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Text Chapter Nineteen Death Abyss

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    A loud bang!  The floor of the hall collapsed, revealing a large black hole.

    Immediately afterwards, all the lighting fixtures in the hall suddenly flickered.

    After the flashing lasted for three seconds, all the lamps lost their function, and the hall was completely dark.

    However, it is daytime now, the degree of darkness is limited, and the surrounding situation can still be seen clearly.

    The emergency lights came on, and Judy's bodyguards, some were guarding her, and some were slowly approaching the hole with their guns raised.

    The three bodyguards advanced in the shape of a character, and the advancing speed was a bit slow, but fortunately, there were no accidents among the three during this process.

    When the front bodyguard was still five or six meters away from the entrance of the cave, he stopped suddenly, took out a sonic bomb from his waist, pulled the safety catch, and threw it into the entrance of the cave.

    The whole process was completed in one go, and everyone subconsciously covered their ears, waiting for the result.


    A dozen or so sonic bombs of the same style suddenly flew out of the hole and flew in all directions.

    Everyone hurriedly dodged, covered their ears and closed their eyes.

    More than a dozen sonic bombs detonated in the empty hall, and the huge sound swept the entire hall in an instant. Even though everyone was prepared, many people still fainted.

    After the intense glare, no one in the hall was standing. Even Smoker chose to lie on the ground to avoid the sound waves and the glare.

    After about seven or eight seconds, Judy regained some consciousness and got up from the ground. She looked towards the entrance of the cave with lingering fear, but saw a scene that shocked her.

    Soldiers wearing tactical vests and berets floated out of the cave.

    In fact, they didn't float up, but jumped up. It's just that their movements were smooth and smooth, which gave Judy such an illusion.

    Smoker watched all this in the shadows, thinking about how to deal with this difficult group of mercenaries.  "Blackwater Mercenary Group? Why did they come here?"

    While rubbing his left eye with the back of his left hand, Ibrahimovic squinted his right eye to look at the enemy coming out of the hole.

    Smoker protected his ears with a cigar, but he didn't close his eyes immediately when he fell to the ground, and the bright light hit him.  Immediately, tears flowed down my face, my vision was blurred, and I needed to squint to see the distance clearly.

    "Sonic bombs? They're not here to kill Judy?! They're here to catch her!"

    Who is going to catch her?

    One question after another followed, as if he jumped from one fog into another thicker fog.

    "Be careful yourself." A voice penetrated the cigar and sounded in Ibrahimovic's ears.

    It was Smoker's voice. Just as Ibrahimovic was about to nod, he found that Smoker beside him had disappeared, to be more precise, he had merged into the shadows.

    The bunkers in the hall are limited and fragile, and there is no place to hide if you want to hide.  The bodyguards quickly formed a meat wall to protect Judy, and moved to the safe exit.

    During this process, the bodyguards also drew out their guns to shoot, but after realizing that the crosshairs had dropped sharply, they all gave up shooting one after another and accelerated their pace to move towards the safe exit.

    A man wearing goggles seemed to be the commander of the mercenaries. Instead of paying attention to the escaped bodyguards and the prey this time, he looked around, looking for something, and the indicator light on the goggles kept flashing red.

    "The information is wrong, there are super masters here!"

    "You want to withdraw? No way!" A deep female voice sounded.

    "That woman can be caught at any time, there is no need to be obsessed with the present."

    "No!" After the woman finished speaking, she became shorter, jumped four or five meters high, and broke the chain of the crystal ceiling with one kick.

    Boom!  The crystal lamp fell to the ground in response, and crystals of all sizes scattered all over the floor.

    The woman landed on the ground, glanced at the fragmented crystal lamp, and then looked up at the ceiling.

    This time, she didn't make any movement, she just disappeared out of thin air, and when she reappeared, she punched through the ceiling with a punch, and a figure suddenly appeared beside the pierced hole.

    The woman's hand lightly hooked the knife sheath on her calf, and a small dagger appeared in her hand, piercing the figure's head.

    The figure turned his head to avoid the fatal blow, and his body fell quickly.

    Seeing this, the woman was overjoyed, and frantically swiped the dagger in mid-air, piercing the opponent's vitals with every blow, but none of them hit the opponent.

