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Chapter 605 The Big Issue of Inheritance

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    The drizzle in early summer is the most lovely. The thin raindrops float in the air like water vapor.  Taking a breath, the whole lungs are filled with a moist feeling.  This kind of rain is very similar to Jiangnan, but it is not as bone-chillingly cold as Jiangnan.

    People in Guanzhong should stay in Guanzhong. The idea that body and soil are inseparable is very popular among Guanzhong people.  Even Li Er, the food he eats comes from Huangzhuang as tribute.  No matter how delicious the fruits from other places were, he would only taste them briefly.  He even gave some unknown fruits to his concubines or nobles.  What was left in his hand was only a few.

    Wei Zheng was very satisfied with the emperor's approach. It was really an unwise choice to waste the express delivery for these fresh fruits and vegetables, entering the sixth year of Zhenguan.  Datang has gone through the most dangerous and difficult period.  The Turks on the grassland were undergoing massacres by Hou Junji and Li Ji.  Whenever the spring breeze blows across the grassland, their butcher knives are always stained with blood.

    Li Er¡¯s ethnic policy is very simple, that is, the steel knife.  All discordant sounds became reasons for massacre.  When the herdsmen of the Tang Dynasty lost a sheep, the Tang Dynasty border troops would go to the big-headed man in the tribe to talk to them.  He grabbed him by the collar and asked where the sheep had gone.

    The final result is that the tribe loses a lot of sheep, and then in winter, many people in that tribe will starve to death.  The powerful tribe turned into a weak tribe, and the weak tribe disappeared into the vast grassland.

    Yunhao held a book in his arms and was bored at home.  Especially when several women want to have another child.  Staying at home becomes hard work.

    The system of monogamy is so scientific that Yunhao has to admire the wise saying that existence is reasonable.  Having too many wives is a great test for the kidneys.  Facing several wives, Yunhao always felt like his body was being hollowed out.  I don¡¯t know how Liu Hongji took care of so many wives in his animal family.

    In later generations, I was very envious of Arabs because they could marry four wives.  But after he really had four wives, Yunhao was full of sympathy for them.

    The things between men and women are actually boring sometimes.  Especially the purpose of running errands is just to have children.  At that time, a woman was like a bitch in heat. Yunhao always felt that in this situation, the pleasure of a woman should be much greater than that of a man.

    ???????????????????????????When you pick your nostrils, which one feels better with your fingers or your nostrils?

    Suddenly Yunhao understood why he needed to wear a ring when getting married.  Because after getting married, women have to give up their fingers.  They have a brand-new tool to solve physiological problems, which can be large or small, long or short, and the most important thing is that it is completely automatic.  And those panting old men often enjoy it endlessly.

    Use all your strength to go straight, just to appreciate the beautiful moans and the expression of pain or excitement.

    In fact, this aspect of the novel is not all nonsense. For example, it makes sense that those in the city want to get out, and those outside the city want to come in.  The guy riding on the belly actually wants to get off sometimes.  And those lonely widowers think about the beauty of Peak Canyon every day.

    The invincible general of the Tang Dynasty did not enjoy the wonderful way of death.  When Sun Simiao came to Yun's house to get medicine, he just glanced at Yun Hao and said that young people should be wary of sex.  Yunhao didn't understand why a seasoned bachelor who had been a bachelor all his life was so sensitive to things between men and women.

    Regarding knowledge about the human body, Yunhao was always at a disadvantage when facing Sun Simiao.  Even with two lifetimes of experience, he is no match for Lao Sun.  Finally, after drinking a bowl of unknown liquid, Yunhao could only say goodbye to his married life temporarily.

    Extremely bored, Yunhao came to the academy.  He was prepared to do something that would mislead others, especially after seeing Li Chunfeng enter the academy through someone's unknown route, this thought became even stronger.

    "The Wuhu disrupted China, and the Wuhu refers to the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jie, Qiang, and Qiang! The eight princes of the Jin Kingdom fought in a group, and the Wuhu entered the Central Plains one after another.

    The Wuhu chaos caused some killings.  But it also promoted national integration and laid the foundation for our unified Tang Dynasty today.  Now let¡¯s talk about the former Sui Dynasty!  "On the podium, an old guy wearing a scribe's robe was frothing as he spoke. His gray eyebrows drooped at the corners of his eyes. There were deep nasolabial folds on both sides of his hooked nose!

    Yunhao was furious when he heard this, and Linghu Defen knew from his name that he was not a good bird.  Good guy, his surname is Linghu, you might as well be surnamed Huipoyantou, at least that family once served as emperor.  Today's majesty has to call someone "cousin" when he sees him.

    "The one who deserves death is a taboo for the venerable, and is hidden for the venerable."  The naked massacre was called a great national integration.  I would like to ask you, why??After integration and integration, the Han, the largest ethnic group in the north, ended up becoming a minority.  What's the deal with men being sheep and women being food?

    Such a tragic past event was actually brushed aside.  This has been glorified as a great fusion of nationalities, and a bastard like you has emerged from this fusion?

