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Text 587 The Heavenly Immortal is deflated and happy

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    In July 2010, many movies in the mainland were released, which kicked off this year's summer competition.

    Unlike previous years, Fanxing, who is known as the king of summer movies, only released two master films this year.

    "No Man's Land" filmed by the head director Ning Hao, co-starred by Huang Bo and Duan Long, two powerful factions under Fanxing.

    In this movie, Ning Hao interestingly reduces the comedy color that he is famous for, and made a western-style road movie, emphasizing the law of the jungle.

    The filming of this movie was completed as early as early 2009. It was originally planned to be released last year, but there was a problem with the review, and the file was withdrawn twice in succession.

    The main issue is the scale of the plot. Even with the backing of Fanxing and China Film, some cuts were made, and it took more than a year before it was released.

    There are also certain restrictions on publicity, especially the withdrawal and deletion of files can not be used as a gimmick.

    But even so, the lineup of Huang Bo + Ning Hao + Duan Long is still good, but due to the style and publicity, it is estimated that the box office is unlikely to be too outstanding.

    Another film is Fanxing Investment, the work "People on the Journey" directed by its director Cao Bo.

    This can be regarded as the old man of Fanxing Company. He has filmed a lot of TV series, such as "Snowflake Goddess Dragon", "Luo Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "Mythology", "Tang Palace Lock Jade" and other star hits are all directed by him.

    However, in terms of movies, Cao Bo is a pure newcomer. The cost of "On the Journey" is not high, and it focuses on comedy. For him, it is a test of the waters.

    Boss Cao has always been interested in supporting mainland directors. Previously, Ning Hao and Feng Xiaoning had more resources.

    Needless to say about the former, "No Man's Land" is Fanxing's third film investment for him, and it is also Fanxing's most successful mainland director.

    Especially after Lu Tailang's turmoil last year, his fame and reputation plummeted, and he has not slowed down until now. Ning Hao has become the banner bearer of the sixth generation of directors.

    Another Feng Xiaoning is a fifth-generation director. After joining Fanxing, he also handed over the film "Happy Family".

    At present, Feng Xiaoning is also in charge of filming the major drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan" that Fanxing is preparing to prepare.

    Boss Cao likes Feng Xiaoning very much, even better than Ning Hao, ranking second among the starry directors.

    The reason is that Feng Xiaoning is versatile, he can shoot history, play around the city, the key is not very picky.

    Aside from some work, in most cases, what the company arranges is what it is.

    You must know that many directors have a lot of ideas and prefer freedom, especially well-known directors, who have a particularly stubborn temper and are only willing to engage in projects that interest them.

    Therefore, for Cao Xuan, the boss, a director who is not picky and has a good standard is definitely what he likes the most.

    In addition to Ning and Feng, there is another director of Fanxing that I have to say, and that is Chen Hanzhu.

    This so-called Boss Cao's No. 1 dog licker is also Cao Xuan's favorite and trusted director. Currently, he is not only the contracted director of Fanxing, but also the deputy director of Fanxing's film and television department.

    There are three giants in the Fanxing film and television sector. The first is Ding Ying, the vice president and director of film and television in charge of the film and television sector, and the other two are deputy directors. Chen Hanzhu is one of them.

    His deputy director is mainly responsible for controlling the content of various film and television projects, a bit similar to an art director.

    In theory, he can supervise or even intervene in all aspects of a project, such as script coordination, scene persuasion, shooting content, and editing of finished products.

    The real power is still great, and even the directors of many group departments are not as breezy as him, and he can be regarded as a star-studded executive.

    Cao Xuan let him hold such an important position, not only because of Lao Chen's flattering + loyalty, but also because of his ability.

    Lao Chen himself may not be as creative and directing as those famous directors, but he also has his own advantages. He has good artistic thinking and strong business thinking, and understands the audience and the market.

    The existence of Chen Hanzhu is to restore those star screenwriters and directors who let themselves go to normal.

    Some film and television projects produced by such stars may not be particularly good, but they will definitely not become bad movies.

    To put it bluntly, Lao Chen just kept the lower limit.

    It may not have much to do with him how the stars and gold-lettered signboards are so radiant, but they have always stood firm and deeply rooted, and Lao Chen definitely deserves the greatest credit.

    So don't look at Chen Hanzhu's reputation among the starry directors, but his real power and energy are definitely among the best.

    The well-known Ning Hao had to obediently call "Brother Chen" when he saw him. Da Mimi and Liu Tianxian relied on the support of the East and West Palaces, and they were not afraid of Fan Xiaopang, but they had to be honest when they saw Lao Chen.

    Many people jokingly call Fan Xiaopang and Liu Yan.Seeing that such a woman is true, kind and beautiful, this is the highest state of peace and love.

    Cao Xuan went back and asked Zeng Li to call Liu Tianxian,

    First, be prepared for negative public opinion.

    Second, if there is any "Mengmeng Stands Up" plot in the lower part of "Three Kingdoms¡¤Guandu", he contacted China Film to delete it.

    Empress Xigong was also very speechless, Liu Tianxian was tricked, and no one thought that Wu Baige, the international director and the IP of the Three Kingdoms, could shoot to this level.

    On the contrary, Cao Xuan understood Wu Baige's power, but when he contacted Liu Tianxian at that time, the crew did not finally confirm Wu Baige as the director.

    Moreover, the management team and Liu Tianxian himself had a strong desire for this drama at that time, and Cao Xuan had no reason to forcibly stop it.

    After all, that is the famous Hollywood director Wu Baige,

    At that time, several big stars were about to lose their heads, and it was Fan Xing who pushed Liu Tianxian to the top by relying on his influence and the relationship with China Film Group.

    This matter is a mess. Fanxing has made it clear that he does not want to engage in the IP of the Three Kingdoms, but China Film does not want to give up and start a new one.

    The Three Kingdoms itself is a public IP, anyone can shoot it, Fanxing has no reason to stop it.

    Not to mention "Three Kingdoms¡¤Guandu", now there is a film and television company filming "Chibi Wars", even if Fanxing sues him for infringement, he may not be able to win the lawsuit.

    Due to China Film's face, Cao Xuan made a cameo appearance.

    Liu Tianxian and Hu Ge were simply fooled by Wu Baige and the big production's signs. The latter was okay, at least there were a few people in front of him. Liu Tianxian was the only important female character, so he naturally bore the brunt.

    There are many people who are popular, Liu Tianxian has been so popular in the past two years, many people like her, and many people bother her.

    The previous works were good, and the protection of Fanxing was also strict.  It didn't cause any trouble, and now he handed over the handle by himself, so he naturally fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

    Of course, when some people are worried, others laugh.

    Da Mimi, who is still filming on the set of "Laughing Jianghu", her face is almost sore from laughing these days.

    God is sorry, this is the first time she has seen Liu Tianxian so devastated, she is happier than earning 10 million.

    Damimi's greatest joy every day is to read comments online, then make phone calls with Zhao Xiaodao, and then hold the mobile phone together to chat.

    The actor in the next room couldn't bear to be bothered, thinking about calling her to complain about her nuisance ?
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