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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Junior Feng Shui Master

Chapter 151 Fighting Formation

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    Mo Shan and I looked over in a hurry, and sure enough, there was a figure standing on the opposite mountain.

    He seemed to be looking at us too.

    "What is he doing?"

    Mo Shan asked in doubt.

    I saw the opponent's movement, picked up a command flag, and waved it up and down twice.

    He was responding to me, also waving the command flag.

    "He is the banner master, and he should also be the setter."

    "Banner Master?"

    Mo Shan looked solemn.

    "Third Master, if he wants to stop us, do I need to kill him?"

    I shook my head.

    "You can't find his location. Just now we were saying hello and announcing a fight."

    A gleam flashed in Mo Shan's eyes.

    Fighting formations between formation masters is the most common, but fighting formations between banner formation masters is rare, especially face-to-face combat formations.

    I raised the corner of my mouth.

    "It's been a long time since we fought."

    Once I fought against the Gu master who framed Yan Sitong to give birth to a child. At that time, I was a reversed four-element formation.

    I didn't enjoy it that time, but I am looking forward to it this time.

    "It's rare to see a banner master, so don't let me down."

    I murmured and said.

    "The two of you retreat to the edge of the mountain, Mo Shan, protect Sitong."

    After the two of them left, I waved the command flag towards the opposite side, then stepped on the seven-star step, and chanted in my mouth.

    "One counts hurdles and two counts Kun, three shocks and four suns are the middle points, five counts the middle palace and six stems, seven to eight gens and nine to leave the door."

    What I recite is Houtian Baguajue.

    In fact, there has always been controversy between the innate gossip and the acquired gossip.

    Some people say that inborn gossip is orthodox, but acquired gossip is not as good.

    In fact, the corresponding scenarios of the two are different, so there is nothing to compare.

    The Houtian gossip corresponds to nature, and the eight hexagrams are "the positioning of heaven and earth, the ventilation of mountains and lakes, the thinness of wind and thunder, and the indifference of fire and water."

    Most Feng Shui masters use acquired gossip to deduce. If they really encounter someone who is not successful in the day after tomorrow, they will contact the gossip with innate gossip.

    Right now, the Four Mountains Bagua Bureau is based on the Houtian Bagua, so I naturally have to use the Houtian Bagua to correct it.

    The orientation is set, my eyes are fixed, my own aura blends with the aura of heaven and earth, I point to the eight trigrams boulder in the middle palace, and shout.

    "Arise, replace!"

    The aura appears and the flag takes effect.

    On the top of the mountain, there are strong winds and fallen leaves are flying.

    A strange aura enveloped the entire mountain, and the center of the mountain was the Eight Diagrams boulder.

    I can clearly feel that the mountains under my feet are moving. Standing on the edge of the mountain, I seem to be able to see the mountains giving way, and a path is about to appear.

    But it's just a feeling, it's the feeling that the formation has opened a corner, the mountain didn't move, it was my eyes that moved.

    There is a saying that is good - what the eyes see may not be true.

    What people see is the feedback of the brain, so sometimes the things they see are not real.

    The way of Fengshui, the way of nature, is to restore the truth and let people see the original appearance of the world.

    I know that the banner master on the opposite side will never let me find another way.

    The next moment, between the two mountains, a sharp knife aura slashed fiercely from the top of the other mountain.

    This is a wonderful feeling, but it is a real feeling.

    Whether it is me or the opponent, they are using the mountain to break the situation.

    He set up a formation of sharp knives, carried the mountain to condense his aura, ran towards me, and slashed over.

    But that's not enough.

    I chuckled twice, didn't even respond to it, just felt the sharp knife slashing down.


    Exploding mines out of thin air, this is the sound of confrontation between auras.

    Between the two mountains, a few flying birds in the sky were instantly smashed to pieces.

    And on the mountain where I was, the wind became more and more violent, and the flowers, plants and trees were shaking violently under the wind.

    Mo Shan and Yan Sitong exclaimed.

    "Third Master!"

    I waved my hand to show that I was fine, the Eight Diagrams Formation was extremely defensive, and it was obviously not enough to rely on the sharp knife formation alone.

    The other party seemed to have noticed this too, and gave up after slashing three times in a row.

    However, my gossip array just shook for a while, and it exploded outside the two array flags without any damage, but the opponent at least explodedSix flags.

    The opponent stopped, and the aura on the top of the mountain briefly returned to calm.

    I just stood quietly on the top of the mountain like this, without moving a bit from the beginning to the end, watching the other party's actions.

    He also glanced at me briefly, and then changed the formation, this time it was no longer a monotonous formation.

    He is borrowing the feng shui pattern of the other three mountains, even my mountain has been affected.

    Although I replaced the gossip formation of this mountain, the formation of the four mountains was arranged by the other party, and my behavior was considered a smuggling, so he can mobilize the general situation of the four mountains, but I cannot.

    Because I am missing one of the most important things, the thing that holds the formation, also called the formation eye.

    For the Four Mountains Eight Diagrams Array in front of him, he must have a medium to connect the Four Mountains Fengshui pattern.

    This is his home field, which can mobilize the feng shui of the mountain.

    The aura of the three mountains is concentrated, and the top of the mountain I am on seems to be about to explode.

    But what I'm waiting for is his ultimate move. Since fighting formations, fighting is not only about winning or losing, but also about life and death.

    What I have to do is to win the risk.

    The three mountains came so violently that all the birds and beasts on this mountain stopped calling.

    Like the calm before the storm, the atmosphere on the entire mountain was terribly depressing.

    I came to the central palace, looked at the shimmering gossip map, and slammed the boulder with both hands.

    Can't let the other party mobilize the mountain of my mountain, otherwise I won't even have the last foothold.

    The gossip map on the boulder stopped flickering, but the next moment, the general trend of the three mountains had been condensed.

    Three directions, three general trends, like a huge millstone rushing towards me to crush it.

    Logically speaking, this is very difficult to resist, Feng Shui masters are also human beings, I am not a god.

    When the right time and place are controlled by the opponent, it is unrealistic to rely on a mountain to fight alone.

    But I also have killer moves.

    I directly threw the Dingtian compass out, and it stopped in the sky above the center of the four mountains. Immediately, Dingtian began to spin around.

    I guess the face of the other party may have turned green, because when Dingtian was spinning, Sanshan's Mopan momentum began to be divided, and he lost the previous destructive momentum, and directly confronted Dingtian.

    I smiled slightly.

    Before, I thought about only opening a gap path, but now that the general situation of the three mountains has been mobilized, I have the opportunity to open the real path to the Heavenly Corpse Land.

    I quickly changed the direction of the command flag, from positive eight trigrams to negative eight trigrams, and then, the Fengshui mountain of my mountain surged out.

    The moment the mountain was out, I controlled the Dingtian compass to lift the confrontation, and the momentum of the divided millstone turned into three directions, colliding with the mountain I controlled.

    I squeezed a fist, grabbed Dingtian, and immediately shouted at Mo Shan and Yan Sitong who were stunned.

    "Get down!"

    Without the slightest hesitation, the two of them fell to the ground decisively.

    I ran out, and the next moment, there was a loud rumbling noise from the sky and the earth!

    The whole mountain was shaking!  (Remember the site URL:
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