confrontation, he can no longer persist. The mountain is short of supplies, and he can catch them all when they run out of ammunition and food, but he has no patience.

    For a while, the two groups of people were in dispute, Ma Qian tried his best to maintain the situation in the camp, but he still argued endlessly over who was the number one, and he was so angry that he hung the troublemakers from both sides on the podium to show the public, arguing  But it was still endless, and in desperation, people had to call Pei Yuanying to suppress the place.

    After listening to Mr. Ma Qian's narration, Pei Yuanying suddenly burst out laughing. He first looked at the young man named Jing Boyang from the crowd, and then at the young man named Wei Yuan.  The subordinate pulled the two of them up to the podium, and said loudly: "I thought what caused you to be so noisy. It turned out to be because of who is the number one. Very good, you can pay attention to the things in the camp.  This also proves your military attitude, which is very good."

    Pei Yuanying paused for a while, and continued: "I just listened to Mr. Ma Qian telling me about the wonderful match between the two, and it was really amazing, but?Let me wonder, why do you, Jing Boyang, dare to believe that those soldiers can listen to you and rush forward recklessly? How can you, Wei Yuan, ensure that the soldiers you lead can react quickly in a panic?  , How about facing the enemy again?  After reading everyone's reactions, I think I already know the answer. Well, this is the style that our captain's battalion should have. When facing the enemy, it should be like this. Follow the commander's arrangement and rush forward without thinking about yourself.  There are people stalking behind the scenes, and you don't need to care whether the path guided by the general is right or wrong. The merits and demerits are free to be judged by others. What you have to do is to be yourself.  "

    "Today's comparison, since the two are tied, they should be tied for first place. I think no one will criticize this, but I have a story I want to tell you. It is rumored that thousands of years ago, our world was still full of princes.  At that time, there was a prince named An Gong who liked dragons, so he carved or painted dragons in his home and other places.  However, one day the dragon really came, and Mr. An was frightened to death."

    "Naturally, everyone has never seen such legendary things as dragons. But let's think about it in another way. Wasn't the emperor a dragon at that time? Mr. An loved dragons. Did he like the rewards from the emperor or the position of the emperor?  I know, but Mr. An did die after seeing the real dragon. The purpose of my story is to let everyone recognize their own position, do their own instincts well, and don¡¯t do outrageous things for the sake of a false name.  We generals naturally see merits and demerits and keep them in our hearts. Just like in this selection, Jing Boyang and Wei Yuan will be appointed as centurions. Talented people will definitely not be buried.  However, everyone should not have any grudges in their hearts. Zhang Xuan, the founding military strategist, once said that I am born to be useful, everyone has a use for everyone, and the barracks will be arranged reasonably, and everyone will not be treated badly."

    The soldiers who haven't read much naturally don't understand those who are An Gong and what are the dragons, but they understand the following things.  Shining and glowing, these words warmed the hearts of the three thousand soldiers. They would not feel that they were working so hard for the sake of stuttering, and would feel that if they were talented, they would be reused.

    Seeing that the brothers in the battalion had settled down, Pei Yuanying couldn't help feeling hot, and the two newly promoted centurions beside him also kowtowed to Pei Yuanying to thank Pei Yuanying, although this matter had to be reported to Jinyang Commander Pei Sisheng  , but since Pei Yuanying has made a decision, the seal and ribbon are just things that will come soon.

    In the big tent of the barracks, Pei Yuanying was resting halfway on the chair inside. He was still thinking about the group of soldiers under his command.  His obedience is also very high, soldiers are obedient, this is undoubtedly the greatest gift for a general, but just as he was about to fall asleep, two people suddenly walked in from outside the tent, it was none other than  Wang Guanshi and Xuanwu General Zhao Dingxian.

    "Hey, why did General Zhao come here? Look at me. Something happened in the captain's battalion. I rushed here in a hurry. I forgot the two generals for a while. It was my negligence, my brother.  Here is an apology to General Zhao." Pei Yuanying stood up and saluted, with a slightly embarrassed face, she really forgot about it because of the uproar in the school lieutenant's camp just now.

    "Lieutenant Pei, come with me quickly. General Zhu is about to fight with someone in the town. I can't stop him even though I tried to persuade him. It's really embarrassing."

    "General Zhao, what happened, drink your saliva first, don't worry, tell me slowly."

    Zhao Dingxian explained to Pei Yuanying what happened in Baxianju in detail. After hearing this, Pei Yuanying slapped his thigh suddenly and asked, "Did General Zhao not mention my name to the shopkeeper?"

    "No, I didn't say anything because I was afraid of causing trouble for you. After all, the two of us came here in casual clothes. If you didn't come in the morning, the two of us set off to visit the Eight Immortals by ourselves. It didn't occur to me that the old shopkeeper was not close.  Favor, don't say anything and arrange an extra one for the two of us who didn't make a reservation, which made Lao Zhu angry and started arguing with the shopkeeper. The boy from the Chu family was also speaking for the shopkeeper, and he spoke truthfully  It's a little ugly, and it offended Lao Zhu, which is why this happened."

    "Oh, General Zhu's temper is a bit too violent. If I'm not mistaken, the person who confronted him should be Chu Tianwen, the young master of the Chu family. His skills are not bad, General Zhu should not eat it.  What a loss."

    "After all, Lao Zhu is a god-waiting spirit, so he shouldn't be at a disadvantage. Captain Pei, let's go, we don't know what will happen if we delay for a while."

    "Come on!"

    After saying a word, Pei Yuanying rushed out of the tent, which surprised the soldiers who were still celebrating outside, and then saw Zhao Dingxian. No one else knew him, but Mr. Ma Qian still knew him.  After taking a look, he also left, but at the moment in front of the Eight Immortals' House, Chu Tianwen and Zhu Jianlong were fighting happily. It was August, and the autumn wind was chilling, and a disaster was gradually hitting under Pei Yuanying's guidance.The soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then they saw Zhao Dingxian. No one else knew him, but Mr. Ma Qian knew him.  Zhu Jianlong was fighting heartily, and in August, the autumn wind was chilling, and a disaster was gradually coming under the guidance of Pei Yuanying.
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