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    Text Chapter 515

    The two golden bronze doors, with a pair of golden dragons pressing a divine bead together, were completely open. Lin Qisheng sat down on the golden dragon chair on the exquisite jade bridge that connected the mahogany pavilion. He looked at me quietly.

    "Meng Sheng, are you back? Just now I knew you were nearby! Although I couldn't see you, I told you my plan on purpose. I wasn't afraid that you would secretly reveal it to Jin Huyue" Lin Qisheng looked at me closely.  , he seemed to miss me a lot, after all, he and I hadn't seen each other for almost half a year, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't care that his plan might be leaked.

    But Lin Qisheng misunderstood me. It was not me who told Jin Huyue a lot of information!  It was the many spies from Star Lotus Universe who went undercover and then secretly sent the message.

    There are many undercover agents from Xinglian Universe. There was a pair of spies from Xinglian Universe pretending to be a tourist couple in the scenic area just now. I don¡¯t know if they can be caught.

    In fact, the three fantasy universes are all good at espionage warfare. In the nine thousand years before the ultimate god war, they were restlessly engaged in intelligence warfare in order to be fully prepared for the official war.

    Under the translucent light and shadow of the Holy Sea of ??Skylight on the dome of the sky, on the boundless phantom pond lotus, my thoughts conjured up neon clouds, birdsong, and the fragrance of flowers. I sat relaxedly on the Yuanming God's chair, with warm eyes.  Looking at Lin Qisheng opposite, I said nothing.

    "Thank you Mengsheng for coming back! Although Shengri Universe lost again in this ultimate battle between gods, I listen to you and I will never give up!! Just to be with you for one day, not just for a short while.  This kind of reunion" After Lin Qisheng finished speaking, he silently shed some holy tears.

    ¡°Now the rain of tears is falling only for him. They are the phantom tears of the tears I once shed for him, condensed into a rain of tears that is unique to him

    "Lin Qisheng, I miss you very much" I said what I wanted to say to him most, but I didn't shed tears, but the tears around Lin Qisheng became a little bigger.

    Lin Qisheng did not think about throwing away these tears. Now the tears have stained his extremely luxurious and perfect robes of the Supreme God Emperor. He was wearing a top-notch suit inlaid with gems in the scenic area just now. Now he is already in the Origin God Heaven Realm.  Reveal the truth.

    "I know you miss me! You have shed so many tears for me! Although I often felt lonely during the very long period of the God-Emperor God, because you were not with me But I thought that there is a Creator God who has been thinking about me.  Look at me, you like me so much! I have never thought of letting go of this relationship, I feel very proud!! You are rich in phantom pond lotus, with rewards and punishments in countless worlds of time and space, and your true body is extremely powerful! But I like you like this!  I there will be many creator gods in countless universes, but you must be the most infatuated one! Thank you for giving me your first feelings. No matter how powerful Yuan Tian is! He can never get this original piece of you  True love appeared before him, and I had already won at the starting point" Lin Qisheng finished speaking in the rain of my tears, which had covered some of the tear stains on his face.

    Lin Qisheng seems to be still crying, but he actually likes the current rain of tears. His expression turns to enjoyment. After all, these tears are all condensed from the shadows of my past tears

    "Little cell! Don't be crazy! I really can't get the original feelings from the source! But everything he has from now on will be mine!! What can you do?" Yuantian's divine voice of creation can actually pass through  The layers of protection from the Heavenly Realm of the Origin God.

    I was a little panicked. Fortunately, Yuan Tian did not attack the outer boundary of the Origin God Realm. He knew that I just wanted to have a conversation with Lin Qisheng. Don't make it a big deal, which would not end well for everyone.

    "Lin Qisheng, in the next nine thousand years, you will live easily. The next time the ultimate divine war occurs, the Holy Sun Universe will cease the war for once! I think Jin Huyue's Star Lotus Universe is already very powerful! Let the Youyou Divine Group be trapped this time  Died in the main realm of the gods in the Tianmeng universe, Wangzhen and the Star Lotus gods finally no longer quit the divine war lightly, but stood firm to the end and became more and more courageous! The goddess Huanyue came to join the battle, showing off her true strength to  One against a thousand Hu Yue used his Star Lotus Flute with eleven Origin God Tear Diamonds to fight to the death with the colorful Star Lotus and thousands of golden world lotuses. This time he had accumulated millions of years of Holy God power.  It came in handy! Finally, we successfully cut off the Seven-Colored Star Lotus and the Golden Color World Lotus, which were the most powerful support for the Youyou Divine Group every time in the late stages of the God War. If Yuan Tian hadn't secretly sent Brahma Xingkong to cheat and participate in the battle to free and trap Youyou  The particularly powerful Star Lotus Barrier of the Divine Group allows the Youyou Divine Group to escape and get respite and supplies. This time, the Star Lotus Universe will definitely win! In fact, Tianmeng Universe is not invincible! Tianmeng Universe and the others are too small.  Looking at the Star Lotus Universe, it has been continuously releasing water and various truces for more than a million years. I thought that the Star Lotus Universe was weak just to protect itself. In fact, the Star Lotus Universe is all about accumulating divine power and preparing for fatal counterattacks. This time Tianmeng  The losses in the universe are unprecedentedly heavy! More than half of the divine generals and divine powers have been killed!?More than 70% of the divine soldiers and divine guards in this realm were killed!  !  Even Youyou was seriously injured, and the Seven Color Star Lotus and the Ten Thousand Golden World Lotus were beaten to the point of losing their vitality.  I restored their divine bodies and resurrected most of the divine powers, divine generals, divine guards and divine soldiers who fought with all their strength, but I did not stop them this time, leaving behind a very painful and terrible lesson for them!  Don¡¯t think that with the protection of Yuantian, and the colorful star lotus and thousands of golden world lotus as late-stage plug-ins, Tianmeng Universe is invincible!  This time, due to carelessness, I was almost killed by Xinglian Universe!  From now on, they will never dare to underestimate the enemy again. The Star Lotus divine power that has been accumulated for more than one million years is different!  Lin Qisheng, listen to me, Shengri Universe should take more rest in the future, don¡¯t be in a hurry!  You have been fighting all year round, but you have insufficient internal defense and insufficient energy storage!  Rushing to start a war when the foundation is not stable is the fundamental reason why your Holy Sun Universe always loses!  You remember to make good use of your Holy Sun Sword blessed by the fifteen Source God Tear Diamonds. The more Holy God power you can use in conjunction with it, the more the strength of the Source God Tear Diamond will increase accordingly, and there will be endless possibilities.  Endless powerful power"

