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Chapter 128 The Fairy Academy Turned Out

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    "He really took your suggestion," Fang Xiaoyuan said, "but what does the groundbreaking ceremony mean?"

    "I know this." Zhou Yangyang said, "This is actually a custom in the human world. Such activities are held before building a house. It means to tell everyone that the ground is going to be broken, and it is a symbol of auspiciousness."

    Fang Xiaoyuan tilted her head, showing a confused expression.  Since it is a custom in the human world, why has she never heard of it?

    "Because the houses in the city are built by others, everyone can only buy them, unlike in our village." When Zhou Yangyang said this, his tone became proud, "My house was built by my father himself."

    Fang Xiaoyuan's eyes were wide open, very surprised.  In her opinion, the village of grandma¡¯s family is like crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Not only can everyone plow the fields, but they can also plant vegetables, make tofu by hand, and build houses. It seems that nothing can bother them at all.

    "Your father is really amazing!" Fang Xiaoyuan exclaimed, "Can you become so powerful in the future?"

    "My parents often tell me that as long as you work hard, you can achieve everything." Zhou Yangyang said, "Although I am not sure whether this sentence is true or not, I believe that as long as others can do it,  I can do it too." Having said that, he looked down at his feet and joked, "Of course, except for running."

    When there was still a distance from the Fairy City, Fang Xiaoyuan and Zhou Yangyang had already attracted their attention by the noisy street like a colorful light strip.  All kinds of goblins gathered on the brightly lit Chimney Street in the past, many of them swallowed colorful stars and danced among the goblins to celebrate this historic moment together.

    From this moment on, the decades-long tyrannical rule ended, and a new life was unfolding before our eyes.  In addition to the spell school, there is a brand new school in the fairy world, which accepts those fairies who are not allowed to enter the spell school, and fairly distributes the right to study to every fairy in the world who is full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge  .

    The ones dancing the most are the wind-shaped monsters. They leap up into the sky, hover for several weeks, and then dive down rapidly. The gorgeous figures with lights wander among the fairies, lighting up the night sky.

    Lan Dao landed at a street corner not far from the noisy monsters.  In the shadows, the principal of the garden was walking back and forth nervously.  He was about to take the stage to speak, and he was chanting words, reciting the speech non-stop, for fear that he would make a joke when he said the wrong word on the stage.

    Since entering the world of goblins, this is the most nervous moment for him, even more nervous than when dealing with evil goblins.  Before the ceremony officially started, Fang Xiaoyuan and Zhou Yangyang stepped forward and patted the head of the garden on the shoulder to cheer him on.

    Seeing a few light chasers leading a thin figure onto the podium, the noisy group of monsters suddenly quieted down.

    "Cough!" The principal, the little man, cleared his throat, lowered his voice, and made it sound as thick and solemn as possible.  "Hello, let me introduce myself. I am the administrator of the Fairy World, which is also known as the head of the garden."

    As soon as the words were spoken, there were bursts of laughter from the audience.  Except for the goblins who fought side by side, the other goblins have never seen the true face of the head of the garden, and this is truly the first time.  They have heard many legends and stories about the director, but the image inside is far from the humble little man in front of them.

    "Is it really the head of the garden? Isn't the head of the garden tall?"

    "That's right, what kind of fairy is it? I've never seen it before!" There were whispers from the audience, setting off Chimney Street like a vegetable market.

    Aware of everyone's reaction, the principal on the podium seemed embarrassed.  The thing he was most worried about happened. The determination to show his true face was the first step in abolishing the tough rule, but he stumbled here.

    Zhou Yangyang looked around, walked towards the reindeer demon quietly, and whispered a few words in its ear.  I saw that the reindeer demon led the fairies around him into the group of demons, and soon disappeared.

    The principal of the garden became nervous and completely forgot what he was going to say later.  He fumbled in his pocket, trying to take out the speech he had prepared earlier, but was blown away by the wind at some point.  His pocket was empty, just like his brain was blank.

    At this time, there were sparse applause among the monster group.  These applause came from all corners of Chimney Street. At first, they were just small voices drowned in whispers, and then gradually grew louder and spread around, all the way to the podium.  Although they didn't know what happened, under the leadership of the demon around them, everyone applauded in unison.

    ? Fang Xiaoyuan and Zhou Yangyang, standing in the front row, patted especially vigorously. They shouted loudly, "Come on, Director!"

    Applause andThe encouragement worked for the panic-stricken principal, and he regained his composure.  Although he had completely forgotten the previous speech, he still remembered what it was that he gathered everyone here today.

    He cleared his throat and continued, "We have called everyone here today to announce an important decision."

    The principal turned his head and nodded to the Flywheel demons floating in mid-air behind him.  They counted "1, 2, 3" and let go of the curtain they were holding together.

    The velvet curtain as dark as the night slowly fell and fell to the ground.  Behind it appeared a huge building decorated with lights and ribbons and studded with golden banners.  At the very top of the huge building, a golden seven-pointed star logo shines brightly under the light, and there are four big characters below it - Fairy Academy.

    The whispers and laughter just now disappeared, replaced by surprise and admiration.

    The principal of the garden turned around, "Below, I invite the goblin representative from the foundation laying ceremony to come on stage."

    A neat team stepped onto the podium, among them were all the fairies who had worked hard to save the fairy world.  Fang Xiaoyuan saw that Archie Fen straightened his back and walked in front of the wind-shaped monster with his head held high.  There are also mountain rangers, reindeer demons, bell demons, orange demons, five-shaped demons, fairy fish, and craftsmen demons who are struggling to repair the gravity stone.

    When the team stood still, the head of the garden clasped his hands together, chanted a spell silently, and conjured a huge stone brick in the shape of a seven-pointed star out of thin air.  He placed the stone bricks in front of the gate of the Fairy Academy, and said loudly, "The foundation laying ceremony has officially begun!"

    The goblin representatives stepped forward one by one, stood on the stone brick, and stepped on it vigorously. When the whole team passed by, the golden seven-pointed star stone brick had been embedded in the ground and integrated with the surroundings.

    Finally, the head of the garden stood up and stomped his feet vigorously to confirm that the foundation of the cornerstone had been firmly established.  He raised his head and said to all the demons in the audience, "I declare that the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Fairy Academy has been successfully completed. Starting today, all qualified fairies can enroll in the Fairy Academy, and there is only one criterion for judging eligibility.  Studying, thirst for knowledge, Fairy Academy welcomes you anytime!"

    As soon as the voice fell, the audience burst into joy.  The inhabitants of Fairyland will forever remember this moment and place it in the history books.  (Remember the site URL:
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