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Chapter 515 Meeting Teachers (V)

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    In September 2063, the war was still in a stalemate.  After several major member states of the Fiji League and West Jordan declared war on each other, 58 of the more than 60 countries and regions in the human world have been involved in the war one after another.

    This is the largest, cruelest and most tragic war in the history of the human world.  The scope and intensity of its influence are far higher than the war of independence and the racial war among immigrant races when the Earth Federation disintegrated.

    More advanced technology, more abundant production capacity, and more population have turned into more sophisticated weapons, more powerful warships, and larger armies.  Human beings have lost control of the situation, and every country and every individual can only run wildly along with the progress of the war.  If anyone wants to stop running wildly in front of the monster of war, then he must be mentally prepared to be crushed by it.

    Whether it is active or passive, picking up a gun and going into battle is the only choice for everyone in this era.

    The flames of war are constantly spreading.  One after another, the immigrant planets ushered in warships that covered the sky and the sun; one city after another was swallowed by the tide of mechs.

    ?From the point of view of the situation, West Yorkshire, which launched the war first, still has a relatively large advantage.  The democracies of the Fi Union paid a heavy price for their indecision and blind optimism before the war.

    At the beginning of the war, Xiyo, who had already made full preparations, quickly captured dozens of important space jump points on the human interstellar map with a lightning-like offensive, and pinched the key points of the entire interstellar main channel.  Immediately, countless fleets blasted open the closed gates of democratic countries, and countless mechs were sent to the planet by giant transport ships.  Democracies that hastily organized resistance can only retreat again and again in the face of the aggressive offensive of West Yorkshire.

    On August 25, 2063, the Western Treaty Army completely captured Manu, the capital of the small western country of Bretholia.  The small Fiji member state, with only two colonized planets in one galaxy, became the first casualty of the war.  Unlike the Lelei Federation, the Bretoria Federation is occupied by the entire territory.  Her neighbor, the Empire of Sioollans, declared Bretolia as its third province.

    On August 27, 2063, the Pusi Republic, located in the northwest of the human interstellar map, lost its capital star and retreated to the last of the three immigrant planets on its border.  Because of the blockade of the waterway, the Allied Forces of the Fiji Union were unable to increase their troops to rescue, and the remaining remnants of the Pusi Republic itself were not enough to continue to resist. The Propaganda Department of the Allied Forces of West Yorkshire announced the victory of the Battle of Pusi in advance.

    On the same day, the Fuen Federation in the southern theater was breached, and the coalition fleet composed of three Western countries swarmed in, blocking the main force of the Fuen Federation fleet that had nowhere to escape in the Blue Whale Nebula obstacle area.  After 60 hours of fighting, the three core fleets of the Fuen Federation were completely annihilated. Since then, there has not been a single warship belonging to the Fuen Federation in the starry sky of the Fuen Federation. The defeat of the Fuen Federation is a foregone conclusion.

    On August 28, the Battle of the Shien River, the capital of the Republic of Xiya, ended, the Republic of Xiya was defeated, 16 armored divisions and 22 fully mechanized infantry divisions were wiped out, and the road to the capital was opened   On August 29th, the St. Regis Democratic Alliance was defeated, and St. Regis fell On August 30th

    The situation has become more tense because of West York's triumphant performance in late August.  The people of the member states of the Fi Union receive depressing news every day.  The entire Fimeng League fell into a precarious situation.

    Anxiety and panic drew more attention to the central and southeast theaters.

    In the central theater, there are the leaders of the two camps, the Binart Empire and the Feyan Republic, as well as the Naga Federation and the Ryan Republic, the most staunch followers of these two leaders.  These four big countries are like the four legs of a table, if any one is broken, then the other side will have an overwhelming advantage.

    However, whether it is the battle between the Binart Empire and the Feyan Republic in Karlston, or the feud between the Naga Federation and the Ryan Republic, they are all in a stalemate, and it is still too early to decide the winner  .  Therefore, what everyone really cares about is the Southeast Theater, which is second only to the Central Theater in importance!

    The Southeast Theater is the starting point of this peerless war, and it is also the focus of contention between the two camps.  Because, among the top five major member states of West Yorkshire, three are located in this star field.

    Desiq, Jeppen and Seuss, these three empires, in the eyes of any member of the Fiji Union, are three monsters.  These three empires with a long history of expansion and aggression have always been eager to unleash their force and wield their minions.  For hundreds of years, they have been firmly locked up by the Fibonacci, the Supreme Council of Humanity, unable to move.  And now, the straps that bound them had broken.

    ? In the case that the central channel of Le Lei was opened.?The flickering cannon light is like a string of silent electric light cannons lit in the dark night.

    "What about the loss?!"

    In the noisy and flustered command room, Zhang Pengcheng had to roar loudly to make the staff officer who almost touched his nose hear his question clearly.


    An energy cannon hit the port side of the [Holy Vast].  The huge battleship shook violently, Zhang Pengcheng almost pinched his fingers into the hard metal armrest of the command seat, and managed to stabilize his body without falling down.  And the staff officer next to him was thrown out suddenly, his forehead hit the railing of the podium, bleeding continuously.

    The lights in the command room flickered quickly.

    "Damn it!" Zhang Pengcheng knew that this was a signal that the mothership's power system was damaged.

    "Our flagship fleet currently has two battleships, two cruisers and four destroyers destroyed, and one cruiser lost combat effectiveness." The bloodied staff officer got up and reported.

    "Where's the dragon spear and machete?!" Zhang Pengcheng roared loudly.

    "Can't contact yet!" The blood on the staff officer's head dripped onto the deck in big drops.

    Outside the window, countless energy cannon beams criss-cross in the void.

    On September 4, 2063, the formation of the coalition forces in the eastern theater of the Fiji League was completed, and the Chakna Republic immediately launched a major counter-offensive campaign aimed at completely eradicating the second Lesk immigrant star, Leifengxing, where Suss settled.  On the same day, the Seuss Empire completed its sixth reinforcement to the Resk galaxy.  The focus of the contention between the two sides in Resk has shifted from space to the ground.

    On September 5, 2063, the Fleet of the 19th Fleet Group successfully attacked the Sioux Base in Salga.

    On the same day, two Royal Elephant-class fleets of the Binart Empire and the Fifth Fleet of the Desiq Empire quietly arrived at the Lelei Central Galaxy.

    It was also on this day that the Suss Fleet attacking Mars Freeport, under the command of Gershkov, suddenly gave up the week-long chasing game with the Twelfth Fleet of Chakna, which was lured to the Rose Galaxy.  Pounce on the Ernst galaxy jump point.

    The unknown Chakna fleet was forced to retreat in order to maintain the threat to the Suss fleet.  Unexpectedly, during the retreat process, the Suss fleet used the ambush electronic ships to launch intensively, and took the lead in obtaining the electronic control area.  The A-class fleet also appeared behind the Chakner 12th fleet.

    The maneuvering space of the Chakna 12th fleet was closed, so they could only fight with all their strength, and were dragged into a decisive battle by the Suss fleet.

    Southeast star field, thunder and lightning!

    In the early morning of September 6, 2063, the bandit army fleet entered the Longbow Galaxy and sailed along the Vines Nebula to the jump point of the Bermuda Galaxy

    After thinking and thinking, I finally decided to gather it up and write it.  The skill is not enough, the more you struggle, the more miserable you will be.  I really want to write in detail about these things that have been spread out, but I am still conflicted about the opinions of book friends on this aspect.  Now it's time to close your eyes and go back to the way you were before.  Hope this kind of plot can be controlled in the future

    (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) (Remember the website URL:
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