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Text Chapter 404: The Strong Leads

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    The area where the cs001 star gate is located was once China's nuclear weapons test site in the last century.

    Now its name is: Area A.

    In the short period of two months since the Stargate appeared, a fairly complete airport and bunker building have been built here, and equipped with an air defense system, which makes people have to admire China's construction and organizational capabilities.

    After Yue Heng got off the plane, under the guidance of a staff member of the Supervision Bureau, he passed through a series of heavily guarded checkpoints, and finally entered a building similar to a hangar.

    This building is a very pure steel structure. The walls on all sides and the high dome are all covered with thick metal plates, and there are no windows.

    All kinds of instruments and equipment, large and small, are placed in the huge space. Countless staff members in white protective clothing are busy in it, and everything seems to be in order.

    The most eye-catching among them is undoubtedly the star gate standing in the center of the hangar!

    Although Yue Heng has seen hundreds of stargates in his previous life, including the giant leap stargate built by the Star Alliance in the space node of the Milky Way, this "small" first-generation stargate that appeared in front of him still made him feel excited  .

    Some people say that star family is the fruit of grace bestowed by the gods to human beings, giving ordinary people the opportunity to awaken extraordinary power.

    And the star gate is the cornerstone for mankind to march towards the glorious era of the star sea!

    Without the resources provided by the star realms behind the star gate, it is impossible for human beings to conquer the galaxy with a diameter of 100,000 light-years in just a few hundred years and move towards the outer galaxy.

    Back when the star gate first appeared, Yue Heng felt like witnessing history!

    "This is the cs001 Stargate."

    The staff of the Supervision Bureau who accompanied Yue Heng said softly: "The gateway to Tai Chi Star."

    There was an indescribable exclamation in his voice, an instinctive trembling at the existence of a great miracle.

    So incredible.

    Yue Heng nodded silently.

    After seeing the cs001 star gate, the staff took him to a hangar next door.

    This hangar is more like a warehouse, where a large amount of materials, including weapons and supplies, are neatly stacked.

    However, these supplies only occupied a small part of the hangar, a large part of which was filled with all kinds of training equipment, and there were even two non-standard fighting arenas.

    Hundreds of superpowers wearing training uniforms gathered here. Some of them were training diligently, some were learning from each other, and some gathered together to chat and laugh, or watch the video being played on the suspended display.

    Although the air conditioner is turned on inside, the hot scene makes people want to wipe their sweat.

    At this moment, a muscular muscular man wearing an army green undershirt strode over.

    His eyes fell on Yue Heng's face, and his eyes were quite sharp.

    "Captain Lu."

    The staff who accompanied Yue Heng in stopped and quickly introduced: "This is Yue Hengyue's consultant from Shanghai, assigned by the superior"

    "I know."

    The muscular man interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said with piercing eyes: "The famous Taijiang Tiger Yue Heng, the captain of the Taiji Star Second Expedition Team appointed by the above!"

    The muscular man's voice was quite loud, and everyone around him could hear him clearly.

    The inside of the hangar suddenly became a lot quieter, and quite a few superpowers stopped training or communicating, and gathered around one after another.

    A series of strange eyes focused on Yue Heng.

    ? Surprise, doubt, ridicule, indifference

    If it were an ordinary person, stared at by so many unfriendly eyes from superpowers, I am afraid that the spirit would collapse.

    But Yue Heng was completely indifferent, and stretched out his hand to the muscular man: "Hello."

    The reason why Yue Heng took the initiative to reach out was very simple. The other party was the most powerful person with super physical ability he had ever seen so far.

    Captain Lu's super wave has reached the third level!

    And Yue Heng can be sure that this awakened super endowment sequence is at least the second level.

    If Yue Heng guessed correctly, if he didn't make a request, the other party should be the Tai Chi Star expedition leader.

    In other words, he took the position of the person in front of him.

    In addition, it can be seen from the eyes of others that the prestige of the other party is very high.

    At least he is much, much taller than this young "special commissioner" who has just arrived.

    "My name is Lu Tai."

    Muscular man withHeng shook hands, and said in a deep voice: "Captain Yue Heng, I have received an order from my superiors to assist you in forming the second Taiji Star Expedition Team. I hope we can cooperate happily."

    Yue Heng swept his eyes and saw all the expressions of the people around him.

    He smiled and said: "I think there must be many people who are not convinced by me as the captain."

    Lu Tai didn't expect Yue Heng to be so direct, and he was not the kind of person with a deep city, so he couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment: "Captain Yue Heng"

    "You don't need to say it."

    Yue Heng interrupted him with a wave of his hand, opened his arms and took off the luggage bag on his back.

    "Let's talk with our fists."

    Under the gaze of many eyes, Yue Heng unhurriedly took off his coat and said, "Are you going up one by one, or together? I will go up against each other or fight in groups!"

    The audience was in an uproar.

    Yue Heng's attitude and words were too arrogant and arrogant, and he simply didn't pay attention to the power users present.

    Originally, everyone was very upset with this airborne "special commissioner", and couldn't figure out why the higher-ups wanted a young boy to replace Lu Tai as the second expedition leader.

    Now that Yue Heng puts on this posture again, it's really an uncle who can bear it and an aunt who can't bear it!

    Although most of the power users present were from the military and paid great attention to discipline and rules, under such circumstances, anyone with a bit of blood could not swallow their anger.

    Immediately, someone shouted: "Me!"

    Yue Heng followed the sound and saw a burly man standing in the crowd, staring at him aggressively.

    He walked towards the other party without thinking.

    The people in front gave way one after another for Yue Heng to confront the burly man.

    There is one thing to say, although Yue Heng's tone is really unpleasant, but the way he establishes his prestige is in line with the rules here.

    The fist speaks, the strong lead, and the captain must be the strongest!

    "Boy, my name is Zhang"

    The burly man with an inch head twisted his neck, and the muscles all over his body swelled rapidly, showing explosive strength.

    In an instant, he entered a fighting state.

    However, before he finished reporting his name, he suddenly saw a hand appearing in front of his eyes like lightning.

    Before the burly man with an inch head realized what was going on, he felt that his whole body was spinning, and he was lifted up high by Yue Heng in an instant, and then fell heavily on the floor.


    The ground trembled, and the audience was silent.
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