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Chapter 629: The Mysterious Man in Black

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    Lin Sixing said coldly: "You still have twenty minutes."

    As soon as I heard this, I immediately shut up.  When I sat down again to write human calligraphy and Taoism, I wondered who it would be that hit the bottom of the boat just now.

    I thought to myself that if it was Zhao Yu, would he have dived to dig through the bottom of the boat to save us?  This method is too low.

    Just thinking about it, I heard the sound of knocking on the bottom of the boat again.  The knocking sound came from the soles of Lin Sixing and I this time.

    "Who?!" Lin Sixing shouted, "It's Zhao Yu! Your friends are in my hands. If you don't stop, I'll kill them!"

    It was fine if he didn't ask, but when he asked, the knocking on the bottom of the boat became louder.

    I also find it even more strange, who the hell is digging the bottom of the boat?  This method is so low, it should not be Zhao Yu and the others.

    Just when I was amazed, I suddenly heard a roar of thunder and lightning above my head.

    Through the ghostly aura around me, I saw lightning flashes above my head, and I couldn't help being a little surprised.  Although the weather may not be sunny these days, there is no thunderstorm.

    But after careful observation, I was even more speechless. For some reason, the lightning just circled above Lin Sixing and me, but nothing else.

    I pondered silently in my heart, wondering if it was Lin Sixing, an old pervert who was so angry with others, and God wanted to hack him to death?  This has to be done right, Ruan Lingxi is still by his side, so don't hit me, I haven't done anything bad, at most I'm cheating my teammates

    While I was meditating, I saw a thunderbolt strike Lin Sixing.

    Lin Sixing held Ruan Lingxi with one hand, and chanted the mantra with the other hand. I saw that the ghost aura became more and more intense, and the thunderbolt decisively struck the ghost aura around Lin Sixing.  The thunderbolt dispersed the ghost energy, but it was also blocked outside, and Lin Sixing was not hurt at all.

    "Could it be Wu Dan or a disciple of Maoshan who came here?" Lin Sixing frowned and said, "How could there be thunder and fire?"

    I looked around, but there was no one there.  But at this time, the knocking sound at the bottom of the boat became louder, and with the sound of the bottom of the boat, the hull also began to shake.

    Lin Sixing let Ruan Lingxi go in desperation, and looked down at his feet.  At this time, the boat shook even more violently, and it seemed that someone was beating the bottom of the boat vigorously, and soon, several uneven marks appeared on the bottom of the boat.

    I frowned. If it was chiseled by hand, it seems that it would not have such a great strength.  What's under this boat?

    At this time, the boat was suddenly bumped and jumped up, shaking a few times, and I almost fell out.  When I was grabbing the edge of the boat, I suddenly saw Ruan Lingxi leaning over, so I quickly grabbed her and pulled her into my arms.

    Lin Sixing jumped to the side of the boat at this time, drew out the knife in his hand, chanted the mantra and twisted the formula, and chopped the knife into the water.  I saw streaks of magic silver light gushing out from the tip of the knife, rushing straight into the water.

    I watched from the side, but I saw that Lin Sixing's knife seemed to be in vain.  It seems that nothing was cut.  I also looked into the water for a long time, but I didn't see anything.

    Just as I stretched my neck to look into the water, suddenly the hull made a loud noise and shook violently and suddenly.  I grabbed Ruan Lingxi and grabbed the edge of the boat.  At this time, I caught a glimpse of a huge monster suddenly surfaced from the bottom of the water.

    Like a big upside-down water basin, that thing approached abruptly.  Or bumped into it suddenly.  This time, the boat began to shake violently for a while.

    "What is this?" Ruan Lingxi asked in surprise.

    "Water monster?" I said in amazement.  Immediately, I suddenly remembered the legend of Haihe.  It is said that the Eye of Tianjin is currently suppressing the ancient beast Chaos. Could it be that this guy has escaped?  Has the seal been completely broken?

    ? Before I could think about it, I saw that huge monster completely surfaced, sparked a large splash of water, and rushed to my face.

    At the same time, I saw a huge round head protruding from the water.

    "It's really chaos!" I shrank my head subconsciously.  This thing looks terrifying, and the scriptures say: "There is a beast in the west of Kunlun, which looks like a dog, with long hair, four legs, like a dog but no claws, has eyes but can't see, can't walk, has two ears but can't hear,  There are people who are intellectual, have belly without the five viscera, have intestines that are straight but not twisted, and eat through them. People have virtues and go against them, and people with vicious virtues go to rely on them. It is called chaos."

