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Chapter 2383 final preparations

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    After receiving the news from Kesseler, Australia fell into silence. No one was happy even after cleaning up the sea tribes on the land. For a long time, the United States and Australia have been like two opponents participating in the competition, using the sea tribes to prove themselves  At the same time, they are also making their own efforts for the destiny of mankind. At the same time, they are also acting as two fulcrums, two fulcrums competing for the right of human existence. Australia can ridicule the incompetence of the United States, but never wants to see the United States fall.  Now the United States has only its last breath left, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to help, it will be too late, unless they can find Fran's kill, but this is more difficult than cleaning up all the snake girls, even Yang Ke'er can't find Fran's hiding place  place.

    In the following days, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not stay in Australia anymore. When the nuclear winter gradually disappeared, he searched for planes and aircraft all over the world, and transferred Australian survivors to China as much as possible. Zhang Xiaoqiang wondered whether Australia would become the second United States, the United States  Millions of survivors have died under the minions of the Sea Clan. In the past, a large amount of food and materials were stored in the western region in preparation for Genesis. With the fall of the western region, all of them disappeared. Under the double crisis of the food shortage and the attack of the Sea Clan  Every day, hundreds of thousands of people are starved to death. The migrating convoy from the central region to Canada has formed the most spectacular long queue in the last days. The abandoned vehicles and transport vehicles along the way are like the remains of corpses.  .

    Bullets are no longer the most produced in Australia. The factories try their best to make mines and bombs. Tens of thousands of mines are produced every day, and they are placed in places where sea people are most likely to appear. There are also sea mines, which weigh a ton  The huge mines filled all the few rivers in Australia. An Australian official once approached Zhang Xiaoqiang to argue that those mines were a disaster. Nearly a million mines were scattered on the land of Australia in a month. With the efficiency of mine factories  Increase, it is likely to reach 2 million in the second month, 3 million in the third month, and 6 million mines can be placed in three months, but once the Sea Clan War is over, I am afraid that these mines will not be cleared in a hundred years  over.

    When Zhang Xiaoqiang showed him the photos of the current situation in the United States transmitted by Genesis to the contact center, he no longer complained. Instead, he urged all non-Chinese officials in Australia to cooperate with the preparations for China's revival.  All the strength broke out and frantically prepared for the chance of survival.

    It is not just Australia that is frantically preparing for war, China is also the same. Zhang Xiaoqiang issued an order to expand the army. All hunters and school-age men and women must receive militarized training.  The coercive means let every young man learn combat and discipline, and set up a joint extermination headquarters to do everything possible to wipe out the zombies in the cities in the mainland of China, obtain more supplies and transport them to Qinghai for stockpiling, and prepare for a possible long-term war in the future.

    Qinghai has reclaimed millions of acres of land during the three consecutive months of large-scale development. The 100,000-strong reclamation brigade is expected to turn the barren Qinghai into China's future food center in one year, and Yinmengfei develops  One is divided into two, one part is based in Beijing, and the important factories in the three northeastern provinces are formally recovered, and the other part is developing towards Xinjiang.

    The big plan for China's revival in the future lies in the Northwest, and only the sparsely populated Northwest has enough depth to deal with future wars. Because of the sparsely populated Northwest, many survivors unexpectedly survived. If there is no nuclear winter, believe them  Will always live well, the secret of watering crops with zombie liquid is no longer a secret, as long as there are zombies, there will be enough food, but when the nuclear winter comes, the crops are frozen to death, originally disdain or  The forces with doubts finally succumbed to the nuclear winter. They don't know what's going on in this world, and they don't know how long the nuclear winter will last, but they know how much food is left, and they know that there are survivors in the force.  How many days to live.

    Faced with the biggest survival crisis challenge since the end of the world, countless forces, large or small, succumbed. They had received a distress communicator when they were in contact with China Renaissance before. Except for a few forces who were willing to join China Renaissance, most of the forces  Not taking it seriously, after they lost their last hope, these communicators, which were thrown in the corner, were finally activated.

    Humans are social animals. There are always more or less small settlements around a large gathering place. These settlements range from a dozen people to hundreds of people. Under the threat of nuclear winter, they are the first to survive.  A group of people who lived there, they should have ran around the concentration in desperation to see if they could find a chance to survive, or be shot by the patrols of the concentration as unstable elements, and now there is the Huaxia Revival  Received, those survivors who are walking around and have doubts and fears about any force have the opportunity to join the revival of China.

