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Chapter 1018 The cruel truth

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    What will happen if a person¡¯s hands and feet are tied, his mouth is blocked and he cannot call for help, and he is placed in a swimming pool with the water surface slightly higher than his nose?

    In order to prevent the water from choking into the nose, the person who is put in will naturally stand on tiptoes to survive.

    But human strength is limited. What will happen when the strength is exhausted and people cannot get ashore?

    Of course he was drowned.

    In that case, it is said to be a swimming pool, but in fact, what is the difference between it and a torture device used to kill people?

    This time z.*co m Zhang Si.  And it is still the kind of extremely cruel killing method. Watch the other party struggle for survival bit by bit. When the strength is exhausted and unable to stand up, you can only be drowned in the swimming pool alive.

    The method used to kill Touto and the method used by the opponent to kill Okudaira Kakuzo this time have the same cruelty.

    This is why after Tang Ze revealed this technique, everyone looked at Kikuyo with horror in their eyes.

    And Okuhira Kakuzo was trembling all over. He couldn't tell whether it was because of fear, anger, or both.

    Who would have thought that this fat woman with an expressionless face would actually use such cruel means to kill people.

    "But the simpler the method, the less likely it is for loopholes to appear. This is why the criminal who came to investigate a year ago did not find the prisoner."

    Looking at the silent crowd, Tang Ze sighed: "If I hadn't thought of this method, I'm afraid no one would doubt the person who had an alibi at the time of death.

    It can be said that you took advantage of people's survival instinct to create an alibi for yourself.

    You may even tell Tuigo that if he can hold on for an hour, the water will be released and he will go out, giving him hope and letting him struggle desperately.  "

    "What a cruel technique." Mouri Kogoro's face became solemn when he heard this.


    "Ms. Kikuyo, you may have adopted such a method for revenge."

    Karasawa looked at Kikuyo who had been silent and said: "Based on the clues I have, the only thing I can think of is the accident that led to the death of the previous butler two years ago."

    Kikuyo's calm face changed slightly after hearing Karasawa's words, but it was Kakuzo Okudaira who had a bigger reaction.

    He pointed at Kikuyo and screamed, his voice even breaking because of the excitement: "You said he killed my son because of the former butler!?

    But he died in an accident!  You crazy bitch!  !  "


    Karasawa looked at Okuhira Kakuzo with cold eyes and said, "If it was an accident, then why did Ms. Kikuyo plan to take revenge on you for two years?

    Maybe you think what you are doing is perfect, but in the eyes of those closest to you, it is full of loopholes.  "

    "There are lots of loopholes" Okudaira Kakuzo's pupils shrank, he opened his mouth but could not speak.

    "Then Miss Kikuyo, can you tell me where you discovered something was wrong?" Karasawa looked at Kikuyo who was still paralyzed and asked.

    "Everyone in the family should know that Master Duowu hasn't driven a car in two years."

    Ms. Kikuyo's words surprised Mrs. Oppei: "It seems that it is true When Takugo was still alive, one day he suddenly stopped driving his car."

    "How can you still drive, because Master Duowu killed someone with his car?"

    Kikuyo lowered his head, and stated the facts calmly without any emotion on his face: "At that time, Master Tengwu drove an imported car that the former butler usually used to pick up and drop off the master and his wife.

    He took the decision without authorization and drove the imported car around. As a result, an accident occurred and someone was killed.

    After that, he even hit and run, crying and asking for help from his master, and refused the previous butler¡¯s advice to surrender.

    After that, in order to seal the mouth of the former housekeeper and to cover up the traces of the car collision, he got him drunk and made him and the car fall off the cliff.

    ¡°Before I threw Master Tuowu into the swimming pool, I asked about the truth of the case. He told me that he and his father had conspired to do all this.  "

    "Then that means my brother was killed!?" Butler Segawa was shocked when he heard the truth from Kikuyo's mouth.

    &#24378&#29306&#32&#109&#105&#97&#111&#115&#104&#117&#121&#117&#97&#110&#46&#99&#111&#10"No, you can get dressed." Mrs. Oppei waved her hand tiredly: "Segawa, please help me see you all off. I'm feeling a little unwell, so I'll excuse you now."

    "I understand." Steward Segawa bowed slightly and looked at Eyou, the main hall, and said, "Please wait a moment while I pack your clothes."

    "This" Faced with Mrs. Oppei's decision that he could not refuse, Eiyou was a little confused, but in the end he took the clothes that the other party had returned to the house.

    ¡°Let¡¯s go, let¡¯s go.¡± Mouri Kogoro left first: ¡°Everything is done, there¡¯s no point in staying here.