    Looking at it now, it is as expected in the legend, fat and round in shape, red like fire, with four fleshy wings, and seems to have six or seven legs paddling in the water.

    Lin Sixing also seemed to be taken aback by this sudden scene.  "Chaos?! How did it come out?!" Lin Sixing was startled, and wanted to steer the boat to escape, but the Chaos jumped up and bit Lin Sixing with its mouth wide open.

    Lin Sixing hides?The monster swung a knife and slashed towards Chaos, and then chanted the mantra, and I saw the cloud of ghost energy covering the hull directly entangled with Chaos.

    Without the support of ghost energy, the hull shook even more.  I asked Lingxi, "How is it? Can you move now? Did Lin Sixing poison you?"

    Ruan Lingxi shook her head and said: "No, it should be just drugged. I feel that I have almost regained consciousness now."

    "Then take advantage of the monster to attack Lin Sixing, let's escape into the water." I said.

    Ruan Lingxi nodded: "I run the fastest in the water."

    At this moment, seeing that chaos was entangled with Lin Sixing, I immediately pulled Ruan Lingxi into the water and swam towards the shore.

    One can imagine the bone-chilling chill when he went into the water in late autumn.  I held back the chill and dragged Ruan Lingxi to swim forward.  However, that chaos suddenly rushed in front of us, and its huge body knocked me and Ruan Lingxi out.

    The two of us were washed away. I just felt that the force pushed me far away. When I tried to stabilize my figure, I felt a huge vortex appeared under my feet and swept me down.

    I fell dizzily for a long time, barely stabilized my body, and found that I seemed to be approaching the bottom of the Haihe River.  Looking down vaguely, I saw several huge iron chains scattered on the bottom of the water.  This iron chain is likely to lock chaos.  However, now it seems to be cut off by someone.

    Because the incision of the iron chain is very neat, it looks like it was broken artificially.  At this time, I didn't have time to think too much, so I could only push the water under my feet and struggle to swim upstream.

    When I was about to approach the surface of the water, I suddenly noticed a few black shadows underwater, like a few men in black diving suits.

    Although I was puzzled, I was focused on finding Ruan Lingxi, so I didn't pay much attention. After I swam to the surface quickly, I didn't see Ruan Lingxi's shadow.

    At this time, a few more flashes of lightning flashed across the sky, and then the thunderbolt struck down.  I saw cloudy clouds above my head, and it was so dark that I couldn't breathe.

    Lin Sixing was fighting with Chaos right now, and Chaos didn't know what was going on, so he recognized Lin Sixing and insisted on fighting him to the death.  I took the opportunity to look for Ruan Lingxi, but I never found her.

    Thinking of those men in black underwater, I couldn't help but frown.  Did someone else take her away?  What is the purpose of those people, did they release the chaos?

    Thinking of this, I want to dive down to find out.  But at this moment, Lin Sixing slashed Chaos in the eye, and the huge monster let out a strange cry, then opened its mouth and bit Lin Sixing's arm, dragging him from mid-air into the water, and its huge figure pressed towards me.

    I hurriedly dodged, but saw the blind Chaos go berserk, trying to swallow Lin Sixing.  I heard that old fellow Lin Sixing scream, and saw that one of his arms was bitten off by that chaos.  But taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Sixing immediately escaped and ran to the side of the boat.

    Immediately, the blind Chaos went berserk, biting people with a bloody mouth, but this time it started chasing me.

    I had no choice but to go into the water again. Thinking of the group of men in black, I always felt that they were weird, so I simply led Chaos to the hiding place where the group of people dived.

    I asked you to let monsters come out to bite people, this time I will let you taste the power of monsters.

    When I swam over, I saw the men in black still staying where they were.  But seeing Chaos chasing after me, he didn't dodge. Instead, he lined up in a fan shape, holding crossbow arrows in his hands and aiming at Chaos behind me.

    Before I could react, this group of people actually started shooting arrows in my direction.  Damn, I cursed in my heart, the cold arrow in the water swished over, scaring me so much that my heart jumped.  I quickly dived for a while, watching the men in black above me shoot arrows to besiege Chaos.  But what was even more strange was that several others actually floated up to the surface of the water, seeming to go in the direction of Lin Sixing.  (Remember the site URL:
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