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Chapter 1320 Cannibalism

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    At this time, Sun Jiao had no choice but to do the opposite.

    At this time, there may be a glimmer of hope, otherwise, death is certain.  Neither Zhang Guanzhi nor Sun Jiao had any luck.  Moreover, Wu King Zhu Xie is dead, and they no longer have the greatest bond. No matter what, it is impossible for these old tribes to return to Liu Yuanjin's command.

    Fortunately, everyone is still there and still capable of fighting.

    Zhu Xie originally arranged the city defense, took the initiative to ask for help, and placed all his men at the north gate, which was most vulnerable to attack.  Zhu Xie himself was guarding the city gate day and night, so his more than 4,000 men also returned to their respective posts.

    All this helped Sun Jiao a lot.

    For Sun Jiao, holding the north gate gave him multiple choices. If it didn't work out, he could still break through and escape.

    Of course, Sun Jiao also knew very well that with just the more than 4,000 men under his command, it was impossible to fight against Liu Yuanjin's main force of nearly 30,000 men.  To the south is Liu Yuanjin's territory, and to the north is the Sui army. If you are not careful, the entire army will be annihilated.

    At this time, Zhu Xie was dead, and in fact, the biggest obstacle to the Piling Army's surrender to the Sui Dynasty no longer existed.  Seeing a dilemma, Sun Jiao simply surrendered to the Sui army.  They controlled the north gate of Qiantang City. If they dedicated this gate to the Sui army, they would definitely gain great merit.  Coupled with Hou Wenshi, who had defected to the Sui army earlier, they could also gain a foothold.

    Sun Jiao then sent his younger brother Sun Ban to the Sui army camp to surrender, and he and Zhang Guanzhi led the troops to fight.

    Sun Jiao knew very well that the north gate of Qiantang City was their biggest capital for surrender. By guarding this gate, they could win the Sui Dynasty's first victory.  And if the North Gate is lost, they will be just a group of ordinary bandits. The Sui army may not look at them at all, so the North Gate must not be lost unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Of course, the north gate of Qiantang City is also related to Liu Yuanjin's life and death. Liu Yuanjin will launch a desperate attack in order to recapture the north gate before the Sui army arrives.

    There are more than 4,000 Piling troops under Sun Jiao's command, and it is unknown how many of them are leaning towards Liu Yuanjin.

    Sun Jiao ordered Zhang Guanzhi to lead two thousand people to guard the city gate and ensure that the city gate was open before the Sui army arrived; while Sun Jiao himself led more than two thousand people to guard the city wall.

    The four walls of each city are basically connected, so the defenders at the east and west gates can continuously rush to the north gate through the city walls.  One can imagine the pressure on Sun Jiao who was guarding the city wall.

    Sun Jiaonai ordered people to move all the rolling logs and stones from the north gate to both sides of the north gate gate tower to block the road.  He also ordered soldiers to form a spear formation behind them to block the city wall.

    But Zhang Guanzhi under the city gate was in no danger of defending.  After he lowered the suspension bridge, he had people use a big ax to cut off the iron chains.  Worried that the city gate could not be defended, he ordered people to use hammers and axes to smash the north gate to pieces.

    The two of them looked at the sky to the north. Whether everyone can survive depends on whether the Sui army's rescue is timely.  The people they hated most in the past have now become their only hope.

    Liu Yuanjin, who was in the palace at this time, also heard the news that Sun Jiao and Zhang Guanzhi had rebelled, and was greatly frightened.  The two occupied the north gate of Qiantang City. If they surrendered to the Sui army again, Qiantang City would become an undefended city.

    At this time, Zhuge Yin advised Liu Yuanjin to quickly mobilize his troops to quell the rebellion, and to annihilate Sun and Zhang as soon as possible.  Moreover, Zhuge Yin also suggested that Liu Yuanjin transfer Liu Yuanan's troops located in Shizeng Mountain back to the city.  Although Shizeng Mountain and Qiantang City are at odds with each other and are the most important stronghold outside Qiantang City, if Qiantang City cannot be defended, there is no point in defending Shizeng Mountain.  If it didn't work, he ordered the defenders of Shi Zengshan to form a formation at the north gate of Qiantang City to block the Sui army and buy time for the defenders in the city to annihilate Sun and Zhang.

