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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Junior Feng Shui Master

Chapter 294 Extreme Coping

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    The woman's eyes were bloody red, and half of her face was distorted abnormally, making her look extremely terrifying.

    What's even more frightening is her body, which is a centipede's body with a width of one meter.

    Those thick, densely packed feet made my scalp tingle.

    Both Ning An and I were shocked, but we didn't feel timid in our hearts. It would be much easier to know what the other party is.

    I let out a low cry, a dagger appeared in my hand, and stabbed at the woman's face.

    I didn't think about stabbing the opponent, but forced it to divert its attack, at least its tail should divert!

    Ning An also pierced it with a dagger, we both had the same idea, give up the protection of Chu Tianxin, and directly attack the human-faced centipede!

    If it were Li Tiezhu, he would definitely stand in front of Chu Tianxin, but Ning An and I would not, even if Chu Tianxin was replaced by one of us.

    Because we believe that the centipede will not trade injuries for injuries!


    The human-faced centipede didn't spit out the letter, and it seems that there is no letter either!

    But it made a snake-like hissing sound, then quickly retracted its tail, and swept towards me and Ning An sideways.

    Its speed is still very fast. If Ning An and I hadn't reacted quickly, we would never have been able to dodge this blow.

    Under the light of the flashlight, the body of the centipede is covered with steel gloom. It looks like it has a good defense and is full of powerful power!

    "Go find the door! Li Tiezhu protects your elder brother!"

    I roared towards the bottom, turned my body abruptly at an angle in mid-air, and then stepped on the tail of the attacking centipede, and with a buffer force, I pulled myself up, and the dagger stabbed at its face again!

    Ning An also dodged, but he lowered a body, and he wanted to attack the centipede's hanging tail!


    Humanized anger was revealed on the distorted face of the centipede, roaring at us, twisting its body frantically in the air.

    My dagger is only one meter away from its face, and now I am in mid-air, no matter how fast it is, it is not much faster than me.

    The only way it can do now is to swing its tail up and give me a blow, but there is still Ning An waiting below.

    In just a few seconds, the two of us, a monster, seemed to be spinning thousands of thoughts in the air.

    Seeing the blood-red eyes of the centipede with a human face began to turn, and blood flowed out!

    The next moment, my brain became confused, and for a moment, I didn't know anything.

    My thoughts seemed to be plunged into the monstrous sea of ??blood, and I also seemed to see the woman soaked in the depths of the sea of ??blood!

    "Third Master!"

    A bell-like furious sound came from my ears, and I regained my clarity, only to see the face of the centipede with a human face had come before my eyes.

    It opened its mouth, revealing a row of extremely sharp teeth that were not human-like.

    A foul smell entered my nose.

    Now I don't have time to lift the dagger that just hung down. I didn't have time to think about it, so I turned my heart and bumped it headfirst.

    But I am not stupid, instead of hitting its mouth, I am facing its head.



    This stench almost sent me flying.

    At this time, my body began to fall, but the centipede and Ning An also fell.

    Although no one took advantage of our blow just now, the current situation has achieved the expected effect.

    Ning An and I held off the human-faced centipede!

    I didn't have time to see Chu Tianxin and Li Tiezhu, but I shouted at Ning An.

    "Don't look into its eyes, its resentment and negative emotions can turn into mental attacks through the eyes!"

    Ning An responded and responded.

    "Change position!"

    The three of us were about to fall to the ground, but Ning An was the first to land. He touched the ground with his toes, jumped up, raised the dagger in his hand, and pierced the centipede's eyes.

    There is a tacit understanding between Ning An and I, and it happens to change positions at this time.

    The human-faced centipede wanted to throw its tail subconsciously. When I landed, I held the dagger with both hands and stabbed it hard at its tail.


    It was as if iron tools were clanging, the sound was extremely ear-piercing, and sparks burst out directly.

    ?The dagger in my hand drew a long mark on the body of the centipede, butFailed to break its defense.

    But Ning An was about to succeed, and the dagger was about to pierce the face!

    Suddenly, the blood-red eyeballs of the human-faced centipede flickered, and I hurriedly said.


    Ning An had been prepared for a long time, and immediately closed his eyes, and the movements of his hands were not slow but fast.



    The miserable scream of the woman resounded in my ears and spread throughout the entire hall!

    For a moment, Ning An and I paused.

    The left eye of the human face centipede was completely pierced by a dagger. Its strange attack is the eye, and its weakness is also the eye!

    But seeing that the human-faced centipede was about to flee while Ning An and I paused.

    A figure like an iron tower suddenly appeared, and Li Tiezhu yelled loudly, falling from the sky, and a pair of fists were like iron fists, hitting the centipede's head fiercely.

    This time, there is no woman's cry. I guess one eye and one cry are the main attack methods of the centipede.


    The human-faced centipede bent down directly.

    I rushed up immediately, and the dagger in my hand was inserted into its right eye!

    Blood spurted out, and I quickly dodged.

    The human-faced centipede was buzzing non-stop, and the whole face was distorted out of shape, excruciatingly painful.

    Suddenly there was a knocking sound of the door opening in the distance, and then Chu Tianxin shouted.

    "Come here quickly! They are about to wake up!"

    I looked surprised and hurriedly said.

    "Let's go!"

    I, Ning An, and Li Tiezhu didn't care about the human-faced centipede, and rushed to Chu Tianxin's position.

    The distance of tens of meters was quickly reached, and then strange sounds came from the entire hall.

    Under the reflection of the flashlight, the three pairs of strange eyeballs emitted their own light.

    Standing outside the door, Chu Tianxin hurriedly patted the pimple on Toad's body, and saw the stone door began to close slowly.

    At the last moment, I saw the eyeballs of the other three stone statues shining with strange lights.

    Another few monsters with human faces are rushing towards us at high speed!


    The moment the stone door closed, a woman's pale face hit the stone door.

    The whole stone gate seemed to tremble.

    But fortunately, it didn't come out.

    It didn't take long for all these changes, but during this period of time, our experience in dealing with sudden dangers was really tested.

    In the end, if Li Tiezhu hadn't come to help, Ning An and I wouldn't be able to keep the human-faced centipede.

    And once it gets out of trouble, it's very difficult to trap it again.

    After we have been entangled for a long time, other monsters that come back to life will be a big trouble.

    Ning An and I leaned against the stone gate, looked at the tomb passage ahead, and breathed a sigh of relief.

    Chu Tianxin waited for a while before speaking.

    "It is the light that wakes them up." (Remember the URL of this website:
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