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Body 774 Thank you for not doing anything

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    Winter is coming to the end of the world 774 Thank you for not doing anything "I found this in Chen Yaozu's trouser leg" After receiving Wang Jian's assurance, Peng Hao showed a strange smile, and took out a cigarette case from his coat pocket.

    "What is this?" Wang Jian opened the cigarette case, only to see a few small black particles with irregular shapes.  I got closer and smelled it, and there was an indescribable strange smell, very faint.

    "Hey, don't lick it, it's mouse droppings!" If Wang Jian didn't agree to his suggestion, Peng Hao would really like to watch him put mouse droppings in his mouth to taste.

    "Mouse droppings Is there mouse droppings in Chen Yaozu's trouser legs?"

    Although it wasn't something too disgusting, Wang Jian subconsciously let go of it, and then she looked suspicious.  Not to mention the key members of Antong Machinery Company, even ordinary refugees would not be downcast to the point of being covered in rat feces.

    Are there any mice in this small building?  The answer is yes, those guys have become more and more rampant since the advent of the new world, and there is almost no place they don't patronize.  But the number will definitely not be too many, and it is unlikely that they will go to the bedroom to find Chen Yaozu's pants to shit.

    "Yes, his trousers are a bit long, so the bottom of the trouser legs is rolled up, and the mouse feces are wrapped in it, which is still wet! Xiao Liu, bring the trousers of the deceased on the 5thyou touch it, it's not dry yet  .¡±

    Peng Hao once again confirmed the names of the small black particles in the cigarette case, and then asked his subordinates to take a pair of jeans, pointing to the folded hem of the trousers for Wang Jian to try on himself.

    "Do you think this is accidental?" Not only did Wang Jian touch it, but she also put the tip of her nose against it and sniffed it vigorously. It sure had a similar smell, but there were more inexplicable smells.

    "At the beginning I didn't have any other ideas, but after I found a circle of not serious abrasions on Chen Yaozu's ankle, I had some ideas. This kind of scar is like being tied with a rope, and after a long time  It was caused by friction. Could it be that after he was kidnapped, he got here through a way with a lot of rat droppings and the environment was still very humid, deliberately posed with the person on the bed, and then was executed at close range. If so  If this is the case, then this case will be even more troublesome. It is obvious that they want to frame up, and they deliberately used the fire to attract so many bystanders Tsk tsk tsk, the water is too deep! The technical department is only responsible for surveying the scene and searching for identification evidence.  Reasoning the case logically is the job of the investigation department, it's better not to ask me!"

    Peng Hao adjusted his glasses, intending to indulge in Sherlock Holmes's addiction, but the more he spoke, his voice became quieter, and finally he dared not reason any more. He shook his head, reiterated his responsibilities in the technical department, and planned to stay out of the matter.

    "It makes sense If I didn't agree to your conditions just now, wouldn't I have to hide these pants and rat shit!"

    Wang Jian didn't expect to get an answer from Peng Hao. What he said was right, if the technical department did all the work, what's the use of investigating the department.  But at this moment, he thought of another question, a very crucial one.

    "You can't doubt my professional ethics I can hand it over to the next investigation chief!" Peng Hao protested awe-inspiringly. Seeing that Wang Jian didn't believe him, he had no choice but to change the subject, which was regarded as an admission of this very serious accusation.

    " Huh, okay, I understand, thank you for the words and mouse shit just now, they have helped me a lot! You are busy, I will talk to the people in the management office first, and then I will ask the survivors. I guess I will ask  It's just a question, if they could see the murderer, they would have already become corpses!"

    Such a straightforward answer, if you still can't tell the seriousness, then it's really useless.  Thinking about how she had just escaped a life-and-death fratricide, Wang Jian felt a sense of collapse.  No one is not afraid of death, and no one is willing to die inexplicably and betray all relatives.

    If even colleagues who have worked together for more than two years and have cooperated very well have to play tricks behind the scenes, who can stand on their side to help?  I am afraid that those who stand in a neutral perspective are rare.

