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Chapter 904 Breakthrough

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    "Bandit army, move forward!"

    It was quiet in the study.  But the reporter clearly heard this voice echoing in his ears.

    The setting sun outside the window has already set behind the clouds in the sky.  There is only a smear of golden afterglow, passing through the gaps between the buildings, like a flame.

    Time, flow back in the sunset.

    Go on, go on!

    At this moment, the reporter seemed to be standing in the middle of the ancient battlefield in Lelei's central star field.

    Up, down, left, and right, there are bright stars.

    The green and white Lelei capital star is like a huge night pearl emitting a faint light, suspended in front of the eyes.

    Countless warships were galloping towards the gap that was only 40,000 kilometers wide.

    In every battleship, there are roaring Fimeng fighters.

    The captains stretched their arms straight ahead; the officers and soldiers were running in the corridor; the gunner put the electronic sight of the fire control system on the enemy ship; the old mechanic captain in the power cabin viciously turned on the power output to the maximum;  The crew gritted their teeth, pushed up the control lever violently, and opened every propulsion nozzle of the battleship.

    Countless warships walked around and opened fire in front of them, countless officers and soldiers roared and roared in the bloody flames, and countless fighter planes skimmed the side of the battleship, pouring energy cannons and missiles on the steel shell, setting off thousands of fireballs.

    go ahead!

    That was the roar of a young general!

    go ahead!

    That was the roar of countless Fimeng officers and soldiers!

    go ahead!

    That is the sound of the country where the battlefield is located, the souls of 30 million sacrificed soldiers and hundreds of millions of compatriots who died, roaring under this starry sky!

    Their hearts are beating neatly and powerfully at this moment!

    Their roars resounded through the sky!

    It was a magnificent era, and it was a magnificent war!  Although decades have passed, even though it is just listening to an old man who has experienced war in this quiet study room recalling the past.  However, the reporter is still excited by the roar.

    "Kill!" The old man's low voice rang in his ears.  A current ran along his back and climbed up to the top of his head!

    He turned around suddenly, the old man just sat quietly on the chair, staring at the ceiling.  That hideous word burst out from his throat with a low voice.  It's like a Beijing opera singing, long and thick, as if traveling through time and space, turning a thousand times!


    Fujii grabbed his military cap abruptly, slammed it on the commanding seat, and shouted angrily!

    The flagship cleaves the waves in the sea of ??artillery fire.

    The white energy cannon balls slid by like meteors; the red explosion flames, like cotton soaked with blood, suddenly exploded outside the porthole, and were immediately thrown away by the battleship trembling from the explosion.  behind.


    Maqiya stood proudly on the command seat, with firm eyes.

    Under his command, more than 300 Ryan warships rushed along the periphery of the battle circle.  The warships swarming in like a tidal wave collided with the command group centered on the flagship again and again, and turned into waves all over the sky again and again, splashing in all directions!


    Zhang Pengcheng swung his fist fiercely.

    The twelfth and thirteenth fleets of Chakna in a conical formation, like the sharp tip of a spear, directly plunged into the Xiyue fleet.


    McKinley had a complexion of steel.  As the main force of the coalition forces, the warships of the Republic of Feyon slowly pressed up with their thick fleet that has traversed the universe for 30 years.  Rows of battleships, like the waves of the sea, marched hand in hand.  The hard bow of the ship is raised high, and every step forward smashes into endless blood and fire.


    Both Labinski and Ballas rolled up their sleeves, their eyes were red and their faces were ferocious.

    A Fibonacci fleet charged at high speed following the flagship.  From a distance, these warships of different colors and models look like cavalry rolling down the hillside.  The bowl-sized iron hoof trampled over the turf, splashing mud.  The cold steel armor covered the whole body, the long lance had been put down as the distance approached, the wind whistled beside the ears, the ground flew back under the feet, and in front of his eyes, there was only blood red!


    This voice, bursting out from the hot chests of countless Fidan officers and soldiers, traveled through space and time like a thunderbolt, sweeping across the universe.

    blood, in the bodyLike the hyenas of the migrating herd of takin, they can only circle around hastily and in vain under the trample of countless hooves.

    No one can believe their eyes.  No one expected that this collision would have such a result.

    In the silence, people stared at each other in horror.  Slowly and carefully aftertaste the moment like the stone fire and lightning, and then I have some aftertaste!

    In the previous confrontation between the two sides, the bandit army fleet had almost no losses!

    Although the energy shields of some battleships turned red, and even the armor of the battleships was shattered, none of the battleships lost their combat effectiveness.  The energy shield capacity is far higher than that of ordinary warships, making them rough and thick like rhinos.

    On the other hand, nearly one-sixth of the warships of the Night Army were destroyed under the salvo of the bandit army, which was superior in number.

    However, this is not the main factor for the bandit army's instant breakthrough.

    The important thing is that the destroyed night army warships are all located in front of and outside the West York Fleet.  When the battleship in front is destroyed, the battleship behind can only change its course and go around.

    In this way, the originally dense West York fleet became loose and its speed slowed down.

    But at this time, the bandit army fleet, which still maintains a dense formation, has an absolute advantage in numbers and has a sharp collision angle, did not slow down and slammed into it

    Their warships, their tactics, are simply born for breakthroughs!

    "God" A reporter from a neutral country stared blankly at the screen, "Who can stop such a fleet if it can fight twice?"

    When the first bandit warship on the Tianwang screen penetrated the night warship array, Sober suddenly stood up.

    Before he knew it, his face had turned livid.  The clenched teeth made his temples and cheeks bulge high, and the clenched fist seemed to squeeze out water!

    Alejandro looked at Sober, feeling a little dazed for a while.

    Following Sober for so many years, he has never seen this talented general of the Binart Empire, so out of control.  He heard that when Sober was the head of the Royal Guard Army many years ago, he was surrounded by several armored divisions of the enemy. He fought fiercely for four days and three nights and traveled hundreds of kilometers, almost annihilating his entire army.  His subordinates had never seen him so nervous.

    At this moment, the bandit army fleet has just entered the G20 airspace, and it is still more than 100,000 kilometers away from here.  Although Alejandro also admitted that the bandit army's ramming tactics were naturally suitable for this kind of high-speed breakthrough, but the night army's less than two A-class fleet's warships met them.  Even if the bandits break through without any difficulty, it doesn't mean they will be able to rush over.

    You must know that Banning, who tried his best to get rid of the entanglement of his opponent, has already moved to the right wing to replace Keynes and fight Zhang Pengcheng.  Kadel on the left also mobilized troops to cooperate with Keans to block the passage.  At this moment, on both sides of the passage in front of the bandit army fleet, there are six fleets approaching the intersection of the G20 airspace and the T20 airspace.

    Even if the bandit army can hit, can he still hit six A-class fleets at once?


    Moore's self-talking voice rang in his ears.  Alejandro frowned, and was about to ask for clarification, but he heard Sober on the command seat say in the same deep voice.


    A thought emerged from my mind.  Alessandro suddenly turned his head to look at the screen.

    The prophecy of Moore and Sober came true.

    On the screen, around the charging ten [Doomsday]-class space carriers, a swarm of space fighters suddenly sprang up.

    As soon as these space fighters were ejected out of the tunnel, they accelerated forward.  In an instant, the bandit warships rushed out of the bandit fleet and spread out to the two wings, facing the Xiyue fleet.  A channel 10,000 kilometers wide was formed.

    In the middle of the channel, the bandit army fleet is running fast and fast

    (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) (Remember the website URL:
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