    Yunhao angrily flipped through the academy's classics and history textbooks, and then became even more angry.  The old bastard was right, because that's what the textbook said.  It's definitely not because of his family's Hu origin that he distorted the facts.

    Wei Qing is gone, Huo Qubing is gone.  Even Emperor Qin and Han Wu became tyrannical and ignorant kings who did not understand the sentiments of the people.  A militaristic hat was placed on the heads of two great emperors.

    History is not like this. There was no unification of China by Qin Shihuang.  We don¡¯t know how long the war between the vassal states will last, and we don¡¯t know how many people will die on the battlefield.  The huge empire was torn apart, and the books were written on different lines.  If the situation of division lasts for several hundred more years, China and China may become like Europe and never be able to be reunited.

    Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established a country with unprecedented dignity.  He gave a group of people the confidence to stand tall for thousands of years.  His country name became the eternal name of a nation.  There is no difference between the wounded soul under the sword and the triumphant soul on the saddle. All lives are equal, and no one has the right to be deprived of it without reason.

    No one can bully the people of the Han at will, and no one can plunder and kill at will in the land of the Han.  No matter how powerful our enemies are, the blood of the Han family will eventually inspire us to take up the sword and fight for our own dignity and honor.  We must let these grassland barbarians learn the bravery of the Han family and use their mountains of corpses and rivers of blood to create the glory of the Han nation.

    Future generations should not slander their ancestors like this. Looking at Linghu Deben's mouth spewing feces, Yunhao wanted to strangle the old bastard alive.

    With everyone stunned, Yunhao stood up.  Then he took off his shoes and slapped Linghu Defen in the mouth.  An old guy in his sixties is no match for the young and strong Yunhao.  One stroke to the left and one stroke to the right made the old guy scream in agony.  In other words, Yunhao was wearing cloth shoes today. If he had the habit of wearing clogs, Linghu Defen would definitely be beaten to death today.

    Even so, when Wen Daya arrived, she saw Linghu Defen already dying.

    "Stop! Stop!" Wen Daya shouted anxiously, and the fisherman stepped forward and pulled Yunhao away from the attacker.

    "You are crazy. Mr. Linghu was appointed by His Majesty to teach Classics and History!"

    "Who compiled this!" Yunhao broke away from Yu Lao and pointed at the history textbook in his hand with trembling fingers.

    "It's Mr. Linghu, Kong Yingda, Yao Silian, Xue Zao and the others! What? What's wrong?" Seeing the ferocious look on Yunhao's face, Wen Daya swallowed.  Everyone knew that the young man in front of him could be called a murderer on the battlefield.

    "Inappropriate? Where's Meng Tian? Where's Wei Qing? Where's Huo Qubing? Where's Ban Chao? Where's Zhang Qian? Whoever offends my strong Han will be punished no matter how far away he is? Also, what the hell is national integration? Which of your damn eyes can see that?  Integrated. All I know is the sharp steel sword and the innocent souls under the saber. One hundred thousand women, fornication during the night and food during the day. The corpses have blocked the Yellow River. Is this the f*cking national fusion you talk about?  "Yunhao's roar frightened everyone in the classroom.  The classroom was eerily quiet, and no one dared to take a deep breath.

    "They said these people are not conducive to national unity. Besides!"

    "Fart! National unity, then where is the national integrity and righteousness of our Han people?

    "The heroes of the Qin Emperor, Han Dynasty and Wu Dynasty are described by you as tyrants who don't care about the life and death of the people.  Meng Tian, ??Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing fought bloody battles and looked forward to death. They made great contributions to resist the iron hoof of the aliens, and they were clank-like and iron-clad.

    Now in front of their descendants, you sycophants are misrepresenting them and burying them!  A butcher like Fu Jian is praised and praised by you.  Wen Daya, your Wen family is also a big family with a long history of poetry and calligraphy.  Are you blind, or is your conscience eaten by a dog?

    "How can you let our children respect our ancestors if they confuse right and wrong with black and white?"  What are you afraid of? Don't dare to let our children know the truth.  "Yunhao was like a roaring lion, and his roar could be heard clearly on the other side of the playground.

    Wen Daya is still a scholar after all. For an old man of his age, Yun Hao's sharp words and harsh words made him lose his virginity, and he was already furious.

    "Ah!" With a loud cry, Wen Daya vomited blood and fell down.  The old fisherman was shocked and immediately called the guards in a panic. He removed the door panel and carried Wen Daya, whose mouth was full of blood, to Sun Simiao's Yaolu.  An old guy of this age would probably be pissed off to death if he was angered like this.

    All the students said goodbye to each other. They didn't understand how such a thing could happen.  While they were having a good time in class, the two gentlemen actually got into a fight.  One of them was the Duke of Chu, the illustrious general of the Tang Dynasty.

    ¡°Let¡¯s continue the class and let me tell you about Ran Min!¡± (Remember the website address: happened.  While they were having a good time in class, the two gentlemen actually got into a fight.  One of them was the Duke of Chu, the illustrious general of the Tang Dynasty.

    "Let's continue the class and let me tell you about Ran Min!" (Remember the website address:
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