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Body 434. Registration qualifications

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    A thousand gold Galleons is a huge bonus that even a pure-blooded family like Malfoy can't easily ignore, so except for Fisher who has long made up his mind to participate, most of the students also rose  thought of signing up.

    Although most of them also know that they are unlikely to be selected as warriors, but

    Anyway, there is no registration fee, so what if you get selected?

    So the whole auditorium became noisy again, and everyone's faces showed excitement, especially the twins of the Weasley family, who were already talking about their registration.

    It wasn't just the two of them, there were quite a few people watching Dumbledore fanatically at the table in each college, or whispering excitedly to their neighbors.

    Then Dumbledore spoke again, and the Hall fell silent again.

    "I know you are all eager to win the Triwizard Tournament for Hogwarts," he said, "however, the participating schools and the Ministry of Magic have agreed that there will be an age cut-off for this year's competitors.  Years old¡ªthat is, students over the age of seventeen are allowed to register for consideration."

    Before he finished speaking, the unqualified students below made angry protests one after another, and the one who shouted the loudest was Fisch.  .

    "It's not fair meow! Obviously those people can't beat Fish!"


    Mao Mao jumped onto the dining table suddenly, raised her hands high and yelled loudly, and received a lot of support from the surrounding students.

    "That's right! We are not convinced!"

    "Why can't we participate!"

    With Fisch's leadership, more and more students joined the ranks of protests.

    Compared to Fish and the others who were filled with righteous indignation, those little wizards who had turned seventeen were secretly happy

    Originally they were going to compete with Fish, who had beaten all Hogwarts invincibles, and they didn't have much confidence, but now that Mao Mao might not be able to participate due to age, wouldn't their chance come?  !

    Dumbledore seemed to have expected this kind of thing to happen a long time ago. He smiled and let the big guys make a fuss for a while, and then stretched out his hands and pressed it to signal everyone to be quiet.

    "We feel that this measure is very necessary, because the competition is still very difficult and dangerous. No matter how many precautions we take, it is impossible for students under the sixth and seventh grades to handle it. But¡ª"

    Seeing signs of commotion among the students again, Dumbledore raised his voice and continued: "We have also prepared a test for those students who think they are capable enough to participate but have not reached the age limit, as long as you can  Pass this test no matter what method you use, then you can go to sign up."

    He smiled and said another registration method, which calmed Fish and others who were still about to make a fuss.

    "What is the content of the test?!"

    George asked loudly, he is very depressed now, he and Fred will be seventeen years old in April next year, and they were almost disqualified from the competition.

    "I can't tell you now," said Dumbledore, "I'll tell you the test contents when the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegations arrive in October."

    After he skipped this question, he turned to talk about the other two schools.

    "Students from those two schools will spend most of this school year with us. I know that you will be warm and friendly when our foreign dignitaries stay here, and that Hogwarts warriors once  In the end, you will support him or her wholeheartedly."

    Dumbledore clapped his palms and delivered his final speech: "Okay, it's getting late now, and it's very important for you to walk into class tomorrow morning refreshed and clear-headed. Go to bed! Hurry up!"

    Dumbledore sat down and turned to talk to Mad-Eye Moody.  There was a clack, clack, ping, ping, ping, pong, and bang in the auditorium. The students stood up one after another, rushed towards a double door, and entered the foyer.

    "What do you say will be tested at that time?"

    Everyone followed the flow of people to their respective dormitories, and chatted with the classmates around them. Naturally, the question of signing up for the test was the most discussed, and Fisher and the others were no exception.

    "I don't know, anyway, Fish will definitely win meow!"


    Mao Mao replied very confidently.

    "I'm afraid I won't be able to" Ron has already started to shrink back, "My grades are mediocre, and I couldn't win in the duel club back then."A few people, no matter what the test is, I should be out of the game.  "He said with a wry smile.

    Ron still has a relatively clear understanding of his abilities when he is not on top and has entered the state of a Gryffindor reckless man.

    Also flinching was Neville Longbottom.

    "I hope that test won't be too difficult," he said sullenly. "I think my grandma will definitely want me to take it. She always talks about that I should protect the family honor, so even if she knows I can't pass that test,  It will force me to try it."

    Harry thought about his usual grades, and he was also a little apprehensive, but he was better than Neville and Ron in that his actual combat level was not bad, and he also learned the Patronus Charm, but compared with Fish, he was  Not worth mentioning at all.

    So after the idea of ??becoming a warrior circled around in his mind, he was decisively abandoned by him

    Although he would also like to become a Hogwarts warrior and be admired by everyone, especially Cho Chang, Harry still has this self-knowledge.

    Compared with the disheartened Harry and others, George and Fred don't have this kind of trouble. Although their grades are not very good, they still have the confidence to participate in the selection, so the two have already begun to discuss what to do.  How to pass the test.

    "I think the so-called test should not be just a simple battle," Fred rubbed his chin, looked sideways at Fish, and said thoughtfully, "If it's just about fighting better, just choose Fish."  Well, there's no need to think about it that much."

    Mao Mao's fighting ability is recognized by the whole school. Even the seniors in the seventh grade don't think they can defeat Fisch in a head-to-head confrontation.

    George also nodded in agreement, the twins are still very trustworthy when it comes to how to exploit loopholes and find loopholes.

    "I think the key to the test is still the limit of 'seventeen years old'," he said, "Maybe we can try aging agents?"

    "Or to test some knowledge that can only be mastered in the sixth and seventh grades," Fred added on the side: "We can go to the senior to borrow notes or something No, it may be more convenient to write to Percy directly."

    The two people's discussions were not loud, but they were not deliberately lowered, so everyone around them could hear their discussions.

    Harry and the others who had already given up once again rekindled hope. Fighting them is not as good as Fisch, but if it is a test in other aspects, it is not necessarily

    This group of people completely forgot about the final exam last semester, and Mao Mao was the second grader.

    On the other side, Fisher, who was originally full of confidence, became unhappy again.

    "Still studying? Isn't this aimed at Fish Meow?!"


    Who doesn't know at Hogwarts, what cats hate most is reading books!

    "Fish went to Albus and Minerva to ask about it, meow!"


    The resolute and resolute cat broke away from the main force decisively, and ran back to the auditorium. Before Hermione could speak to dissuade him, he had disappeared

    ?Recommendation ticket??Monthly ticket
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