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Text Chapter 375 Bloody Battle

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    Serra inquired: "Jiseph Golf Club is divided into two categories of customers. One is membership customers, members can play unlimited golf. The other is non-member customers. Every Monday and Thursday are open days, and non-members  You can also use the stadium after paying a certain fee.¡±

    Liang Xi asked: "Have you registered any new members in the past two weeks?"

    Serra replied: "Seven people, five men and two women."

    Liang Xi looked at the member profile together and was a little surprised: "Leina, what a coincidence?"

    Liu Zhen: "Who is it?"

    Liang Xi said: "Chris's friend is from a French headhunting company. It's normal for people from a headhunting company to play golf."

    Other people are also normal, there are businessmen, corporate public relations personnel, company executives, etc.

    Liu Zhendao: "Today is Wednesday, and the murderer can enter the arena as a non-member on tomorrow's open day."

    Liang Xi said: "Grey's going to play is an inevitable way to reduce pressure under high pressure, but the time to play is accidental and random. Non-members can't step on it, and even members can't step on it. Employees, are there any new ones?  staff?"

    Serra replied: "Yes, a week ago, a sod maintenance worker died of a heart attack while eating, and a new recruit was recruited on the third day. Male, forty years old, a native of London, who worked at the Sieber's for seven years  Gardener. The resume says that Sieber sold the mansion and dismissed the mansion staff, so he lost his job."

    Liang Xi was noncommittal: "It's true, and it's a coincidence, but I can accept this explanation. If you are idle, you are idle, let's start to arrange." Catch the wrong person is not to apologize, nor to lose money

    At 5 o'clock in the afternoon that day, Gray explained his work to his subordinates, and the driver drove Gray and a police officer in charge of Gray's security work from the Special Operations Department to the Jessef Stadium.  During this time period, due to dinner and long winter nights, there are fewer people playing in the evening.  The police officer got out of the car first and entered the locker room first. Obviously, he came to this stadium not once or twice.  It hasn't been long since Gray took office, and it hasn't been long since he was equipped with police bodyguards. Either Gray likes to play very much, or Gray is too stressed.

    Gray didn't ask for a caddy or a golf cart. He walked slowly towards the ball like a walk. The police bodyguards fell behind him three meters away, trying not to disturb Gray as much as possible.  For half an hour, Gray was just swinging, walking, not saying a word, not even saying a word to the bodyguard.  I stopped by chance and looked up at the sky in a daze for a long time before continuing to walk.

    With a swing, the rookie gardener not far away walked towards the route where Gray went to the ball. The gardener took his time and stopped from time to time to pull out the weeds in the lawn and put them into the bag, and then check the sprinkler device from time to time  .  At a distance of more than 20 meters, the bodyguard received a call and the headset was connected. Liu Zhen said: "I am Liu Zhen from the Anti-Terrorism Office. Pay attention to the staff member at Gray's two o'clock position. I am not sure if he has offensive weapons. I suspect that he is deliberately  Get closer to Gray."

    "Understood." The bodyguard stepped forward quickly: "There is something wrong."

    Gray noticed the new gardener and didn't care too much: "Give me the gun."

    The bodyguard handed Gray his gun, and the two continued to walk forward. When they approached the new gardener, the new gardener saw them staring at him and turned to leave.  The bodyguard showed his ID: "Police, don't move."

    Gray took the episode for fun, watching as the bodyguard commanded a pat-down of the new gardener, who drew a lawnmower from his waist.  This lawn mower is shaped like a paring knife bent at 20 degrees, with a longer blade for stabbing.  It is also a tool normally carried by gardeners.  Are Gardeners Bad Guys?  I can't understand it, and Liang Xi can't understand it in the telescope, so I can't be sure.

    Gray took a mobile phone to collect evidence, and asked a few questions. The gardener was a little dull, and the answer was wrong. Gray signaled for handcuffs. At this time, the gardener asked, "I'm mowing the lawn, why are you arresting me?"

    The bodyguard replied: "I have the right to detain you for 24 hours, please cooperate."

    The gardener was very cooperative and kept silent.  Gray said: "Let's go." It was almost dark, and it was time to end

    Gray contacted the nearest police station, and the three of them walked towards the stadium lobby at a leisurely pace. They arrived at the stadium building, and the police station also arrived. The bodyguards and police officers went through the handover procedures, and then made a simple record.  Gray went to the locker room alone. At this time, there were more than a dozen guests scattered in the court hall, some of whom had just taken a shower and were about to eat in the restaurant.  There are also men who come here to ask beautiful coaches to train their swing one-on-one.  Everyone is attracted by the presence of the police, but soon loses interest.

    Liang Xi and the others are in the restaurant on the second floor, which has a very good view.  Liang Xi watched the three of them walk back through the binoculars.  Seems to have wronged the gardener?  The gardener was in his forties. Give him a weeding knife, and he might not be able to hurt Gray.  Is it just a coincidence?  Liang Xi doesn't believe in coincidences, the stadium is so big, you will meet Gray.  This is not a motorway,"


    "Hehe, if I'm not dead, we can have a drink."

    Seeing the unconscious Liu Zhen being sent to the ambulance, Liang Xi felt extremely guilty.  Although a rational person would not regret it, if Liu Zhen died like this, Liang Xi would feel guilty for the rest of his life.  As for Gray, Liang Xi had already done his best.  Since it was Gray who died, everyone in the golf course including Liang Xi was detained in situ. The patrol police carried out the orders of their superiors and ruthlessly refused Liang Xi's request to take a look at Liu Zhen.

