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Main Text Chapter 645: Advent of the Age of Mythology

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    Shi Yu and Qi discussed very well.  Let's get revenge together.

    However, there are always some incomprehensible guys in the team.  Rin said: "Master, you can spoil her."

    "In addition to fighting in your mind, can you consider your own situation?"

    "Huh?" Shi Yu and Qi were taken aback.

    "Master, are you sure, in Qi's state, can she fight with the Super God?"

    After Shi Yu was taken aback for a moment, he let out a "fuck".

    He patted his head and said, "It's all Qi's fault for leading me astray, am I not, I want her to realize her dream."

    After hearing Rin's reminder, Qi also froze.  "Hey hey."

    Her face turned bitter, and she suddenly realized that, as Shi Yu said, it doesn't matter if it takes a day or two to solve the super god here.

    However, if it is up to her to solve it, it will be a big problem.

    Because she has just traveled through time, her current state is inherently unstable. If she has a battle with Super God and her state declines, then the time they can stay in this time and space will be shorter. Maybe during the battle, Shi Yu will be directly excluded from this time and space.  .

    This is the factor that may delay doing business.

    It's not worth betting on the chance of an era god, after all, they only have one chance.

    Failed, the entire mission is gone.

    "Qi is only suitable for sleeping." Rin said: "Go back to the space of beasts, and go to sleep with the treasure of time and space."

    "Leave this task of time and space to us, so don't help yourself blindly."

    "This mission is not a child's play. After we have the ability to travel back to the age of mythology, it will not be too late for you to come and realize your dream."

    Pray: qaq.

    "It's hard to come here." Shi Yu said: "If you don't do anything, it's too pitiful."

    "Since this is the case, it's fine if you can't fight with all your strength, but if you make a small move, it should be fine."

    "Qi, when the time comes, throw a skill and throw it on the enemy to relieve the anger, let the acquaintances look at you with admiration, and then let me solve it, how about it!"

    "Of course, you can also make up the knife at the end and take revenge yourself!"

    "In this way, it won't affect your status, and your dream will come true." Shi Yu laughed.

    "Good!" Qi's eyes lit up, very contented.

    "Hey, so be it." Rin sighed, there was nothing he could do with Shi Yu and the others.

    However, taking care of the pet beast's mood is indeed one of Shi Yu's few advantages.

    This task is indeed very difficult, it must always remind Shi Yu and others to pay attention, not to be playful.

    Next, Shi Yu and others made a plan.

    "That is to say, the first ones who wanted to capture you were the starry sky Zerg, and they got your information first."

    "The cosmic behemoth has been fighting with Blue Star's will, and doesn't pay much attention to you."

    "And the evil god of the abyss was only expanding its territory at the beginning. It was a long time after the starry sky Zerg wanted to capture you before they realized your existence."

    "Yeah." Qi nodded.

    "Then, let's start with this space Zerg."

    "They may be subordinates of the sixth universe level, or know the information of the sixth universe level"

    "Of course, it's also possible that I just want to eat you and inherit your time-traveling power."

    "Rin, scan the world." Shi Yu said.

    "Received." According to Shi Yu's request, Rin began to scan the world, looking for three super gods.

    However, not long after Rin started scanning, his complexion suddenly changed.  "Owner¡­¡­"

    "What's wrong?" Shi Yu said.  "look¡­¡­"

    Rin just scanned, and not far away, he found a god-level zerg no, a group of star zerg.

    Among this group of space worms, there are no super god worms, which is not what Shi Yu and others are looking for.

    However, what they did at this time made Rin very angry.  It shared the scanning results with Shi Yu, and Shi Yu was also silent for a moment.

    "Is it over?" "Let's go."

    Next, Shi Yu and the others quickly teleported to a place.

    Shi Yu stagnated in the sky, below was a very huge island.

    In the future, this piece of land has completely disappeared, and it should have been sunk. As for now, it seems to have experienced a tragic war and turned into a barren land.

    On the barren land, a scene that moved Shi Yu and others was happening.

    the??It can¡¯t solve any problems. Behind me, there are billions of marine life. The tragedy in the western waters cannot happen here"

    "Who said I'm going to run away!!" Qi stomped his feet in the air angrily, and said, "What I mean is, I'll help you too, and fight the enemies away together."

    "Don't be joking." Ying Shenlong said: "You go away

    As one of Qi's friends, doesn't it know that the little guy in front of him is very timid?

    ?Because he does not have combat power, Qi will run away as quickly as if he is frightened when he encounters danger.

    And now the opponent is the unrivaled evil god of the abyss on the blue star. This matter has nothing to do with Qi, and letting Qi go is the most correct choice.

    "Hmph" prayed: "Sakura, do you understand the gold content of the unscientific imperial beast!"

    "Huh? Science?" Ying Shenlong was confused.

    "Cough cough." Shi Yu coughed dryly at the side, don't just give my breeding method a nickname, I am a serious beast master.

    "Two, let's end the chat, the enemy has already arrived." Shi Yu said.

    Sakura Shenlong's eyes widened: !! Boom!!!

    The secret realm of preparation for war shook for a while.

    In the secret territory, countless Dragon Palace soldiers concentrated 120% of their energy, but their trembling bodies symbolized their fear.

    "Roar!!!" This powder-scale dragon no longer cares about Qihe Shiyu, and has no time to care about it. The most urgent task now is to prevent and resist the invasion of the abyss.

    As for Qi Zulong died in battle, she may not be fine.  "So I can't help but fight!"

    At the same time, on the other side.

    Bu Lun used the control of the earth to condense stone sticks, and beat to death these star zergs who had hunted the Fengqilin family with one stick.

    The star bugs it killed were all born of the Zerg Queen, and there is a close blood relationship between the two parties.

    Following the death of these zerg, the zerg queen who was far away on the moon outside the blue star sky woke up directly from the spawning state.

    The brood hunts rare races from the blue star, sends them to the moon, she devours them and gives birth to new zerg, and then these zerg go into battle, this is how she fights.

    Generally speaking, to fight against such a small planet, even relying on the combat power of the offspring is enough, but this time, after feeling the sudden concentration of a large number of offspring died in a period of time, the Zerg Queen was awakened directly.  "Cosmic giant


    "How could there be a second cosmic behemoth on this planet?"

    "Damn it, first the abyss race, then the cosmic behemoths, the information of the elves when this planet existed will not be completely exposed, no, I have to go and see the situation, and I can't be afraid of them anymore.?¡­
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