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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Text Chapter 176 Cooperation?  Let the bullets fly for a while longer (2 more to order)

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    Chen Xiao had just finished class, so he pulled Wen Qi and told her not to leave the classroom for the time being.

    It is already mid-December when Chen Xiao needs to copy notes, and the final exam will be less than a month away.

    Chen Xiao didn't want to fail the exam in the first semester of university.

    Because of the innovation of lithium batteries, even if you don't come to class during this period, the teacher will not be too embarrassing.

    However, the teacher's attitude is the teacher's attitude. As a student, it should be a basic priority not to fail the exam.

    Wen Qi had a very pleasant time during this period. First of all, she was relatively smart in her studies, so she learned very easily.

    In addition, at the student union, Wen Qi officially became the organization minister of the student union. To her surprise, Guo Lan, the chairman of the student union, not only did not make things difficult for him, but also quite supported her work.

    Wen Qi sometimes wondered what kind of magical power Chen Xiao used to make Guo Lan's attitude turn 180 degrees.

    At this moment, Chen Xiao's phone rang.

    "I'm in Room 407, Shaw Building, so I'll wait for you for lunch."

    Wen Qi watched as Chen Xiao was seriously copying notes, and boys were pretty good looking when they were serious.

    But she seemed to hear a girl's voice on the phone just now.

    Wen Qi didn't ask much, but was a little curious.

    Curiosity is a girl's nature.

    Now it is the last class in the afternoon. After class, everyone will go to the cafeteria to eat, so there are no other students in the classroom.

    Wen Qi originally wanted to ask Chen Xiao to have dinner together, but after hearing what Chen Xiao said on the phone, she swallowed what she wanted to say.

    Half an hour later, Gao Miao hurriedly found the classroom.

    Seeing Chen Xiao obediently copying notes like a good student, Gao Miao laughed dumbfounded.

    After all, this image is very different from his decisive and assertive image in the laboratory.

    Wen Qi glanced at Gao Miao, and felt that this girl was very familiar, and then remembered the last time she was in a restaurant outside, and what she saw was this girl eating with Chen Xiao.

    Wen Qi smiled and said hello: "Hello!"

    Gao Miao's mind was not on Wen Qi's side.

    She directly sent the Motorola contract to Chen Xiao's desk.

    When Chen Xiao saw the cover of the contract, he knew that Gao Miao had something serious to say.

    Wen Qi is a sensible girl, she received her textbooks and notebooks, "Then shall I go to eat first?"

    She originally thought that Chen Xiao would hold back a sentence, but Chen Xiao nodded and said, "I'm really sorry today, I will invite you alone another day."

    Wen Qi smiled and walked out of the classroom holding the book.

    Just walked out of the classroom, and for some unknown reason, Wen Qi felt very uncomfortable, her nose became sore, and her eyes were foggy.

    Wen Qi took out her mobile phone and called Han Wen.

    "Wenwen, where are you? Can I have dinner with you?"

    On the phone, as soon as Wen Qi could hear the other party, the sound of baji baji baji eating.

    "UmmmmmmQiqi, didn't you say in class that you would not have dinner with us tonight? We are almost finished eating, and we are going to go back, where is Chen Ling?"

    "HmmOkay." Wen Qi replied softly, and hung up the phone.

    The weather in Jiangzhou in December is gloomy, without a ray of sunshine, just like a girl's mood.

    Gao Miao sat opposite Chen Xiao, and she said: "Each piece of electricity is 35 yuan, and the first batch will purchase 10,000 pieces, and the total number in the future will be about 1 million pieces."

    Gao Miao reported the main items of the contract in the shortest possible language.

    "But the other party requires that our lithium batteries can only be exclusively supplied to them and cannot be sold to other third parties."

    "Sign or not?" Gao Miao asked excitedly.

    Seeing Gao Miao's appearance as a small money fan, Chen Xiao smiled.

    However, he also understands Gao Miao's mood very well at this time. A company that has just been established suddenly has a large order of tens of millions, and it will be happy to put it on anyone.

    Chen Xiao didn't answer right away, he read some agreements of the contract in detail.

