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Text Chapter 863 Should have dug out the old bottom of Europe

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    Chapter 863 should have dug out the old bottom of Europe

    Francis Strasbourg.

    The European Parliament is reviewing the application for the listing of wearable devices in Europe proposed by Changtian Technology.

    This time, a consensus has been reached within the EU.

    The launch of Longsky Technology's wearable devices in Europe can drive the European economy, so most members of parliament will agree to the launch of Longsky Technology's wearable devices in Europe.

    This time the motion is a three-in-one motion.

    ? Not only Longsky Technology¡¯s wearable devices are listed in Europe, but also Longsky Technology cooperates with some European companies to jointly produce and develop wearable devices and related applications.

    Jobs is still waiting for the news in his hotel in France.

    He also met with Simpson, the president of Nokia.

    ? Through the news learned from within the EU Parliament, and the operation during this period.

    Jobs was able to confirm that it should be a very simple matter to obtain the consent of more than 2/3 of the members of the parliament this time.

    Now just wait for the good news.

    ? Review of the Trasbourg motion begins.

    Everything went very smoothly.

    Outside the parliament, a large number of protests suddenly appeared.

    Everyone shouted slogans and held up slogans.

    Request the European Parliament to ban the introduction of Longsky Technology's wearable devices.

    There are many slogans and slogans.

    There are nothing more than the following points.

    One is a violation of user privacy.

    ?Feel that wearable devices allow users to appear in the virtual world with their real identity and image.

    It is tantamount to exposing all his information to Changtian Technology.

    On the other hand, it criticizes that wearable devices will endanger human life and health, and will have a serious impact on people's vision and brain.

    In the end, it is believed that Changtian Technology's investment in Europe or new factories will allow Xia people to enter the European market to work and seize employment opportunities for Europeans.

    Everything is such a coincidence.

    Immediately afterwards, on Twitter, two pieces of heavy news from the Kingdom of Xia flooded the screen.

    A university student from Xia who used a wearable device was subjected to cyber violence because of different opinions in a game in the virtual world.

    Many netizens came directly to the campus of this college student, insulting or harassing him.

    The last college student committed suicide by jumping off the building because of unbearable pressure.

    This news was posted on Twitter, leading related topics to network information security.

    Criticize Longsky Technology's wearable devices, there is no way to protect the privacy of users.

    This news is just an American engineer of a multinational company and one of the users of wearable devices.

    ?Because wearable devices are very convenient, coupled with the fact that precision engineers are in a hurry, it is necessary to complete the summary and report of some technical data in a short period of time for commercial bidding.

    So this Israeli engineer used wearable devices to complete some business materials through some smart applications of the ecological chain.

    I didn't know the relevant information, but it was leaked that night.

    And it was acquired by a Xia country company.

    In the end, in the competition between the two sides, American companies have recently lost.

    This incident was widely reported by the media in the United States.

    And this Xiaguo company has been sued in the courts of the United States and Xiaguo.

    Relevant departments in the United States are also launching corresponding procedures to investigate this information leak.

    Two pieces of news caused an uproar on Twitter.

    Under the instigation of some media and foundations.

    The protests are getting louder and louder.

    This time the voting motion was read out in the European Union's parliament.

    The crowd of protesters has reached tens of thousands, and surrounded the entrance of the parliament.

    After the bill is read out, there will be a break for a period of time according to the corresponding procedures.

    This period of time is for members of parliament to conduct detailed discussions and prepare for the next reading and voting.

    In fact, this time, neither Changtian Technology nor Jobs himself.

    All the work has been done in the early stage.

    And this time the wearable products of the same Changtian Technology are launched in Europe, so that these parliamentarians themselves can get a lot of benefits from it.

    Therefore, it is basically 100% that the bill is passed.

    &n? industrial countries.

    The most powerful is the automobile industry.

    Only wait for their auto industry to have problems.

    Only then did they know how to choose their own path.

    In a video conference in a virtual world.

    Chen Xiao told Jobs that he would immediately terminate the cooperation agreement with Europe.

    Jobs even said, "May I fight for it?"

    However, Chen Xiao rejected Jobs' proposal.

    He said to Jobs: "Cooperation is mutual."

    "If we take some measures, let the Europeans reluctantly accept cooperation with us."

    "Many Europeans are still worried that this kind of cooperation will cause problems sooner or later. If they are unwilling, then don't."

    Changtian Technology's development of the European market is not to make money, but to integrate the global technology chain and bring the global technology production capacity to a new era as soon as possible.

    It is a pity that Europe is still the arrogant Europe.

    This incident also changed Chen Xiao's strategy towards Europe.

    Europe is sure to win over.

    However, we can no longer adopt the win-win cooperation strategy of the past.

    Changtian Technology does not want a win-win situation.

    Take it all!

    Chen Xiao never played a single card in his hand.

    In fact, it is giving Europe a chance to breathe.

    See if you can integrate Europe into the fast lane of Xia Kingdom's development, so as to avoid internal friction.

    It seems.

    This method will not work.

    There is something wrong with the brains of Westerners.

    Obviously knowing that it is a fire pit, if you don't jump down and try it yourself, you really don't know that there is hell below.

    The cards in his hand must be played out.

    Two incidents in the virtual world should also be held accountable!

    After meeting with Chen Xiao.

    On the same day, Jobs held a press conference on behalf of Hanhai Technology in the hotel where he was stationed.

    At the press conference, all Western journalists were present.
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