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Main Text Chapter 229: Dimension, Plane, Encounter (still a 6,000-word chapter)

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    Before, he always thought that his old father-in-law was nothing, so he took back his golden finger.

    Let him become an incomplete time traveler, a shameful existence of a time traveler.

    Without a hacked traverser, even life is incomplete.

    But now, he found that he seemed to be wrong.

    I was really wrong.

    His old father-in-law took away his golden finger, but gave him another amazing thing.

    Sword in the lake!

    No, this is not a sword at all, it has just been transformed into a sword.

    The real name of this thing is

    Plasma Spark Tower!

    Yes, the plasma spark tower, in an instant, Ultraman broke in.

    The sword in the lake is not the source, but only the carrier of the source power.

    The real root is the plasma spark tower.

    It is the source of everything, including the source of heavenly power.

    The power source of heaven in this world, the power source of the Vatican, is very likely to be the plasma spark tower, at least, it is one of their power sources.

    "The essence of the Sword in the Lake is an artifact called the Plasma Spark Tower. This artifact comes from another universe, creating a race that rampages the universe in that world. The role of this artifact is not very powerful.  Maximum action pollution and evolution.¡±

    "This artifact fell into this universe due to unknown reasons, and was discovered by a dimensional existence that also belongs to the rules of light, because the pure rules of light in it were collected, assimilated, and transformed into the root of the dimension  .¡±

    "The so-called root is essentially the cornerstone of the dimension, where the root of the dimension lies."

    "This world seems to be a whole, but in essence it is a weird collection of countless dimensions. Different regions are different dimensions or planes."

    "There are many roots in this world, and different roots have different rules. Powerful roots derive new dimensions, and at the same time attract dimensions or planes of the same nature, merge and devour them, and form stronger dimensions."

    "The weak roots are simply fragments of rules. This thing is not uncommon."

    "After countless wars, some dimensions have been broken into small planes or demi-planes, and some planes are attracted to each other because of their similar nature, and are collected and integrated by interested people to become new dimensions one after another."

    "There may be many roots of the same rule or similar rules in a dimension. The more roots, the stronger the power of the dimension."

    "The stronger the dimension, the more powerful the power of other dimensions will be repelled."

    "The Plasma Spark Domain is one of the roots of the Heavenly Dimension in the western world, and the Sword in the Lake is the carrier of his power. But it is essentially in a dormant state, and the pollution it emits is only instinctively dissipated, so it can only be used in Hong Kong Island.  Guarantee the use of those sacred objects, but cannot turn Hong Kong Island into a dimension similar to heaven."

    "This is also one of the biggest mistakes of the Heaven Dimension today. It was an ordinary angel who discovered the Plasma Spark Tower, and he couldn't see the true value of the Plasma Spark Domain."

    "After he brought the plasma spark tower back to the dimension of heaven, he handed it over to a blacksmith, who made it into this sword in the lake, and put it into the mortal world to complete the task of spreading faith."

    "I have stripped the plasma spark tower from the sword in the lake and integrated it into your heart."

    "Although this thing is miraculous, it is still in a deep sleep. To wake it up, you need a lot of light energy. Unfortunately, you can't drill into the sun yet, otherwise, it will recover very quickly."

    This is the news that Zheng Kun's old father-in-law stayed in the plasma spark tower.

    In the sword in the lake is the bearer of the power of the plasma spark tower. After being stripped of all surface layers by his old father-in-law, only its original source remains, which is the plasma spark tower.

    But unfortunately, this thing is sleeping, and its energy consumption is almost exhausted. It is very simple to recover it, just bask in the sun, which is exactly the same as Superman.

    "So, Clark Kent basked in the sun and finally turned into Superman, and I turned into Ultraman?"

    "Is my final ending going to be Ultraman?"

    The theory of the plasma spark tower is that it has infinite energy. Unfortunately, it is not easy to roam different universes. God knows how this thing came from Ultraman's universe to the current weird universe.

    It's definitely not easy.

    theAfter learning two key pieces of information, Ma Dingdang beside Jiang Tiansheng was stunned.

    She turned her head and looked at Huo Tiansheng with surprise on her face, "Ah Sheng, you"

    She always thought that Jiang Tiansheng was an ordinary person, an elite among ordinary people.

    However, he did not expect that Jiang Tiansheng would say such a sentence out of the blue. In any case, as soon as he uttered this sentence, it showed that Jiang Tiansheng in front of him was not an ordinary person, because ordinary people could not say such words.

    "Brother Sheng, do you know what this is?"

    "Shadow snakes, little bugs that travel between different planes and dimensions. They feed on spiritual power, and they like to attack people like you who are mentally powerful but half-baked."

    "That's my fault." Zheng Kun said helplessly, "Why haven't I heard of it before?"

    "Before, I didn't allow this kind of thing to get close to me."

    "What now?"

    "It seems that something has broken the balance, destroyed the structure, and my speech has failed."

    "Speaking spirit!"

    Zheng Kun glanced at Jiang Tiansheng and shook his head helplessly.

    The spirit of speech is the ability to follow the words.

    Obviously, the Master True Ancestor kept this kind of thing away from him, and this sentence will form a rule. These shadow snakes are restricted by the rules and will not appear near Jiang Tiansheng.  Covering the entire Hong Kong Island.

    But now, Jiang Tiansheng's power of words and spirits has failed.

    If it's just this one, it's fine, if it's not the only one, things will get worse.

    "Whether it is Hong Kong Island or the whole world, the rules have been eroded by some kind of force, even the underworld is no exception. You are now responsible for the spiritual world of Hong Kong Island."

    Zheng Kun felt very weird.

    To be responsible for the spiritual world of the entire Hong Kong Island, this is almost the same from the words of the first brother, but it is very contrary to Jiang Tiansheng's mouth.

    In other words, you are a general!

    Ancestor of Zombies!

    The boss who will destroy the world in the future!

    Why are you acting like a small leader now, or

    Seeing Jiang Tiansheng's serious expression and his hand holding Ma Dingdang, Zheng Kun suddenly understood.

    He is playing role-playing!

    What about playing Cosplaye!

    In the TV series, Jiangchen is a complicated guy full of confusion.

    He actually tried to understand human feelings, and even wanted to analyze human feelings.

    So many weird things were done.

    For example, pretending to be a college student, such as falling in love with a woman from the Ma family, or even giving his woman to others in the future like Xiao Li Feidao.

    Zheng Kun seems to have seen Ma Xiaoling's tragic ending more than ten years later.

    What did you say?

    Ma Xiaoling belongs to Kuang Tianyou?

    Who knows?

    Anyway, the old friend of the other general seems to be Ma Xiaoling.

    With the general's ability, it is not difficult to clone a few women from the Ma family.

    He is now playing the role of a club leader.

    I am also very concerned about the safety of Hong Kong Island.

    Because the association is also patriotic and Hong Kong!

    A mafia boss suddenly discovers something that may endanger the safety of Hong Kong Island, instantly transforms into a good citizen, and then calls the police. Isn't this a routine operation?

    What's so hard to understand?

    Zheng Kun quickly understood.
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