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Chapter 1072 Target Kyoto!

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    A uniquely painted private jet slowly landed at the airport.

    The plane door opened, and Karasawa and Ayako walked out of the plane wearing fancy Hawaiian-style summer clothes.

    Anyone who looks at it will immediately get the idea that "these two people have just returned from vacation."

    However, the two did not stay near the airport for too long. There was already a Suzuki driver waiting for them outside.

    Put the souvenirs for the Suzuki couple and Sonoko in the passenger seat and ask the driver to take them home and take them back.

    As for why they don¡¯t go back now, it¡¯s naturally because it¡¯s nighttime and the Suzuki family is probably ready to rest, so they can¡¯t just go over there and disturb them while they¡¯re still energetic.

    And after flying for such a long time, they also need to sleep and rest, and adjust the jet lag.

    Saying goodbye to the driver, the two began to pack up the large and small bags they brought back.

    There aren¡¯t a lot of clothes, and short-sleeved shorts are nothing, but there are quite a few specialty products.

    Snacks to eat, souvenir handicrafts, and other odds and ends, it took the two of them almost two hours to sort and sort them, and then they finished sorting and bagging the things they brought to their friends.

    Fortunately, the two of them were not sleepy at all due to jet lag, so they had the thought to sort things out a little bit, otherwise they would have fallen asleep soundly.

    After working for a long time, the two of them felt a little tired after taking a shower, so they lay directly on the bed.  &#24378&#29306&#32&#109&#105&#97&#111&#115&#104&#117&#121&#117&#97&#110&#46&#99&#111&#109&#32&#35835&#29306

    "Huhhe's back."

    Lying on the boat, Tang Ze and the two of them did not sleep directly, but lay on the bed and chatted.

    "Do you still have a vacation next?" Ayako leaned on Karasawa's shoulder and asked, "How many more days can you rest at home?"

    "I'm taking leave during the Golden Week. I can still take three more days, and I have to go to work for the rest of the holiday." Tang Ze thought for a while and said, "What about you?"

    ¡°I¡¯m just looking out for you.¡± Ayako smiled and said, ¡°If you¡¯re okay, I¡¯ll always be with you.¡±

    "Well, let's spend the next three days having a good time as two of us." Karasawa hugged Ayako and whispered, "Use the calories you ate in Hawaii to burn off through exercise~"

    "Fuck you!" Ayako rolled her eyes at Karasawa and said, "Be serious."

    "I'm very serious."

    Tang Ze said seriously: "You see, I have already thought out my exercise plan for three days.

    You will definitely sleep in on the first day. Play tennis in the afternoon, go back to your house in the evening to bring specialties to your parents-in-law and the garden, and go home to do yoga in the evening.

    We can go for a morning run the next day, have lunch at noon, have a normal appointment in the afternoon, and go home to do yoga in the evening.

    You can go swimming or playing golf on the third day, and then go home and do yoga in the evening.  "

    "So yoga is your goal." Ayako squinted at Karasawa with a look that saw everything through.

    "What are you talking about? Yoga is to keep you in shape." Karasawa kissed Ayako's earlobe lightly, and then provoked the opponent's "hygiene ball" attack.

    "It's a pity that this kind of attack is not painful or itchy at all when it falls on Tang Ze, who is getting more and more shameless. Instead of restraining himself, he becomes more and more aggressive.


    After a night of silence, the next day when I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar ceiling.

    Of course, it¡¯s not time travel or rebirth, but simply waking up on the first day after returning home from an outing will always give people a moment of novelty and a sense of security.

    Although they have been away for so long, home is home, and the two of them still have a tacit understanding of their habits after getting up.

    Ayako first went into the kitchen to wash her hands or prepare breakfast, while Karasawa took the time to wash up and take over Ayako's work later, giving her enough time to freshen up.

    "Let me do it."

    Karasawa walked into the kitchen. He first washed off the skin cream he had applied before to prevent it from being mixed into the ingredients when cooking, while reminding Ayako that it was time to change shifts.

    Ayako took off her apron and first turned on the TV to bring up the news for Karasawa to listen to. Then she walked into the bathroom and started to freshen up.

    "Today the United States said it would accept refugees, but people in various countries expressed doubts"

    ¡°Oil prices are rising again and again, causing dissatisfaction¡±

    News came one after another on the TV, but they were just ordinary news. There was nothing worthy of Tangze's attention.

    But just when he put breakfast on the table and was about to remind Ayako to eat, he saw a familiar figure appear on the TV.people.  "Tang Ze laughed.

    "So you suspect that there are clues about the prisoner in Kyoto?" Ayako said suddenly.

    "Yes, after all, there is a deep relationship between the two."

    After all, the history of characters like Yoshitsune and Benkei happened in Kyoto, and the Genji Hotaru Thieves Group specializes in stealing Buddhist statues and other antiquities.

    Of course there should be clues there.

    Of course, this is just Karasawa's explanation to Ayako, but he actually knows the plot very clearly.

    This case happened in Kyoto!

    After all, this is a theatrical version, how could Tangze forget the plot.