    I¡¯m going to play some Pat Ching and have a good time~¡±

    ¡°Dad, it¡¯s true!!¡±

    Xiaolan who was standing next to her looked at her father's unattractive appearance and complained angrily, then looked at the main hall Yingyou next to her and said: "Yingyoujun, what are you going to do?

    "After the blood type is determined, doesn't it mean that Miss Rena Minami is not your sister?"  "

    "Yes, after all, I have type O blood, and she has type AB blood. The evidence we found proves that she can't help me with blood transfusion." Hondo Yingyou smiled, but there was a slight coldness in his eyes.

    "Then what are you going to do next?" Xiaolan asked with concern: "Do you have any ideas?"

    "Although it has been determined that he and my sister are not the same person, she and my sister look so similar, maybe they are related to some extent."

    Having said this, our hall Yingyou began to subtly induce Tang Ze and the others to investigate: "The plan is to follow the original lies and search in various hospitals."

    "I will also ask dad to help you keep an eye on the news about Miss Sui Murena. Tang Ze Criminal has also agreed to help you investigate, so there will be no problem." Xiaolan comforted with a smile.

    "Well, thank you very much." I, Yingyou, bowed to everyone and said thanks, "Then I will take my leave today."

    "Well, please pay attention to safety on the road." Tang Ze waved his hand to say goodbye, then looked at Xiaolan and the two of them and said, "Do you want to go back? I'll see you off."

    "Ah, the doctor said before that I would go to his house to try out the new game he developed when I have time. I will go to the doctor's house."

    Speaking of this, Conan smiled sheepishly at Xiaolan and said, "I'll be back for dinner in the evening."

    ¡°Don¡¯t not come back when the time comes.¡± Xiaolan put her hands on her hips and warned, ¡°Otherwise, I want you to look good when the time comes.¡±

    "I know." Conan nodded honestly.

    Of course he didn¡¯t go to Dr. Ali¡¯s house to play games, he just needed a space to talk to Karasawa alone.

    Tang Ze acted as the driver along the way, and Xiaolan and Conan were chatting behind them, and soon they arrived at the detective agency.

    After bidding farewell to Xiaolan and watching Xiaolan go upstairs, Conan turned his head and said seriously: "Sorry, I didn't expect Shui Wulian was really pretending.

    "Whether it is the parent-child manual or the testimony of Mrs. Oppei, they all prove that what I said before is correct.

    Originally, I thought he might have memory errors because he was too young, but now it seems that Reina Mizuno might really be a member of the black organization disguised by plastic surgery.  "

    "No, Shui Wulian is his sister."

    Hearing Tang Ze deny his conclusion, he couldn't help but be stunned: "Why?"

    "I asked someone to investigate our hospital Yingyou records and found that he had suffered from leukemia and survived because of a transplant of his sister's hematopoietic stem cells."

    Tangze opened the drama and revealed the truth: "So his blood type is no longer the O type in the parent-child handbook. In addition, he has not been seriously injured since he grew up, so he naturally did not realize that he had become AB blood type a long time ago.  "

    "Is this really the case!? In other words, the two of them are really siblings!"

    Conan was shocked when he heard this, and immediately turned to look at Tang Ze: "You got this news before, doesn't that mean you didn't want to help him investigate today?"

    "That's right, I came today simply to investigate the case a year ago. As for agreeing to help him investigate, I will tell him the answer at the right time, but not now."

    ?? Tangze nodded and smiled: "I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. When I met Miss Kikuyo's murderous plot, I solved the case directly. It's not a waste of time."

    Zhida Zhixiao.  Because the case was solved too quickly, the scene where Hondo Eiyu changed clothes in the bathroom and made Conan blush was no longer there. But because of this, Conan, who did not see the traces of the other party's chest surgery, lacked key information.

    So, at this moment, Conan really thought that Reina Mizuna was a member of the black organization.

    ¡°However, since Tangze changed the ending, how could he not have thought of the subsequent impact, so he would throw out this important information at the right time to achieve a smooth advancement of the plot.

    It would be troublesome if Conan really made a mistake in his judgment and regarded Reina Mizuno as an enemy, which affected the FBI's subsequent judgment and subsequent actions

    (Remember the website address: Reina is a member of the black organization.

    ¡°However, since Tangze changed the ending, how could he not have thought of the subsequent impact, so he would throw out this important information at the right time to achieve a smooth advancement of the plot.

    It would be troublesome if Conan really made a mistake in his judgment and regarded Reina Mizuno as an enemy, which affected the FBI's subsequent judgment and subsequent actions

    (Remember the website address:
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