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Body 153 Channels are Important

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    "So Captain Hong still misses the Pingnan Army" Although Lin Na didn't compare the two men together, Gao Tianyi felt that the comparison had already been done, and the comparison was done openly.  All sides are at a disadvantage.

    This feeling is very bad, especially when it comes from a more beautiful woman.  As a result, the anger in his chest became more intense, not only his words were ugly, but his expression also changed accordingly.

    The situation that had just been eased for a short time suddenly returned to the initial state, or even worse.  As long as one party wants to push back the other party's words, there will definitely be swords drawn, and they will break up unhappy!

    "Tianyi, Director Lin may have made a slip of the tongue. We are all women. We are all women. After hearing such a tragic story it is inevitable that we will get a little emotional. Captain Hong, if you can, you might as well be more open and honest. First, let¡¯s talk about your specific cooperation between the two parties.  plan."

    Just when Hong Tao was pondering whether to push back or take another step back, Zhou Yuan, who had been turning her head to look at the scenery, suddenly spoke. While talking, she put her hand on Gao Tianyi's arm, and two fingers were still tapping  with.

    "All ears!" Gao Tianyi, who was ready to explode, was actually restrained by this action. He concealed the anger on his face by bowing his head and lighting a cigarette, and gave a vague promise, which was regarded as agreement.

    "To be honest, the incident happened a bit hastily. It is really too harsh to say that there is any mature plan. At most, it is an idea, and it is not mature. Everyone is welcome to correct me. This is how I think about it. First, communication is very important.  No matter whether we have frictions, foreign enemies or other troubles, if we have a channel to communicate in time, even if the conflict cannot be resolved, we can sit down and talk again, maybe we can help each other and tide over the difficulties relatively easily.  "

    "As for how to communicate, it's simple and simple, and complicated and complicated. To be simple, you can use a hand radio or a car radio. But we all use civilian license-free walkie-talkies, usually with a maximum power of 5w and a communication distance of about 3 kilometers.  Even if the 50w radio claims to have a communication distance of 20 kilometers, but the nominal distance refers to the condition of flat ground with no shelter, the loss in urban areas is very large, and it may be enough for one-third, which obviously cannot meet the demand.¡±

    "As for me, I usually like to play with the radio. I happen to have the equipment for this, and it's not too troublesome to use. So I suggest that Commander Gao can also set up a radio station in the Pingnan Army. Not only can it be used as a fixed communication channel between us,  And being able to interact more with survivor groups around the world who have this kind of equipment is definitely not a bad thing, right?"

    Hong Tao seemed to be holding back all the time, but in fact he was the one attacking.  Since the two sides met, he has not wasted a second, and used various methods to spy on the character and habits of the two representatives of the other party, trying to find weaknesses.

    As for the victory or defeat in terms of words and the level of momentum, they are all floating clouds in his eyes.  As long as the goal is achieved, it is reasonable to suffer a little loss in the process.  You have to pay for the bait first when fishing, let alone fishing!

    Hard work pays off, or it can be said that only a thousand days of being a thief is not a thousand days of guarding against a thief. After several open and secret battles, including mental attacks, Hong Tao finally basically grasped the characters and weaknesses of Gao Tianyi and Zhou Yuan, and now he is about to attack  !

    The first step is to continue to divide the gap between Gao Tianyi and Zhou Yuan!

    That's right, there must be emotional entanglements between these two people, it's not a simple superior-subordinate relationship, it's very likely that, like myself and Chu Qiu, they are dewy couples who got together under various pressures in the last days.

    There are still conflicts between formal couples in peaceful times, and the differences between Lushui couples will only increase.  Specifically on the two of them, I have seen two so far, and it is still very deep.

    Gao Tianyi is a proud and arrogant person. He must have ability, but he always can't let go of his body. This is the main reason why both Hong Tao and Lin Na agree that he is likely to work in central enterprises, state-owned enterprises, major ministries and commissions, and government agencies.  .

    The people who come out of these places are different from Liu Quan's grassroots cadres. They have a very superior temperament. Even if they don't have any real power in their hands, they are no lower than anyone else.