    Is it to blame Peng Hao for not having a sense of justice?  It doesn't seem like it should.  What he said just now is correct, if Minister Lin can't hold it anymore, no matter how much he insists on justice, it will be useless, and there is no stage to show it.

    Protecting Minister Lin's position is not only to protect everyone's interests, but also to protect the general environment in which the rules can still be operated barely, not for a certain person, but for everyone.

    "Thank you for not doing anything!" Walking out of the small building, a ray of sunlight hits head-on, very dazzling.  Wang Jian stretched out his hand to block his eyes, and stopped suddenly.

    Many years ago, it was also in such a weather. I had just finished my military training and was resting in an armored vehicle. A woman came over and asked why I was training so hard.  He replied to her that he wanted revenge and killed a bad guy.

    That woman was Zhou Yuan who rescued herself from the brink of death.The Japanese are stationed in the mountains of Huairou.  Hearing this answer, she certainly knew who she wanted to kill and why.  Not dissuading, just telling a story.

    The general meaning is that an old lady was sitting on the street resting, and accidentally knocked down her crutches.  The last thing an old man wants to do is to bend over, which is very difficult.

    At this time, there happened to be a young man who walked to the side and waited for the bus, so the old lady wanted the young man to help him pick up the crutches.  Who knew that the young man didn't respond at all, and turned his head away from this side.

    The old lady had no choice but to stand up, and bent down with great difficulty to pick up the crutches.  At this moment, there was a loud noise from behind, and the old lady looked back, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

    The place where I was sitting just now was covered with broken tiles and dirt, and a large flower pot fell from upstairs and hit it right on that spot.  If he hadn't gotten up to pick up the crutches, he would probably have passed away by now.

    The old lady's first reaction was not to rejoice that she was lucky today, nor to curse the people upstairs for being too wicked, but turned around and said something to the young man: Thank you for not doing anything!

    At that time, I didn't quite understand the meaning of this story. Zhou Yuan explained that sometimes a thing seems to be bad for her, but the result is likely to be good, and vice versa.

    Whether it is good or bad, it is best not to jump to conclusions before you fully understand it.  If you really can't figure it out, then do nothing and leave your fate to the heavens, which is the most beneficial.

    ? Despite Zhou Yuan¡¯s explanation, I still don¡¯t quite understand it. I always feel that this nagging story is a bit like a monk chanting scriptures, too idealistic, and I don¡¯t take it very seriously.

    But at this moment, the words that the old lady said to the young man, thank you for doing nothing, seem to be interesting.  The current situation is not like the old lady and the young man, no one knows that the flower pot will fall, and it may be better to do nothing.

    When Zhou Yuan told this story, whether she meant it or not, I'm afraid only she knew.  But people are like this, as long as they feel that they have figured it out, the hurdle in their hearts will be jumped over, and the previous troubles will be reduced in an instant, and the horns will not be stuck.

    The same is true for Wang Jian. The ordinary sun now looks more friendly than usual. The sun is no longer hot or dazzling when it shines on his face, he just feels very warm and comfortable.

    Of course, Wang Jian doesn't intend to do nothing, the case still needs to be investigated, that's her job.  Just like the old lady has to sit and rest on the street, and the young man has to wait for the bus, the background of the story cannot be removed.

    But where should we start the investigation?  Asking the survivors is definitely one aspect, but Wang Jian feels that the chances of getting useful clues from them are not high, which is also the prerequisite for their survival.

    ? In-depth investigation of Antong Machinery Company and Sun Changzhong's transportation company is also one aspect.  However, Peng Hao's reasoning just made these two companies seem not very important.

    Ask the staff of the Ministry of Transport to see if someone inside is taking risks because of personal enmity or other interests. Of course, it must be done, but the target is obviously not concentrated. It is enough for the subordinates to cast the net. You must focus on the main points  contradiction.

    And these few rat droppings and wet trousers should be regarded as unexpected gains.  If he could figure out the origin of the rat droppings and the musty smell on his pants, he should be able to know how Chen Yaozu entered this farm, which would play a key role in promoting the detection of the entire case.

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