    "It's a pity that the background of this case meant that Tang Ze was unable to prevent the case in advance.

    ¡°After all, the victims are all members of a gang of thieves, their whereabouts are relatively secretive, and they don¡¯t know the time of the crime at all. Tang Ze will not be a fool waiting for something to happen.

    ¡°But it doesn¡¯t matter if there¡¯s no way to prevent the initial case, it¡¯s not too late to start making arrests now.

    After all, it¡¯s a theater version. Even if you just solve a case, the reward will definitely be higher than ordinary cases.

    ¡°And the prisoner fortunately continued to commit crimes. Now that Tang Ze knew about it, it was impossible for him to continue committing crimes.

    Therefore, this trip to Kyoto is definitely a must for him!

    This time Zhang Si.  As for why he wanted to take Ayako with him to solve the case, it was because he knew that Sonoko, Xiaolan and Kazuha would also go there, so he planned to take her to Kyoto with him.

    When the time comes, he will take two men to investigate the case, and he can also let Ayako, her sister and the others go out and have fun together.

    "But won't it be troublesome to take me to investigate the case?" Ayako hesitated: "If you go to play by yourself, then I might as well not go."

    "Then just ask Sonoko if she wants to go to Kyoto and let her accompany you." Karasawa smiled.

    "That's okay, then I'll call and ask." Ayako thought about it and finally agreed to Karasawa's suggestion.

    As expected, after talking to Sonoko on the phone, she learned that Sonoko had planned to go to Kyoto with Maori and his daughter.

    This coincidence aroused the joy of the two sisters, and Ayako immediately became happy when she heard that so many people were going to Kyoto: "I didn't expect that Sonoko and Xiaolan are also going to Kyoto, so it won't be boring now."

    "This is good. We investigate the case and you girls go out to play together." Tang Ze smiled and said: "Then let's take a rest and set off tomorrow?"

    "Well, we made an appointment to meet up when we arrive in Kyoto." Ayako nodded and said: "The Shinkansen that Sonoko and the others are running is full, I'll have someone book the next one."

    Because there is no airport in Kyoto, if you want to fly, you have to fly to Kansai or Itami Airport first, and then transfer to the limited express train to Kyoto, so flying is generally not recommended.

    ¡°After all, changing trains is too troublesome and wastes time. Even if the bus leaves a little later, it¡¯s still more convenient than taking a plane to go back and forth.

    "Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

    Karasawa nodded and seemed to have thought of something and said: "Ah, by the way, I wonder if Uncle Jiroji has a garage in Kyoto where he can store cars?

    I want to borrow a better motorcycle. After all, I am investigating a case. I plan to visit the historical attractions related to Yoshitsune and others. It will be more convenient to have a motorcycle.  "

    "Would you like to borrow a motorcycle?" Ayako thought for a moment and said, "Uncle Jirokichi is traveling abroad. I'll contact Uncle Jirokichi's secretary and ask."

    "Then I'll leave it to you." Tang Ze nodded and stood up immediately: "I'm going to take a shower first."

    "Yes." Ayako nodded, took out her mobile phone and began to arrange the subsequent itinerary.

    After agreeing on the plan for the next day, the two of them didn't go anywhere after washing up. They just rested at home for most of the day. They also ordered takeout for meals, and completely started a life of lying down at home.

    Early the next morning, Tang Ze and the others got up early and went to take the car.

    Tokyo and Kyoto are two major cities. If there are no direct flights, naturally the Shinkansen will have more flights. After all, it is the main transportation solution.


    As soon as the two of them got out of the station, they heard Yuanzi's energetic shouts.

    "Sono~" Ayako stepped forward and looked at everyone and greeted them one by one: "Are you in a hurry?"

    "It's okay, sister, your train is only ten minutes later than ours." Yuanzi waved her hand.

    "It's not too late, let's leave quickly." Mouri Kogoro urged: "I have accepted the commissioned work here, and I can't keep the client waiting!"

    "Know it."

    Zhida Zhixiao.  Sonoko looked at Mouri Kogoro impatiently and said with disgust: "That's why I just said you can go to work first, and Ran and I can ask my sister to take us to play~"

    "Huh, you guy becomes arrogant when you have the backing!"

    Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro said unhappily: "I don't even think about who was so shameless that he wanted to come to Tokyo in the first place. It's all because of me that you can come, you know!"

    "I don't need you as an uncle now." Sonoko stuck out her tongue and argued with Mouri Kogoro without any sense of being foreign

    (Remember the website address:; "I know."

    Zhida Zhixiao.  Sonoko looked at Mouri Kogoro impatiently and said with disgust: "That's why I just said you can go to work first, and Ran and I can ask my sister to take us to play~"

    "Huh, you guy becomes arrogant when you have the backing!"

    Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro said unhappily: "I don't even think about who was so shameless that he wanted to come to Tokyo in the first place. It's all because of me that you can come, you know!"

    "I don't need you as an uncle now." Sonoko stuck out her tongue and argued with Mouri Kogoro without any sense of being foreign

    (Remember the website address:
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