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Chapter 931: Distribution of God Corpses

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    The five kings of the human race plus a king-like Tian Huanghou confronted more than 20 strong men from the six different races. The difference in numbers was more than three times, but the human race had the upper hand, because the human race still had two great kings.  The existence of artifacts.

    If the two sides really want to fight, the human side must have the upper hand, but this battle will not fight, the impact is too great, more than a dozen kings fight at the same time, and there are two supreme artifacts, it may not be possible for the entire  Most of the Southern Sky Territory will be destroyed.

    The Southern Heaven Territory is an important territory of the human race. The Saint King and the Nantian King will definitely not let him have any accidents, so they will try their best to avoid outbreaks of fighting.

    For the six major alien races, they currently have no advantage. If they continue to make trouble, the plan will not succeed, and they will be in danger, and it will even affect the entire race behind them.

    "Please! Leave Nantianyu now!" Nantianwang said in a very flat voice.

    "Remember what I said! If you dare to come to our human territory so unscrupulously, then don't blame us for using the same method!" The Holy King also spoke out.

    "Huh!" The six alien kings did not respond, looked around and tried each other, and finally chose to leave.

    Six alien races, six kings, and more than a dozen top Marquis-level powerhouses descended on the Southern Heaven Territory in a mighty manner, but now they leave in disgrace, and the duration of the period lasted only half an hour.

    Shen Fan was basically watching the show the whole time, and he couldn't participate in it due to his strength, but with the protection of the Qingyun Dragon Vein, and the ability to control the spirit of the ancestor of the ants, no one dared to ignore his existence.

    The six alien races left, and in the sky above the southeast sea, there were only 6 NPCs and a player from the human race, two natural races, and a god corpse emitting rays of light.

    "The outsiders have already left, let's go back and discuss the distribution of this divine corpse!" Nan Tianwang said, mainly speaking to Daomu.

    "Yes!" Daomu did not refuse.

    The divine corpse was collected by the Nantian King. The methods of these kings were scary enough. It was more than a hundred kilometers away from Wushuang City, but the holy king tore apart the space with a wave of his hand. Stepping in, a group of people returned to the city.  Wushuang is outside the city.

    In Wushuang City, Shen Fan and the six kings came back without disturbing the players and npcs in the city. Shen Fan notified Liu Wei and Wang Qian and the others to transfer the largest lake in the outer city and a large area around it to the southeast of the central main road of the outer city.  empty.

    The island in the lake is a special island specially designed by Shen Fan and the others. The environment is beautiful and the island is not very big. There are palaces and pavilions built on it, mainly for some special guests to live in.

    On the main hall of the island in the lake, there are five kings including Shengwang and Nantianwang, as well as Tian Huanghou, Shen Fan, Liu Wei, Wang Qian, Zhao Qingyan and other players.  Shangkun Wu waited for six or seven Marquis-level powerhouses.

    "This god corpse is very well preserved. He was killed by one blow. Although countless ages have passed, it has been sealed in a special space. The loss of the god corpse is extremely low. That is to say, the complete god corpse is as high as  About 80%." Nan Tianwang said.

    The god's corpse was also taken out by Nan Tianwang, and it was floating in the sky above the main hall at this time.  What passed through was the cause of the death of the god corpse. The heart of this god corpse had been destroyed.

    "The evil spirit should have been born not long ago, and there was very little transformation power, otherwise we would not have suppressed the evil spirit so easily. If the evil spirit was born a little later, with the power contained in this corpse,  I'm afraid it's stronger than the middle and high-level gods in the legend" Nan Tianwang said.

    What Nan Tianwang meant was that the evil spirit they suppressed before was just a child, and although the power to control the god corpse had reached the god level, it was only the weakest god level strength.

    Hearing this, Shen Fan was quite shocked. He didn't open his mouth because he didn't know much about it. Shen Fan couldn't control how to distribute the god corpses later on. It could only be discussed by Nantian Wang and the natural tribe.  up.

    More than ten minutes later.

    "Our natural race only needs some divine blood, but we don't need divine bones and divine soul crystals." Daomu said.

    "Okay, these days we will draw the blood of the god corpse with our left hand!" said the Holy King.

    Shen Fan, who listened the whole time, obtained a lot of information. When a god is born, his body will undergo evolution, washing away all impurities and becoming insincere and pure. The most valuable of the god's corpse alone is the god's blood, god's bone and god's soul  crystal.

    The energy of the god corpse is contained in his flesh and bones, the godAfter ?? is extracted, the flesh and blood of the god corpse will dry up, leaving only a god bone and the soul crystal in the god corpse.

    The divine bone is extremely hard and has many uses. It can be used to refine equipment, and it can also be integrated into the human body using special methods to enhance the strength of the human body.

    Divine Soul Crystal is the soul crystallization of the gods. It contains the soul power of the gods, that is, the power of the spirit. It is a very mysterious and powerful force. It contains the rules of divine inspiration, which is one of the biggest differences between gods and ordinary creatures.

    By studying the divine blood, divine bone, and divine soul crystal, one can learn the secrets about the gods, and speculate on the birth of the gods, and obtain the divine blood and divine bones.  A god has only one soul crystal!

    According to what Nantian Wang and the others discussed with Daomu, Shen Fan thought that the god corpse was created by himself, and he also made great efforts to suppress the god corpse evil spirit. After the god corpse was decomposed, the god blood and god bone should also have his own.  one serving.

    However, after Daomu left with the natural clan, Nan Tian Wang and Sheng Wang discussed with Shen Fan, Shen Fan knew that he had no destiny with the god corpse.

    The appearance of the god corpse gave several kings of the race an idea, a very bold and crazy idea!

    Nan Tianwang and Shengwang want to create an invincible king comparable to ancient times, a truly invincible king, who can rival the existence of gods!

    Shen Fan was stunned when he heard the news!

    "This divine corpse was extraordinary during his lifetime, so the divine power contained in his body is very high-level, and every drop of divine blood is very precious. We also know that you want it very much, but this is after all an external force.  Power to improve your own strength will not do any good for your future achievements"

    The Holy King analyzed the pros and cons to Shen Fan. Shen Fan didn't pay much attention to it at first. He is a player, so he doesn't need to care about these at all, as long as his combat power improves.

    However, when I think of the guard npcs I faced in the level 90 professional advancement task, the combat power of those npcs does not exceed Shen Fan's current combat power, but Shen Fan is abused.

    This shows that the combat power value is falsely high. In real combat, Shen Fan is far from reaching the highest level of his own combat power value, that is, he cannot exert his full combat power!

    This may have something to do with what the Holy King said (Remember the website URL:
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