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Volume 5 Chapter 5: The Past of the Observed

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    The sound of the TV is very loud, for ordinary people, it is enough to cover the sound of closing doors, but Xia Youyou is not an ordinary person, as a blind person, her hearing is better than ordinary people.

    The word "outstanding" is not used properly. Xia Youyou is blind from birth and has passed the period of rapid development. Her hearing is functionally the same as that of ordinary people, but she focuses more attention on the camp of hearing than ordinary people.

    Vision, hearing, and touch are the most commonly used senses. Xia Youyou lost her vision, and the three attention forces were only devoted to two sensory camps, so she was naturally sharper than ordinary people.

    The sound of closing the door was small, and although she heard it clearly, she couldn't tell what it was or where it came from.

    Is it on TV?  Or outside the door?

    Ever since her world became a black mist, there were more unknown voices. She didn't pay much attention to it, but turned down the volume of the TV.

    The TV was chattering, she didn't know what was playing, she didn't pay attention to it at all, a familiar touch came from the sofa, wrapping her around.

    After losing sight of her eyes, she began to be afraid of the quiet environment. There was nothingness in front of her eyes. If she couldn't hear anything, she would doubt her own existence.

    Only in the morning, she wanted to be quiet, the voice of the aunt downstairs was too noisy.

    Her eyes started to go blind in three years. There was no reason, she didn't hit her head, and she didn't get any dirty things into her eyes.  But if shampoo is also considered dirty, then there are still some.

    At the beginning, she just felt that the world was much darker, and she thought it was the bad weather.  In her opinion, a sunny day in summer is like a cloudy and rainy day without sun.

    Until one day, she was walking in the park with her parents, and the two children looked directly at the sun longer than anyone else.  The two children just looked up for two seconds, and they all shed tears, and she looked up for a long time without feeling anything.

    To her, the sun in the sky is just a slightly brighter street lamp.

    Amidst the voices of the children praising her for being great, she shed tears in panic.

    Parents immediately took her to the hospital. The young doctor in a white coat looked at the materials for a while, and then went out to invite an elderly doctor.  At that time, she knew that the situation was not good, but she didn't expect it to be so bad.

    After returning home, her parents discussed with her for a while without telling her, and took her to hospitals in several cities.  The doctor said it would get worse, and it did.

    After returning from Shanghai, her father bought her a blind cane, taught her to turn on the visual impairment function to use a mobile phone, and rushed to apply for a guide dog for her.

    Because of the eyes, she was already very scared, and her father's actions made her panic even more.  Why teach her this?  She can still see, she can walk, she can still use her phone, she just doesn't see as clearly.

    The guide dog was not applied for, and my father and mother began to collect information from various institutions, not a hospital, but a school for the blind.

    She cried a lot, and her father and mother gave up the idea of ??sending her to that kind of school.

    Papa and Mama personally taught her about life as a blind person.  Walking with a blind cane, using a mobile phone with eyes closed, walking around the house blindfolded, doing housework by feeling

    She realized that her eyes could not be healed, and at the same time as blind fear struck her, her parents' actions also terrified her.

    Why use a blind cane?  She can walk on her mother's arm.  Why do you need to use your mobile phone by yourself?  If you want to hear anything, just ask Dad to tune it.  Why do housework at the risk of knocking hands and feet and cutting fingers?  Why train her on the premise that a blind person lives alone?

    Her eyesight was getting worse and worse, and soon she couldn't see the figures of her parents clearly. She felt that she was left alone, in the foggy wilderness, with no one around, and frightening noises came from the fog.

    One night, she had a dream of falling into a deep well. The water in the well was cold and the inside of the well was pitch black. When she opened her eyes, what she saw was a blackness that was more terrifying than the inside of the well.  Kicking against the wall is like touching the wall of a well.

    She forgot that this was home, and burst into tears, and her mother rushed into the room and hugged her.

    She broke her little finger, and after a week of rest, she continued to practice living alone under the care of her parents.

    Thinking about it now, her parents' decision was correct, but at that time she didn't think about the future at all, only thinking about her own affairs.

    It was because of this that what happened later.

    Thinking of this, tears welled up in her eyes.  She covered her eyes, don't cry, crying is useless.

    After a while, she finally stopped crying, she should go to do the laundry.  When she lowered her feet, the cold touch of the floor tilesWhen it came, she thought of the disappearing slippers and the disappearing wooden shovel, and burst into tears.

    There was no comfort, no help, everything was just as she felt at first, she was left in the wilderness shrouded in black mist.  There are no terrible beasts in the fog, no sweet wild fruit, only herself.

    After crying, she wiped her tears and threw the change of clothes in the bathroom into the washing machine.

    The position of the buttons of the washing machine was memorized by her parents, and there is a rule for which button to press and how many times to press each time.

    The buzzing sound overwhelmed the sound of the TV, she turned off the TV, and took out something from the bedside table under the TV.

    This is a calendar, which was her favorite thing ever. The numbers on the calendar are raised, and she can know which cell is the number by touching it with her fingers.

    She didn't learn Braille, but her father learned to teach her, bought clips, pens and paper, but encountered her resistance, her father dismissed her resistance to using a blind cane and doing housework, but did not dismiss her not learning Braille  Decide.  With screen readers, Braille is not a necessary life skill.

    She turned the calendar to June and placed it by the bed.
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