    The result of this is self-evident, sacrificing Liu Yuanan's troops to ensure the safety of Qiantang City.

    Liu Yuanjin's heart was dripping with blood, but he had no choice but to agree to Zhuge Yin's suggestion. It was necessary to abandon the soldiers to save the chariot.  He also ordered Zhu Feng, Liu Yuanchang, and Wu Shi to attack the north gate from three directions, and they must defeat the enemy in the shortest possible time.

    The troops of the brigade rushed towards the north gate along the city walls and streets. Suddenly, the entire Qiantang City was about to rain, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

    When Zhu Feng's troops arrived at the north city gate, they saw that there were all kinds of rolling logs and horses piled under the gate.  These were originally used to defend the Sui army, but I didn't expect to use them first.

    The former Paoze has now become an enemy, and the two sides are extremely jealous when they meet.

    Zhu Feng did not attack directly, but first persuaded him to surrender.

    Although Zhu Feng repeatedly assured Sun Jiao and Zhang Guanzhi that as long as they put down their weapons, the emperor would forget about it.  But Sun Jiao and Zhang Guanzhi are not fools. At this time, the promise of the King of Heaven is of no use.

    Zhu Feng was also helpless, but he knew that time was pressing, soSeeing that the persuasion to surrender was ineffective, he immediately ordered the three armies to press forward without holding back.

    The troops of the brigade were as dense as rain, rushing up and down towards the north gate.

    At this time, above the city gate, Sun Jiao was leaning against debris blocking the road.  Liu Yuanchang and Wu Shi ordered their subordinates not to avoid the rain of arrows and to clear away the rolling logs and stones on the top of the city.  Stone after stone was carried and thrown down the city wall.

    Because time was tight, Sun Jiao did not arrange much debris, and he quickly cleaned up the thieves on both sides.

    Sun Jiao asked the archers to cover and shoot, while commanding the spear array to attack.  The spear glowed with cold light and was airtight.  A group of soldiers stepped forward to the beat of drums and stabbed forward. Some were stabbed down and others were trampled over.  Soon a bloody path appeared on the long city wall, and blood flowed down the city wall.

    Liu Yuanchang saw that the spear array on the opposite side was invincible, so he mobilized his sword and shield hands to block the gap.  At this time, the best way is to form a crossbow formation, but thieves cannot organize crossbow soldiers.

    The swordsmen and shieldmen looked at the spear formation, feeling cold in their hearts, but they did not dare to retreat. Behind them were all the people supervising the battle.

    Everyone held a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, and rushed forward facing the spear.  From time to time there was the sound of a spear being penetrated, or a spear being broken, or a shield being cracked.  Both sides tore at the city wall with their bodies.

    Liu Yuanchang ordered dozens of large shields to be brought in and asked the soldiers to carry them forward.  These large shields were originally designed to protect against cavalry and could not be penetrated by spears.  Therefore, everyone rushed forward again with their big shields on their backs.

    The spear array on the opposite side couldn't block the big shield, so they had to stab at the big shield and kill through the gaps.  The two sides fought back and forth, which can be called the most primitive hand-to-hand combat.

    At this time, Liu Yuanchang also organized a spear formation later. A group of spears combined with a group of dead soldiers became the most beneficial and cost-effective spear formation.  Even if the lethality is not as good as the opponent's training, as long as they are not afraid of death and there are many people, they can consume the opponent.

    The spear formations on both sides thrust back and forth, spearmen in the front row were stabbed to death one after another, and row after row of soldiers continued to surge forward. The city wall became the most brutal meat grinder.

    Both sides no longer knew how many casualties they had suffered, and the dense corpses covered the entire city wall.  It seems that at this time, both sides are venting their final madness, and the fallen soldiers may be just insignificant chips.  (Remember the website address:
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