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Chapter 498 Breaking Gu (Part 1)

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    As the blood flowed into the dead baby's mouth from time to time, the face of the dead baby became more and more red. When Yu Shuihong's mother-in-law saw this, she was so frightened that she almost collapsed to the ground. In fact, according to her story, she couldn't walk at all  , and collapsed directly in front of the door.

    When the little girl's wound stopped bleeding, Yu Shuihong let her go, laid her flat next to the box, and began to take off her clothes.  Yu Shuihong pierced a small hole in her belly button with a dagger, and then began to chant spells.  I saw a bloody figure floating above the baby's body in the basin, that is, the ghost of the blood baby, slowly crawling towards her navel??? After a while, the monster crawled into the girl's body????

    After the ghost of the monster entered the girl's body, Yu Shuihong dipped a talisman into the blood in the box, stuck it on the wound on the navel, and tied the girl to the stool next to her.

    At this time, Yu Shuihong's mother-in-law regained her composure and got up, fearing that her daughter-in-law would find out, so she tiptoed back to the house. She didn't close her eyes all night and quietly told her husband about it, but he didn't believe it.

    When it was time for breakfast the next day, Yu Shuihong's mother-in-law tentatively asked, why didn't the little girl disappear?  Yu Shuihong said without raising her head that she had dirty hands and feet and stole my money. I drove her away last night.  Mom, I keep a jar of worms in my little house and sell them as Chinese medicine. Don't go in if you have nothing to do.  As soon as the old lady heard the posture of last night, how could she dare to go in, so she agreed in a hurry.

    After eating, Yu Shuihong went into the hut, and the old lady asked her old man to follow her.  The two old people followed quietly, and saw through the crack of the door that the girl had come to life, but they couldn't speak. They just looked at Shuihong in panic, their eyes kept crying, and some sounds came out of their mouths.  .  Yu Shuihong looked at her and said, "What's the name? Didn't I tell you to stay with the baby?"  !  The baby is going to sleep, you can't talk, what should you do if you are arguing with her?  Call again, so that you can't even make a sound!  The girl didn't dare to make any more noise, she only looked at Shui Hong with a pair of eyes.

    Yu Shuihong then sneered, "Look at what I do, look at me, I won't let you go, even if I let you go, you are no longer a normal person, you might as well stay here!"  After finishing speaking, she walked over and poured the girl a mouthful of the liquid poured from the jar next to her.  The two old people clearly saw that the liquid was red, like human blood.

    After Yu Shuihong finished feeding the girl, she fed the girl a bowl of food just brought from the kitchen.  While feeding, she murmured, "Sister, in another day, the baby will be able to open its eyes, and you will be able to be with the baby forever??? But that girl, as if demented, did not move.  From then on, the two old men often saw that she got blood from some unknown place, and brought it into the girl's mouth.  At first it was cat blood, because there were often dead cats near their house, so the old man guessed it was Yu Shuihong.  Because occasionally you can see a lot of cat paw prints on her hands.  Afterwards, the girl didn't move at all, she seemed to be stupid, she did what Yu Shuihong said, and from now on, she just picked up the bowl of blood and swallowed it???

    There are so many strange things happening in this family, the old man couldn't stand it, so he asked his son to go home and discuss countermeasures.  When the son saw this situation, he quarreled with Yu Shuihong, and finally felt that he couldn't make it through, so he divorced.  Yu Shuihong didn't make any noise, and walked out of the house with the girl and the box, and later moved into the haunted house.  I guess the reason for living in a haunted house is that the place is full of yin, and it is easy to raise bleeding babies.

    In the past, his husband couldn't bear it and went to see her, but then he stopped.  Later, she died somehow, probably from a sudden illness.  The body was stinking when found.

    When I saw this, I felt sick for a while. After closing the file, I said, "After the blood baby ate the girl, it really took shape, right?"

    Ouyang Zhuanjia nodded and said: "That's right. But after drinking so much human blood, the innocent souls who died in vain will follow around the blood baby. They have no ability to deal with the blood baby, so they can only offer Yin Qi to it. These ghosts are pitiful."

    Zhao Yu said: "It turns out that what the chief is worried about is not that the female ghost blood baby is difficult to deal with, but that he doesn't want to hurt the ghost."

    Ouyang Bo sighed: "Yes, they are one. If you hurt the blood baby, they will also disappear."