    After the figure landed, he changed his previous defense and took the initiative to attack, kicking the woman away with a roundabout kick.  The swift action stunned all the mercenaries on the opposite side.

    The woman rolled on the ground several times before she managed to stabilize her figure, although she knew that the other party was really strong.?Tough, but when they really fought against each other, she realized that he was even scarier than the legends said.

    Quiet, strangely quiet filled the entire hall, Stinger looked in the direction of the man, and found a wisp of black mist floating from the gun in Smoker's hand!

    The body of the gun is silver and white, glowing with the cold light of death, its name is Death Abyss!

    Holding the Abyss of Death in his hand, Smoker exudes an aura called death, which is like water, instantly soaking into their hearts and lingering.

    "Be careful, he's Smoker!" Stinger said, walking up to the man in goggles.

    "Didn't you say that he is under internal investigation and won't show up in a short time? Where did your information come from? There must be a limit! You are a top killer anyway, don't you know the importance of information?"  The goggles man said in a bad tone.

    Stinger's face was gloomy, and he didn't speak, but his eyes became more indifferent.  She couldn't refute it, because she knew the importance of intelligence, so she insisted that she was responsible for the intelligence work of this operation.

    She has seen too many colleagues who died due to insufficient intelligence, so she has always had a special paranoia about intelligence collection.  She had carried out eighty-one missions before this, and her intelligence had never been missed.

    Of course, the companions know that she is very good, so they are very confident in her intelligence work.  But just like that sentence, when you trust a person too much, this person will often let you down.  And the price of disappointment may be death.

    Goggles man, Moss, the leader of the third regiment of the Blackwater Mercenary Corps. His ability is A-level iron will. The higher the fighting spirit, the stronger the physical fitness. When the fighting spirit reaches a certain level, it will happen like a Saiyan.  transformation.

    He himself didn't want to come to this operation, but the big boss named him to come, so he had to come.

    The last person he wants to meet in Tim City is this policeman who kills without batting an eyelid and is a master of marksmanship.

    Although Adolf is the strongest man in this city, he really hasn't killed many people It's precisely this Smoker who has a very murderous heart, especially likes to kill people with abilities. At least three people with S-level abilities died under his gun.  indivual!

    Moss stood where he was, staring fixedly at the abyss in Smoker's hand, his thoughts turned sharply.

    Seeing that he hadn't moved, the stinger on the side felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

    Although Death Abyss is a magic gun that can kill everything, he is still a gun after all, maintaining the characteristics of a gun, and can only shoot one bullet at a time.

    If she met Smoker alone, she didn't feel like she could run away.  But now there are eight people here

    Moss moved first. He dodged behind one of his companions, and then at the moment the sharp gunshots sounded, he ran backwards, smashed the French windows in front, and escaped from the bar.

    A group of men in black came running towards them, they made the appearance of drawing their guns and shooting, shouting something.

    There was another sharp gunshot, and Moss fell short and rolled on the ground. All the men in black he encountered along the way were knocked flying far away, vomiting blood.

    Fortunately, there is a stone step here!

    After rolling out of the stone steps, Moss raised his head and looked in the direction of the Spider Woman's Bar. No one was chasing him, and no companions ran towards him. He only heard gunshots one after another.

    Moss's heart pounded when he heard this, and he chose a direction with few people, and disappeared in an instant.

    Fleeing without fighting is relatively rare for mercenaries. No matter who the enemy is, they will usually do it first, shoot, throw bombs, and launch rockets.  run away.

    As usual, Moss's companions did it first, and then they raised their guns to shoot at Smoker. In their perception, we have eight guns and you only have one, so we have the advantage.

    Their thinking is right, but the reality is another matter.

    In the next moment, the strongest Stinger and Moss ran away at the same time, only the six of them shot wildly, and finally all died under the death gun.

    Smoker glanced at the three blood holes on his body, leaned against the broken arm of the sofa, and took out a blue cigar from his arms.


    The cigar passed through the barrel and was ignited by a black flame.

    He took a deep breath, and the black flame at the front seemed to be sucked in by him, and disappeared without a trace, leaving only the glowing red sparks behind.
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