    There are no other problems, the most important thing is the relevant description of the exclusive supply.

    Not only does it stipulate that Changtian Technology can only supply lithium batteries of this specification to Motorola, but the contract period signed by the two parties is three years.

    In the 1980s and 1990s until around 2005, Motorola was the leader in the mobile phone market.?

    But then it will be overtaken by Nokia. In the Android era, Motorola has a flashback for a while, but it will soon be annihilated in the dust of history.

    Chen Xiao closed the contract with a smile, and asked Gao Miao: "Did you find a trap in the contract?"

    After all, Gao Miao is an engineering student, so he really didn't find any problems with the contract.

    "Is it the exclusive supply?" Gao Miao said after thinking for a while.

    Chen Xiao said: "The biggest problem with this contract is that Motorola wants to make us his sole supplier, or to put it more bluntly, as his subsidiary company."

    "If we sign this contract, then the future initiative will be in the hands of Motorola."

    "In the future, if they are willing to purchase our products, then we will be able to survive. If they are unwilling to purchase our products, or lower the price of our products, we will be very passive."

    "The price of lithium batteries is indeed more suitable, but this contract itself is a pit."

    After hearing Chen Xiao's explanation, Gao Miaocai was taken aback.

    Motorola's contract was carefully designed. They saw that Changtian Technology was a newly established company and had an extreme desire for orders.

    Gao Miao said: "Sure enough, a business negotiation is not a treat."

    Chen Xiao deleted the exclusive supply agreement with a pen, and he said to Gao Miao: "There are no other problems, talk to them according to the agreement I deleted, and actively contact Nokia."

    "We welcome global mobile phone manufacturers to purchase our lithium batteries."

    Chen Xiao revised the agreement in detail, and then handed it to Gao Miao.

    The two had a meal outside together, and Gao Miao hurried back to the factory.

    She will continue to negotiate with Motorola after completing the contract with her team in detail.

    Chen Xiao didn't have time to spare. He used the influence of the 11181 website and the cooperation relationship between Baidu to first announce Motorola's cooperation intention to the public, and actively exposed the cooperation agreement of tens of millions of drivers.

    On the one hand, this is an excellent moment to gain influence, and of course Chen Xiao will not give up.

    On the other hand, he also hopes to tell mobile phone manufacturers around the world through public opinion that the quality of Changtian Technology's lithium batteries is better than that of Sony.  exert pressure.

    Once the news was announced, countless Xia Guo media workers and ordinary people were very excited.

    After all, Xia Guo has a technological achievement that surpasses Sony in Toyo, which is a very remarkable thing in this era.

    "Changtian Technology is awesome! Lithium battery technology has really surpassed Sony, otherwise Motorola would not have come all the way to discuss cooperation with them!"

    "Who said that Xia Guo's technology is not as good as that of the East and the West? Hasn't Changjiang Technology's lithium battery surpassed Sony's technology?"

    The most popular "Reference Daily" also described in detail the past and present of the development of lithium batteries, and the importance of its technology to the electronic information industry in Xiaguo.

    This allows more people to know the importance of lithium batteries to Xiaguo's electronic information industry.

    The cooperation between Motorola and Changjiang Technology has also become an after-dinner chat among the elders who care about national affairs.

    "This Changtian technology is amazing! The technology has surpassed that of our country, which is living a good life, and has also received international attention!"

    "I heard that Changtian Technology is a product of school-enterprise cooperation, and the lithium battery technology is also jointly developed with Jiangzhou University. Hey, why can't Shuimu University, which invests so much money in our country every year, not be able to develop these technologies?  "

    In this wave of public opinion, Chen Xiao has indeed gained a lot.

    As for when to formally reach an agreement with Motorola, Chen Xiao is not in a hurry, and he believes that Motorola will definitely be more anxious than himself.

    Let the bullets fly for a while

    During this period of time, Chen Xiao hardly lived in the dormitory.

    After dinner, he will drive to the former Zhongjing Company.

    However, this time, the Zhongjing company has been changed by Chen Xiao to a carbon crystal storage laboratory.

    On this day, all the equipment has been produced, debugged and installed, and the next step is to witness the miracle.
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