    Under this general trend, the population of Huaxia Revival is like an inflated balloon, every dayThousands of survivors joined in. After receiving the compressed food rescued by China's revival, they gave up the idea of ??maintaining independence. Even if they were enslaved, it was much better than freezing and starving to death in the nuclear winter.  In three months, the Huaxia Revival Population Survey Department was surprised to find that the number of people who joined Huaxia Revival reached one million in three months, and 60% of the population was scattered outside and not known to Huaxia Revival.  According to the statistics of Huaxia Fuxing, only the population of the place where the big forces gather, after receiving the distress signal, it was expected to receive 400,000 people, but unexpectedly there were 600,000 people more, which almost caused the food to be transported untimely and caused mass deaths. Fortunately, in this  At that time, Zhang Xiaoqiang brought back more than a hundred transport planes back to China. With these planes, the rations of more than one million people were finally kept.

    Keeping more than a million people from starving to death is just the beginning, and there are more troubles waiting for China's revival. Zhang Xiaoqiang transferred more than 100 managers from Australia to form the Survivor Collection Preparation Management Office, and airlifted more than 2,000 full sets  The armed evolutionists came to these gatherings to frighten Xiaoxiao. Among the survivors, the evolutionists were the superior sons of heaven, and they were the deterrent weapons that determined the strength of the forces. Two thousand evolutionaries frightened those forces and made them  Most survivors feel a great sense of security.

    With these evolutionaries, the subsequent work will be easier. Excellent technicians and engineers will be selected first, and management personnel who have served in the army or have organizational experience will also be selected. Under the prestige of China's revival,  The gathering places were put into operation, and mobile courts were established in these gathering places to try some lawless and murderous guys, and win the hearts of the survivors.

    With these one million people, the total population of Huaxia Renaissance has also broken through to 4.5 million, with an increase of 100,000 skilled workers and at least 300,000 outstanding soldiers. At the same time, it also alleviates the problem of insufficient manpower in various places.

    Xuefeng and Wan Qiang also cleaned up the high-level zombies in China. Zhang Xiaoqiang had also heard about the actions of Wan Qiang and Xuefeng, but he did not interfere.  Wan Qiang and Xuefeng cleaned up high-level zombies, and the quality of zombies in China turned over and over again. After the leader of the sea of ??tens of millions of corpses was cleared, the large team would split into a small-scale sea of ??zombies with one part of a million zombies.  There will be zombie wars in the sea from time to time, making it easier for humans to clear up zombies.

    China's development is changing with each passing day, and Russia's development momentum is not small. Wan Qiang really destroyed all Russians. There are still many survivors in some cities or remote areas. These survivors have been monitored by Blizzard Mousse. In Blizzard Mousse  From the moment they decided to join China, these people also lost their Russian nationality and became Chinese. There are many top talents among them, whether they are manufacturing aircraft or armored vehicles.  , All talents are concentrated in China's second air frigate construction base. In addition, a large number of military bases and key departments have been taken over by China. Now there are hundreds of nuclear bombs aimed at red algae with Russian labels.

    The frigate whose shell is transformed from mutated plants has a strength that is far inferior to ordinary materials. Someone once calculated that if the second frigate is launched into the air, its combat effectiveness will be more than three times that of the New Era frigate, and its protection strength will be ten times higher.  After Le and Delia reached a deal, a steady stream of red algae fuel was exchanged for various spare parts and components that China urgently needed, and even the supernova bombs of the new era also got a lot.

    New Era and China have become the only two remaining large powers in the world. New Era is about to annex the United States, and Genesis New Era has integrated resources. The actual controlled population has reached more than 7 million, and China has nearly 8 million including Australia. The population of both sides  The sum accounted for at least one-third of the survivors in the entire world. The two sides cooperated with each other and raised each other, but they all knew that there was no possibility of conflict between China's revival and the New Era until the Sea Clan was resolved.

    Just when the second frigate of Huaxia Renaissance entered the final stage, the Haizu also lost patience, and the nuclear winter slowly dissipated in the fourth month. The United States finally survived in name only after the Haizu broke through the central region, and Australia also  The most violent attack in history is ushered in. With more than three months of preparation time, the situation in the world seems to be coming to an end. Both Zhang Xiaoqiang and Delia know that if Australia cannot stop the crazy offensive of the Sea Clan, human beings will  Lose all initiative, completely switch to a passive defensive posture, and thus lose the last advantage .  (Remember the site URL:
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