    The people in the stadium were separated and sat alone in the lobby and restaurant, and the special police of the Special Operations Department were in charge of guarding.  The Criminal Investigation Department of the North District came first, took notes on each person, and searched suspicious persons.  While dealing with the scene in the locker room, the physical evidence personnel expanded the area to look for suspicious clues, and conducted a smoke reaction test on each person present, checking the integrity of fingers and clothing, etc.

    An hour later, Isa, Robert and Roger arrived at the scene. Isa walked up to Liang Xi, looked at Liang Xi for a while, and put one hand on Liang Xi's shoulder: "Liang Xi, I need someone to tell me in the future, we  Someone."

    Liang Xi was in a stable mood and asked, "What's the situation with Liu Zhen?"

    Robert stood aside and said: "The vital signs are temporarily stable. The doctor is optimistic."

    It is said!  Cold weapon poisoning is relatively complicated, and the high temperature of the weapon will destroy the toxicity, and the effect of directly applying the venom on the weapon is not good.  Humans usually use poisoning for hunting.  In the era of cold weapons, there is also poisoning, and venom is applied to the blade before the war.  It is said that the purpose is not to poison the enemy, but to have other effects.  One function is to paralyze the enemy's nerves, thereby affecting their actions, and the other function is to make it difficult for the enemy's wounds to heal and strengthen the later wounds.  If a person is to be poisoned to death, not only a large amount of toxin is required, but also a certain amount of time is required.

    For the well-known see blood seal throat, the lethal dose for mammals is 0.8 mg per kg, and 40 mg is required to kill 50 kg of humans. Obviously, it is difficult for cold weapons to reach this dose without injection.  However, whether it is hunting or fighting, the purpose of poisoning is never to kill the target directly. A few milligrams of bleeding throat can not kill an adult, but it can cause arrhythmia and muscle relaxation in healthy adults.

    Soaking bamboo and wood arrowheads in blood can make the arrowhead absorb a large amount of venom, and the beast will not pull out the arrowhead, and the venom will continue to seep into the body of the beast, which can directly kill large animals.  Metal does not absorb liquids well, and the total amount of venom remaining on the metal surface is not significant.  The purpose of poisoning the metal shuriken is to reduce the combat effectiveness of the target, which is far less than the lethal standard amount.

    Yisha and Robert came here to take notes for Liang Xi and Xiaobai, and now no one knows the situation better than them.  Liang Xi started from Ryder's clues and explained his reasoning step by step.  Liang Xi admitted his mistake, but never thought that the new gardener would be a cover.  Robert told Liang Xi that after preliminary inquiries, the new gardener was not a cover, but a product of coincidence and chance.  The new gardener was not good at communicating, and he and Gray met by accident.

    Liang Xi does not accept chance, but he also knows that chance exists.  If there is no new gardener, the bodyguard will go into the locker room first, and the result will be unpredictable.  Maybe both the bodyguard and Gray will die, and the other party will ambush first, and he is strong and equipped with cold weapons suitable for fighting in narrow spaces.  Maybe the bodyguard can beat the opponent, maybe the bodyguard will die, maybe Gray can survive.

    It can be speculated that in this case, someone notified the killer: Gray to the golf course.  The killer went to the stadium and hid in the men's locker room, waiting for an opportunity to act.

    Robert asked: "Could it be Ninja?" Ninja has been making a fuss in Europe for more than a month. Since German cherry blossom specimens appeared in London hospitals, he has left seven cherry blossom specimens in Europe.  Shuriken was used in the two murders in more than a month and the multiple murders of Ninja more than ten years ago.

    Liang Xi said: "As far as I know, there is no record of poisoning Ninja on the weapon. Didn't the cherry blossom specimens be found at the scene?"

    Robert nodded: "Not found."

    Liang Xidao: "Influenced by Akira Kurosawa's movies, there are samurai and ninja clubs in many European countries. Is there anyone who wants to fish in troubled waters? Do some bad things in the name of ninja? It's just because they didn't knock down Liu Zhen  In a hurry, did you forget to put the cherry blossom specimens?"

    There are many wonderful clubs in Europe and the United States. Ninja warrior clubs are fairly normal. After all, they are sports and martial arts. Regular clubs will also have professional instructors to teach students kendo.  In addition, there is the Doomsday Club. They have built their home into a fortress suitable for survival in the doomsday. People in the club will often train together, hoping that when the doomsday comes, everyone can cooperate and survive together.

    Even more bizarre are the tram clubs, who are concerned about the disappearance of the trams.  A unique pipe club in England, derived from Sherlock Holmes.  There's even a club in London called The Boring, which lives up to its name and does pretty boring stuff.  For example, counting the leaves of a tree, such as counting the number of red vehicles passing through an intersection in an hour.  Even this boredom has a winner, and the reward for the winner is that he can designate that club members can only drink certain alcohols during the week.  There is no supervision, it all depends on everyone's self-consciousness.

    ?:Department, from Sherlock Holmes.  There's even a club in London called The Boring, which lives up to its name and does pretty boring stuff.  For example, counting the leaves of a tree, such as counting the number of red vehicles passing through an intersection in an hour.  Even this boredom has a winner, and the reward for the winner is that he can designate that club members can only drink certain alcohols during the week.  There is no supervision, it all depends on everyone's self-consciousness.

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