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Main Text Chapter 5 Save the World with Lightning in Hand

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    Pinellia is difficult to understand.

    bg4mxh says it's a complex physics problem.

    The word physics sounds complicated.

    Complicated physical problems, that is, complex squares, Banxia knows this problem with her toes, but her toes can't figure it out.

    So she simply didn't think about it.

    Let them stay comfortably in the slippers for the toes. I am sorry for my toes after traveling all day. Is it too difficult for them to think about the problem?

    It's time to wash your feet.

    She crossed her knees and tore off the socks on both feet. The two socks were tied into a knot. The girl raised her hand and aimed a little. With a light throw, the socks hit the head of the bed and hit the target!

    Ban Xia put on her slippers and dragged out the washbasin from under the bed, tore off the bare towel from the hook behind the door, and then carried the washbasin to the dark living room to pour hot water.

    When October is still hot, you don't need too much hot water for washing.

    Next, I went to the bathroom to scoop up a few scoops of clean water, and returned to the room with half a basin of water. The girl put the washbasin on the floor first, and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

    Raised his hand to touch his hair, twirled it and smelled it, Pinellia hesitated for two seconds, is it oily enough to make braised eggplant?


    Okay, then I won't wash my hair tonight.

    Ban Xia tied her hair behind her head with a headband and tied it in a bun, exposing her slender neck like a ballet dancer, then bent down to take out a towel, wrung it dry and washed her face.

    Pinellia's skin is very fair, so white that the teacher is envious.

    The teacher often pinched her face, stared at her for a long time, and then asked the girl why you can't get a tan?

    The girl scrubbed her body in front of the electric fan, and the wind blew very cool after washing.

    She pulled up the collar of her pajamas and poured wind into it.

    Finally, to wash the feet, Ban Xia soaked both feet in the water, leaned over and rubbed and massaged slowly.

    From the knee down to the toe, and then from the toe to the heel, her instep and toes are still white and soft, but there is a layer of rough calluses on the soles of her feet. In this world without other means of transportation, Ban Xia goes out  I can only rely on the bicycle and two legs. When the teacher was still there, I often knelt in front of Pinellia to pinch the latter's feet. The teacher's fingers are long and slender, very strong and skillful, from the bottom of the foot to the top  Press the calf little by little to help her mobilize the ligaments and relax the muscles until the girl's feet are flushed red from the hot water.

    The teacher always said that to survive in this world, people live on their feet.

    How nice to have feet, able to run and jump.

    Ban Xia saw with her own eyes that the teacher took off one of her own feet, and then leaned against the wall to beat it.

    That calf has no muscles, no blood vessels, no skin or bones, it is a frame made of metal and plastic, the teacher said it is called a prosthesis.

    Where did the teacher's original foot go?

    She said she was vaporized.

    Although one foot is fake, the teacher's skill is still vigorous, Ban Xia has never seen anyone as powerful as the teacher, she is also a very young woman?

    Ban Xia fell back on the bed and grabbed the small plastic lamp by the bed.

    She turned on the desk lamp and closed her eyes. The faint light entered the pupil through the eyelids and fell on the retina. Ban Xia saw a dark red circle in the dark.

    She knew that it was the color of the light passing through the blood vessels, opened her eyes, and the bright LED light pierced her eyes, Ban Xia subconsciously narrowed her eyes, and the dark red circle turned into a white circle of light.

    Close her eyes again, the light persists on the retina, the aperture is still there, but gradually dissipates, she opens her eyes again, and the light shines directly into the pupil again.

    Ban Xia repeatedly opened and closed her eyes, and the dark red circle edge reflected on the bottom of the retina gradually became clear. It rolled and flickered in front of the girl's eyes, and finally jumped out from the dark background, turning into a red eyeball.

    Ban Xia suddenly opened her eyes and touched her forehead.

    There is a little sweat on the forehead, I don't know if it is from the heat.

    bg4mxh said that he wants to figure out the cause of all this, which is the key to all actions. Only when they figure out the reason for the destruction of the world, can they work together to bring the world back from the brink of destruction.

    Is this really possible?

    bg4mxh said it was possible, because humans in that era had very powerful power.

    But in the girl's eyes, isn't the human civilization that once possessed such great power still destroyed?  Banxia lives in the same world as bg4mxh lives in, but the times are different, ?If human beings are not destroyed, then I will not live here alone.

    Ban Xia doesn't know the real reason for the destruction of the world. If she knew, she would have told bg4mxh that there must have been people in this world who knew how the world was destroyed, but now they are all gone. Ban Xia only has vague ideas about the end of the world  Memory, only relying on the vague memory in the brain, is it possible for bg4mxh to find out the truth of the end of the world?

    Ban Xia thought silently, slowly raised her calf, then fell down, hitting the water surface lightly.

    With a sound of "Pa!", the surface of the foot touched the surface of the water, and a string of water droplets was brought up when it was raised.

    Are these efforts really meaningful?

    Is it possible to change the history that has already happened?

    bg4mxh himself is already dead, he has long since died in the turmoil and disasters of the past 20 years, all his family members, friends and dependents have died in the turmoil and disasters of the past 20 years, Pinellia  In fact, he was talking to a ghost, talking to a ghost that survived in the electromagnetic wave world.

    Do ghosts and apparitions have the power to change their own destiny?

    If they can really change the future, change the history they see, and save human beings from being destroyed, what will this world look like?

    Will it be restored to a vibrant and crowded city in an instant?

    What will become of myself?

    Will I still exist?

    Will Ban Xia, who likes to sing, is good at archery, can catch fish and cook, but still lives very hard, still exist?

    Will everything I have experienced and all my memories disappear in an instant?

    Will the one lying here become another pinellia?

    The girl thought silently.

    In the words of bg4mxh, this is a complex physics problem.

    Ban Xia thinks with her toes, knowing that her toes can't think.

    But there are 6.5 billion people in the world on the other side of the radio signal, let them think about this problem, 6.5 billion people, this number is unimaginable, Ban Xia thinks that so many people will always appear  The hero who can save the world, she is lazily lying on the bed, looking at the small wooden photo frame on the window sill, there is a green dim fluorescent light in the photo frame, and there is also a small painting, an old comrade is holding a lightning bolt, a trick  Split the giant steel ship.

    who's that person?

    He is so powerful, he should be able to save the world, right?

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