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The Proud Fengyun Chapter 59, Conditions

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    There is no faction to send representatives, and it involves vital interests, and no one dares to place hope on others.  Anyway, there are not many forces, so everyone should go together.

    There is nothing wrong with the scene being a little more grand.  Facing a big faction like Huashan, no one would laugh if they lowered their posture a bit.

    ? Dragons do not live with snakes, and being in the rivers and lakes also pays attention to status.  If they hadn't caught up with the battle between good and evil, even if they wanted to make friends, they would have no chance.

    It is precisely because of this concept of hierarchy that Yue Buqun put down his airs in the original book, and immediately gained a lot of prestige in the arena.

    It's a pity that this kind of prestige is meaningless. Usually helping to wave the flag is already the limit, and it can't bring substantial benefits.

    As far as the decent family is concerned, there are already enough younger brothers in the family, and there is no need for these unreliable brawny pretensions.

    Sometimes having too many friends is also a burden.  On many issues, due to friendship, I have to help the platform.  But this kind of platform also needs to pay a price, and offending people is fine.

    The key is what if the object of the conflict is your own sect, or conflicts with your own allies, younger brothers, or even friends?

    Don't imagine that mediation can satisfy everyone. More often than not, mediation that seems fair will only dissatisfy all parties and make people feel uncomfortable inside and out

    Outside Pingyang City

    The sound of horseshoes sounded, Wang Qingshan glanced forward, turned to Li Mu and said: "People from the Pingyang family are here, and you will be in charge of receiving them."

    "Yes, uncle."

    After these few days of contact, Li Mu could see it.  Although Feng Qingyang is the team leader, when dealing with specific problems, his ability is obviously not good enough.

    Fortunately, he himself is aware of this problem. When encountering things, it is basically the mature and prudent Elder Wang who makes up his mind

    "I heard that the heroes of the Huashan School are here. Pingyang Zhou Wenyuan, Qiu Changfeng, Zhao Tianyun on behalf of the Pingyang martial arts comrades, I am here to visit."

    Several people in front of the camp said in unison.  Perhaps because he was worried that his weight was not enough, he deliberately added Pingyang Wulin to increase his status.

    "It turned out to be Chief Escort Zhao, ZhouSenior Zhou, Senior Qiu all seniors are here, Junior Brother Li is already waiting in the tent behind, please!"

    According to the rules of the Jianghu, the gatekeeper Lou Bubei saluted everyone.  I wanted to say a few words, but because I stayed in Huashan all year round and had limited experience, I only recognized Zhao Tianyun who was walking the dart.

    Even though everyone had already reported their names, he still couldn't figure out the heroic deeds of these people, and he could only swallow the compliments when they came to his lips.

    Naturally, this scene did not escape the eyes of everyone, especially when they heard that the reception was only a disciple of a different generation, they felt that they were underestimated, and the anger in their hearts became even stronger.

    Fortunately, everyone is an old Jianghu, knowing how to restrain their emotions, and still forced a smile on their faces.

    ?It doesn't work if you don't restrain yourself, strength in the arena is respected.  The few Huashan disciples in front of them are all elites of the Huashan School, and their cultivation level is not lower than second-rate.

    It seems that their cultivation base is higher, but except for Zhou Wenyuan, who is a big realm higher, everyone else is in the same realm. If there is a real fight, it is still unknown who is stronger and who is weaker.

    Everyone has no friendship in the past. Since they are equal in strength, seniority is not important.  It's okay to call him a senior for face, but it's okay if you don't call him by his first name.

    After all, he was in charge of the Escort, and the slick Zhao Tianyun was the first to react, pretending to be surprised and asked: "But the Huashan Sword Immortal, Li Daxia, who defeated Jia Laomo?"

    The word "small" was deliberately hidden, and Zhao Tianyun also spelled it out in order to get closer.

    "Boss Zhao is very knowledgeable, it's Junior Brother Li!"

    Lou Bubei replied with a face full of glory.  It could be seen that he was very satisfied with Zhao Tianyun's compliment.

    Obviously everyone had done their homework, and Zhao Tianyun immediately reacted to the reminder.  Shocked by Li Mu's prestige of defeating the elders of the Demon Cult, the people who were originally dissatisfied with being neglected immediately corrected their mentality.

    While speaking, he had already arrived in front of the tent.

    Glancing at the person who came, Li Mu said with a hearty smile: "Seniors are here, and Li is far away, I hope you will forgive me!"

    He spoke politely, but his body was honest, and he still sat motionless in his seat.

    It's not that he doesn't know etiquette, it's mainly that now is not the time to be humble.  The more imposing you are, the more powerful you will be in the conversation that follows.

    "Li??Xiamen is polite.  If we talk about it, we are the local snakes.  All the heroes sent by Huashan came to Pingyang, it would be impolite for me to wait until my friendship with the landlords has not been fulfilled.

    Zhou has a cheeky face, please all heroes move to the humble house, let us represent the Pingyang martial arts comrades to show the friendship of the landlords.  "

    Some nasty words, uttered from Zhou Wenyuan's mouth, directly refreshed the perception of everyone present.

    Even Li Mu secretly lamented that people are ugly, and his evaluation of Zhou Wenyuan increased by one point in his heart.

    Anyway, he is also a respectable figure in the arena. He can directly lower his figure in the face of a junior, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can do, at least Li Mu himself can't do it.

    "Hero Zhou is being too polite. It's not that I'm waiting for you. It's actually because we went down the mountain this time to meet the Hengshan faction, which involved a dispute between good and evil. If you are involved, Li will be guilty of a serious crime."

    As for Li Mu's embarrassing expression, if he didn't know it, he might have been deceived.

    It's a pity that everyone is a sensible person. Since the Huashan faction stepped into Pingyang, everyone has been in the game.

    I don't want to be implicated, unless I abandon my family business now, pack up my things and leave immediately.

    Don't look at Li Mu's polite words now, if everyone left without saying a word, the Huashan faction would devour their property unceremoniously after the war.

    It's okay if you don't come back once you go, but if you don't know how to come back to ask for the property, then you have to be careful of the "demon cult" coming to destroy the family.  After all the battles between good and evil, there were guys who couldn't see the situation clearly and were exterminated because of this.

    "Hero Li is out of touch, and it is our duty to fight against the Demon Sect. The war between good and evil has begun, and the entire world has been involved. How can Pingyang Wulin be alone?

    According to reports from disciples in the clan, demon cultists have entered Pingyang.  Because of the traitor's betrayal, the Hengshan Sect's stronghold in the city is now in the hands of the Demon Cult.

    We are alone and alone, unable to contend with the Demon Cult.  After receiving the news, I can only inform the heroes, so as not to fall into the tricks of the demon cult monsters.  "

    When the dry goods came, Li Mu's expression suddenly changed, as if he was overwhelmed by the emotion.

    "Everyone in Pingyang, it is my blessing to be able to understand righteousness so deeply. To tell you the truth, we have lost contact with the Hengshan sect. If you can help find the trace of Hengshan sect, my Wuyue sword sect will be very grateful  do."

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