    I smiled wryly and said, "Then what should we do, we won't let this monster continue to harm people, right?"

    Ouyang Bo looked at me and said, "There is a way, but it is very dangerous."

    Looking at his expression, I knew that this guy was going to plot against me again, so I immediately waved my hand and said, "I won't do it."

    Ouyang Bo laughed and said: "You don't do it before you say it."

    I curled my lips and said, "You must have tricked me again."

    Ouyang Bo said: "I have been thinking about it for a day today, and I came up with an idea, but it has to be operated by you."

    I was immediately alert: "What idea?"

    Ouyang BoHe said: "I remember you know the art of subjugating ghosts. The technique of subjugating ghosts can drive away ghosts and do things. Of course, it can also make ghosts leave their attachment and become your own. It is the same as the blood contract technique of Japanese onmyojis.  It's almost the same meaning. Their blood contract is against spirit beasts, and you are against ghosts."

    I suddenly said: "You mean you want me to instigate those ghosts?"

    Ouyang Bo nodded and said: "Yes, let them separate from the blood baby, then Zhao Yu will deal with the blood baby, and I will take the female ghost."

    I thought that this matter might be reliable, so I agreed. After all, there is a Zhuanjia Township.  After it was settled, the brick house asked us to prepare.  I saw that he was amazing, and he set up a game with great fanfare.  Let Zhao Yu and I stand in such a position, and he also set up an incense table and placed a spirit detection instrument.  Ci Ao, if I knew he was so advanced, I dragged him the last time I went to the haunted house.

    Let's set up a good situation and wait for the female ghost mother and daughter to arrive.  I didn't know about the ghost of the baby girl until now.  Does the baby boy need virgin blood?  I suddenly thought of this question

    When I was ready, I silently recited the mantra of ghost art.  As I was thinking about it, I thought of Sister Witch, and felt sad again.  Even if I am like this, thinking about it hurts Wu Dan even more.  It's just that he didn't say it.

    When the night fell completely, we cheered up and waited for the female ghost to come and get her child's bones.  I thought I would wait until midnight at least until midnight, but at half past nine, I heard the beeping sound of Ouyang Bo's spirit detecting instrument hanging in the main room.

    "Here we come." Ouyang Bo whispered.  I immediately cheered up and looked around.  Then I heard the familiar cry of a baby coming again.  I followed the prestige, but saw the door of the main room slowly opened.  The lights in the backyard of Guanyin Temple suddenly went out.  A gust of cold mist dispersed.

    ?I shivered. Many evil spirits are so powerful that they are not even afraid of ordinary Buddha statues.  Presumably this is one of the weird ones.  The main reason is that these two are not just fighting alone, but fighting together with a group of people.

    The dense fog slowly dissipated, and I saw the brightness of a will-o'-the-wisp in the dense fog, and a female ghost in red clothes and black hair slowly walked out of it.  Naturally, this female ghost is still the same as we saw last time, still holding that blood-red strange baby in her arms.

    I looked at her, and suddenly felt pity.  The pain of losing a child may be too deep for a mother, so deep that she becomes a demon at a thought.  Seeing me at this time, the blood baby seemed extremely jealous, recognized that I had dealt with her before, and immediately bared its fangs at me.  Before the blood baby could pounce on me, I saw Ouyang Zhuanjia and held the formula in my hand, and drew a spell with his strange crutch.  The spell turned into light and shadow in the air, and threw itself on the blood baby.  The blood baby froze in place immediately, but the female ghost was pushed out by the golden light of Taoism.

    Just at this moment, I saw several ghost figures appearing on the blood baby's body, overlapping one after another, appearing behind her.  I know that they are the ghosts of those girls who died, and now they have been forced out of their original form by Ouyang Zhuan's Taoism.  I took the opportunity to recite the mantra and said: "Ghost treasures!" At this time, I saw the girl's ghost slowly splitting from the blood baby.  It was a horrible scene, as if a baby with a strange head had a lot of heads on it.  These human heads struggled out of the strange baby's body, followed by arms and thighs, which were terrifying.

    The strange baby was howling at this time, as if someone was tearing his body.  After those ghosts separated from the baby's body, I even got goosebumps.  Those ghosts are all ghosts of young girls who died violently. Their faces are pale and their eyes are dark. Even if they don't have any killing intent, it would be scary to stare straight at you.  (Remember the site URL:
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