    "Yuanyuan, don't give little cell clearance prompts! I'll sentence you to a violation!!" Yuan Tian was a little angry.

    "It was you who broke the rules this time! You asked Xiao Fanzi to sneak away to unlock the Star Lotus barrier of the Youyou Divine Group. Do you think I don't know about it? During the ultimate battle between gods in the three fantasy universe, everyone should compete fairly  ! But you cheated! This time I didn¡¯t give Tianmeng Universe the divine power barrier guarded by the Origin God for nine thousand years. Seeing as they are used to being protected by the barrier every time, what will they do this time! It¡¯s been more than a million years,  Tianmeng Universe should also conduct a comprehensive survival of the fittest! Clean out a large number of useless ones"

    "If you don't give Tianmeng the universe barrier protection, you won't! Forget it, Jin Huyue, a little kid, can really endure it! Fortunately, he has the same zodiac sign and personality as you before! He really has amazing endurance!! Suddenly, Tian was beaten  The Heavenly God Main Realm area of ??the Supreme God Realm of the Dream Universe is like a doomsday purgatory. Jin Huyue, who usually manages his subordinates without showing any publicity, is so attentive and obedient! It seems that the real opponent of the Dream Universe is the Xinglian Universe! After this  Catastrophe, never underestimate the enemy again! Give Xinglian Universe a fatal opportunity to surprise the main realm of gods! I asked Brahma Xingkong to intervene. If you can be ruthless and let all the main forces of Tianmeng Universe die in the main realm of gods, I think it is still necessary.  Leave some room! After all, they have warmly welcomed you more than a hundred times, and they are all sincerely celebrating and welcoming the master! But you are like this without any care or mercy"

    "If I were favored and biased! I would have let each of the Holy Sun Universe, Xinglian Universe and the Star Lotus Universe win dozens of times! I am very fair! No one in the Three Fantasy Universes will get more! It all depends on natural selection! Whoever wins will get it!  ! The main force of Tianmeng Universe have just died, and I can bring their true souls and bodies back to life with just one thought! I have reminded you many times before, don¡¯t underestimate Xinglian, who rarely takes the initiative to stir up trouble and seems to be quite peace-loving.  The universe is full of talents and high energy. Once it breaks out in the future, it will cause devastating damage. Youyou and the others think that Xinglian Universe is not strong enough so they quit every time. In fact, they are waiting for overwhelming strength to seize the throne with thunderous power.  It¡¯s a life-and-death battle! Tianmeng Universe thought it would win by defeating Shengri Universe like in previous years! In fact, the increasingly powerful Xinglian Universe has already been peeking aside. Tianmeng Universe, which despises its powerful enemy and neglects to defend itself, will fall sooner or later.  Such a day! Of course, if anything happens, it will not be able to touch the Hunmeng Heaven that is protected by your creation power, Yuan Tian. It is completely unaffected by every ultimate divine battle. It is the best and most stable paradise in the three fantasy universes.  .Holy Light, who is still cultivating there, has already thought of his face-headed god Yonghua, who is having a cold war with Yihao Yaheng from time to time! If Holy Light returns to the Shifang Universe, Holy Light's true body will regain his own divine power of creation.  , and his face-headed god Yonghua will soon die, let the Holy Light choose for himself! Anyway, Yihao Yaheng will always be with him, there is nothing to be lonely about, I think it is more than 10 billion years old than he was before  The souls of creation cannot be completely gathered in time, and life is much better if they can only stay in the Holy Light Heaven Realm"

    "My beloved Origin, you are so cruel! You don't care at all that Youyou and the six elves you trained are on the verge of death!! They are miserable enough to have such a terrible master like you! Okay! You should leave with me  Yes! I will allow you to meet Xiao Cell again, but you still dare to run away in such a flamboyant manner!!" Yuan Tian said in an awkward tone.

    "No! Yuan Tian, ??you sent Brahma Xingkong to cheat this time and unlocked Huyue's Star Lotus barrier, which changed the outcome of the battle! In this ultimate battle between gods, Star Lotus Universe actually won! I want to go to Star Lotus with Hu Yue  A day trip to the original Star Lotus world of the universe! He and I had discussed it in advance at the Holy Hui Temple"

    "Yuanyuan, you are hiding something from me again! Don't pretend that it just happened. How many times have you violated the rules? You tell yourself! How many millions of times, right? There will be countless more times in the future! You always secretly meet with the two little cells,  We meet several times almost every year, although we don¡¯t spend much time together, but it¡¯s not okay!!¡± Yuan Tian said reproachfully, he was very tolerant in allowing me to meet Lin Qisheng or Jin Huyue a few times a year.  (Remember the website address:
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