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category Fantasyauthor GongQinSuJiustatus serializing
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concubineBrief introduction:

Provide free full text reading service of the latest chapters of the author (Hongqin Crisp Wine): "The Concubine of the Palace". This site is updated in a timely manner and has no pop-up advertisements.  Su Su transmigrated into an ancient concubine.  The concubine had two men, the former one was exiled, and now this man uses her as a tool to conquer Bai Yueguang, unfortunately, Bai Yueguang is the regular wife of her former man.  In other words, when Bai Yueguang figured it out one day, she wouldn't be able to get along anymore.  ——The whole palace knows that Lanxinyuan is the one whom the prince puts on top of his heart.  His Royal Highness King Jin is arrogant, indifferent, cruel and merciless, no one pays attention to him, but he dotes on this person, secretly hides her in the mansion, and keeps close to her for everything that is good, the small courtyard is surrounded like an iron bucket.  Compared with her, the Mei family who entered the mansion later

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