    In addition, he also has a small problem that many men have, jealousy.  Yes, almost all men have this problem, especially when it comes to women.  Speaking of it, this is not a weakness, just human nature.

    But there is a limit to everything, especially if you go too far.  Gao Tianyi's jealousy seems to be a little strong. Every time Hong Tao tries to win Zhou Yuan's favor, or Zhou Yuan shows a little bit of friendliness, he starts to be jealous.  Bulls are hostile to all people of the same sex.

    Zhou Yuan's personality is quite changeable, without too obvious flaws.  However, she doesn't seem very satisfied with the status quo. It is definitely impossible to know the specific reason through small talk, but Hong Tao guesses that it should be peace.It is related to the status in the army.

    Usually such smart and beautiful women are not willing to be a man's vassal, they have independent pursuits and ideas.  But in this situation, relying on personal ability alone may not be able to obtain this kind of right, and even bear the burden of humiliation.

    To put it bluntly, Gao Tianyi is a chauvinist, at least a supporter.  And Zhou Yuan is a female boxer, at least a supporter.  Let her commit herself to Gao Tianyi, if it is just a personal relationship between two people, maybe it can be done with deep feelings.  But let her live in a group of male chauvinists for a long time, it will be very uncomfortable.

    At this time, there are only two options, one is to marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog, and completely give up your own ideas.  The second is to find allies, not to say resistance, but also to try to change.

    Hong Tao was about to act as her ally now, and he no longer looked directly at Gao Tianyi when he spoke, but spoke to that classically beautiful face, and the expressions on his own face became more and more abundant.

    Oh yes, not now, just before the story was told, he, the bad guy, had already made up his mind.  Aren't you unwilling to cooperate? Cheng, you wait, I'll make a drastic move to make you lose your wife and lose your army.  At that time, it will not be a matter of cooperation, you have to beg my mercy!

    "Can you still communicate with the whole world? Have you tried it!" Gao Tianyi really didn't know much about radio, and he wasn't very interested in it. He was noncommittal about Hong Tao's power and communication distance.  But after hearing the whole world, I suddenly became interested.

    "I set up the radio station on the day the disaster struck, and so far I have contacted dozens of survivor groups, all over the world. The situation on their side is similar to ours, but the degree is slightly different. In comparison  The difficulty is the highest in China. Survivors lack weapons and basic survival skills, and there are many zombies. If Commander Gao is interested, I can make a copy of the relevant call records and send them along with the radio equipment when we meet next time. Oh yes  , Is there anyone in the Pingnan Army who understands this? You don¡¯t need to be too proficient, just get in touch with it.¡±

    Since Hong Tao dared to brag about this kind of bullshit, he would definitely not be questioned.  He not only has data, but also written records.  Zhang Ke used to do this job, but later it was handed over to Randy, and it has never been neglected.

    " I'll go back and look for candidates. It shouldn't be difficult. As for the equipment and records You don't get rewarded for nothing!"

    Let's also talk about the principle of not hitting the smiling person with his hand. Hong Tao is no longer smiling, and he is giving gifts while smiling.  At this moment, I feel that it was a bit too much just now, after all, this guy is not too annoying when he is not squinting at Zhou Yuan.

    "Hey, the equipment is not my own. It is all over the city. I just took a set at random. Speaking of it, I am a bit suspicious of borrowing flowers to offer Buddha. By the way, I brought gifts, after all, I hurt your soldiers.  , or take it as our sincerity, and hope those brothers don't hold grudges too much." Seeing Gao Tianyi's attitude eased, Hong Tao didn't continue to provoke, and got off the donkey along the slope.

    "I have taken some communication courses in the military academy, and I don't know if I can use it!" Seeing that the two people were still willing to use it, Zhou Yuan came to recommend herself, taking advantage of the opportunity to accept the equipment.

    "Look, look, Commander Gao is so lucky, this is not only a talented woman, but also versatile!" Hong Tao also hurriedly followed, everyone carried the bridal sedan chair, and continued to shoot.
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